
UFO Near Space Station Caught On Live Cam Oct 2, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Space Station in Earths Orbit
This glowing UFO was near the space station monitoring their activities when it was caught on live cam. The UFO starts out small which tells me it was very far away, but then grew in size coming extremely close to the space station. When NASA noticed it they switched the camera to blue screen, which is a common practice when a UFO is seen. This blue screen confirms that NASA did see the UFO and wanted to prevent the public from seeing it. Awesome catch by Streetcap1 of Youtube. SCW


Glowing Orbs Appear Over El Paso, Texas Oct 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 4th, 2014
Location of sighting: El Paso, Texas, USA

Eyewitness states:
This is footage that was taken out of my own camera from inside of an apartment complex in El Paso, TX on Oct. 4th, 2014 starting at 7:16 PM. The second set of footage was taken starting at 7:29 PM. I believe these to be Unidentified Flying Objects because of the strange ways that the lights in the sky were moving. There was no perceivable wind that day. The lights took upon triangular and "V" formations throughout the footage, and at a few points, one appears to go up while the other goes down, and one goes left while the other goes right. At certain points, the UFO's began to hover until disappearing into the night's sky. 


UFO Shoots Along Moons Surface On Oct 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 3, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is a great capture of a UFO moving across the moons surface. Crrow777 of Youtube caught it and as he shows in the middle of his video, the UFO does not move in a straight light as do objects in orbit. This rules out lunar or Earth orbits.   This is more evidence that aliens do have a base on our moon. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
This moon object is a bit usual in that it does not fly in a perfectly straight line. It is the first time I filmed an object that look like this not flying perfectly straight. Could mean it is not in Earth orbit. 


Alien Face Found On Saturn's Moon Dione, Oct 7, 2014, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: October 7, 2014
Location of discovery: Saturn moon, Dione
Source NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA12743
Looking at the moon Dione, this face stood out and had an entrance in its mouth. This face and entrance looks weathered by eons of non use, but it was once a entrance to an underground structure or structures. Every heavenly body in our solar system is or was once occupied by alien species. I have proven that in photo after photo of structures on the planets, moons and asteroids in the area. We are not alone in the solar system. We have friends. SCW

Police And NORAD investigate UFOs spotted over Breckenridge, Denver TV News Cast, Oct 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 3, 2014 at 5pm.
Location of sighting: Brechenridge, Colorado, USA
News Source: http://www.9news.com/story/news/local/2014/10/03/police-investigate-after-ufo-spotted-over-breckenridge/16652997/

9News states:
SUMMIT COUNTY - Breckenridge Police say they are investigating reports of three "shiny" objects in the sky Friday morning. "NORAD is not tracking any anomalies in that location. We are investigating," said Army Major Beth Smith, NORAD spokesperson. Multiple people have called in to report the objects floating in the sky. The Summit County Sheriff's Office is also investigating. Police have called the FAA. The FAA says they have not had any calls from the public regarding the sighting. Witnesses say the objects would sometimes form triangles or straight lines across the horizon. 9NEWS reporter Matt Renoux said he doesn't believe the objects were drones or weather balloons, because the objects appeared stationary for as long as 15 minutes at times. "They would just sit there... without moving an inch on our viewscreen in the camera," Renoux said during a 5 p.m. live report. After about 15 minutes, a flash of light would appear and the "objects would take off across the mountain ridge," Renoux said. A Utah television station reported Thursday about a similar incident happening in the Salt Lake City area.


UFO over Westall, Australia on the 5th of October 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 5, 2014
Location of sighting: Westall, Melbourne, Australia

This UFO orb was caught this week and it occurred during a outside meeting of a UFO research group. It appears that they were attempting to mentally call forth a UFO orb, which worked. These cloud orbs are linked to the public using some kind of telepathy tech. Although the video only catches the UFO in to places it is a real video and shows us that we can call them to us if we project our thoughts well enough. SCW


UFO is hidden in the Crater Manilius on the Moon 1968, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2014
Location of discovery: Manilius Crater, Earths Moon

Hey guys, I found this this week and wanted to share it with you. This UFO was sitting at the bottom of a crater in an old Lunar Orbiter photo. The UFO looks a lot like the UFO they explored in Deporte crater during Apollo 20. Yes I'm talking Apollo 20, but not some Apollo 18 movie that you guys all heard about. William Rutledge explored this kind of a ship and it is located in a similar crater. This UFO has to be massive, I'm guessing its at least 10-15km across. Have you ever done any research into how many missions have been sent to the moon? You probably think ten or twenty, but try more than eighty missions. And why would they send so many if nothing was there? They wouldn't. They are mapping the structures and technology on the moons surface so that they can decide the best locations to search for alien tech. SCW