
UFO Near In Small Fishing Village In Malta Near Power Station, March 19, 2013.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2013
Location of sighting: Marsaxlokk, Malta

Times Of Malta States: 

An unidentified flying object was caught on camera in Marsaxlokk and the image was posted on a website documenting such sightings.
The photo, claimed to have been shot by a police officer with his mobile phone, was taken on March 19 at 6pm.
The object, which appeared black and having an oval shape, was sighted in the vicinity of the Delimara power station chimney.
William Attard, who posted the photo on www.ufocasebook.com, said the officer who took the photograph wanted to remain anonymous.


Mysterious Pond Circles Appear In Eden, New York on March 2013.

Date of discovery: March 2013
Location of discovery: Eden, New York, USA

These unusual holes appear much like crop circles do in fields around the world. How these circles were formed is mere speculation since there is no direct evidence to the cause. Many UFOlogists have noticed the incredible similarities to crops in fields and hope that these circle in the pond may be evidence of alien craft having visited the area. A simple night vision cam set up in the back yard could have caught it, but most people don't want to pay the $20 to pick one up and plug it into their computer, focusing it out their window. And the extra security it offers is also a benefit in the long run. SCW

Woman Catches Hundreds Of UFOs On Camcorder Over Australia, March 2013.

Date of sighting: March 2013
Location of sighting: Broadview, Australia

In this news video, the woman is in disbelief at how the camcorder can see objects that her eyes cannot. As I said before, the digital eye is more accurate than the human eye, but infrared would be even more powerful…sadly she only has a regular camcorder. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
"I was astounded, absolutely amazed at what I didn’t see, which this little camera picked up. Everything was all so fast. I am just astounded that I have got video of that quality and it is just loaded, the sky is loaded with UFOs that I couldn’t see.”


5 Former Members Of Congress Participating In Alien Disclosure Hearing Planned (April 29 to May 3, 2013)

An event of historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time forty plus researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. 

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is "If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."

This event will be live streamed to the world via the Internet in at least four and possibly five languages. Furthermore, the entire hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary - Truth Embargo.

The title of this film is fitting as the goal of the Citizen Hearing is nothing less than the end of the extraterrestrial truth embargo this year. The world's people have waited long enough.

Find Out More Here: http://www.citizenshearing.org/

UFO Orb Caught Over Italy Village With HD Infrared Camera, March 23, 2013.

Date of sighting: March 23, 2013
Location of sighting: Caselle, Italy

Not only can infrared camcorders see things the human eye can't, but they are amazingly beautiful. This guy has a Canon Legeria and it only has a 48X zoom which he uses but it not quite good enough to reach the UFO orb. He probably needed a 70X zoom to do it. Keep that in mind when purchasing a camcorder to hunt UFOs…they are better than the normal cameras which are designed for hi-detail photos and low detail video. Camcorders are designed for hi-detail video and low detail photos…the opposite of cameras. The photo below shows you his camcorder but his was HD unlike the one in the photo. SCW

Eyewitness states (translated from Italian):
Bright spherical object taken in Turin: Saturday, March 23, 2013.
Pointing camera: Caselle (Turin).
Instrumentation: Canon Legria FS-20 amended (fitro removed the internal IR-Cut) in order to increase the infrared sensitivity.
Front of the lens has been inserted IR-Pass filter from 900 Nm (Hoya RM90) that are filtered out other visible radiation and allows only the infrared, in this case, from 900 nanometers (far infrared).
The object is framed in the shot INVISIBLE eyes.