
UFOs captured over Vulcano Popocatepetl Mexico 26.10.2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 26, 2014
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

Take a close look at these two videos capturing the same event this week. This UFO was documented by both Anna Toth and ColourUFO of Youtube. They saw this UFO on live cam. It looks silver metallic and then turns to a glowing red. Also behind it, the UFO is making a contrail or it could be the smoke from the volcano that the UFO is pulling behind it. Every week UFOs are often caught near the mouth of this volcano. Also note, this volcano is active and dangerous. There is a cliff at its mouth that falls 600 meters straight down, so no human could enter. SCW


UFO Over Clovis, California On TV News, Releases Orb On Video, Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2014
Location of sighting: Clovis, California, USA
Source: http://www.kmph.com/story/26787725/ufo-orb-spotted-over-valley-are-aliens-visiting-the-area

Don't you love it how the press tries to down play the UFO, by asking skeptics in a university. Of course the teachers there will say its not a UFO. They are probably working hard to stay in that university and making a statement that this could be a UFO could actually get them kicked off the staff. When your job is threatened, you say what your job tells you. 

This was a mother orb. Thats an orb that distributes and later gathers the smaller drone orbs. They have been recorded many times making such orbs. Check out this video of such a cloud orb making other orbs back in 2010 in Japan. Video below. SCW

News states:
CLOVIS, Calif. (KMPH); A Clovis man believes he spotted an unidentified flying object near his home, and he's got the video to prove it.

The video shows a bright orb and then a smaller bright light that appears to fly away.

Ricardo Padua who shot the video says, "It was weird because I didn't see it when I taping it. Then I thought on my God, this is real. This is something more than just an orb. It released something."

But what did it release?

Fresno State's Physics Department Professor Dr. Steven White says, "At first when I saw it I thought it could be Mars. But it looks like the International Space Station was flying over, right at that time. It's consistent with the altitude and direction of travel." (More at source).

Mother Cloud Orb maker below in Japan. 


Area 51 Scientist Boyd Bushman Last Talk About UFO's and Aliens Before Dying, UFO Sighting News Videos.

Date of interview: Aug 2014

I do believe a time will come when the public will crowd fund the millions of dollars it will take to form a lawsuit against the United States government and all its militaries for hiding the most most monumental discovery in human history...the existence of aliens. I know I would donate towards such a cause and I am confident they would easily raise the 5-10 million to start the lawsuit. Just hearing the discoveries and eyewitnesses alone may take years. This is a monumental endeavor,  but one day, it will be done. SCW

News states:
Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. His career spanned over forty years, was awarded many patents, and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin.


Earth Size UFO Entering Our Sun In NASA/SOHO Photos, Oct 25, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 25, 2014, 01:00 & 01:13
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Cameras: EIT 171 and EIT 195

I check out the SOHO photos everyday, and was fortunate enough to catch this massive ship as it was exiting or entering the sun. This UFO is solid as you can see. It is as large as Earth itself. Look closely at the surface of it. There is no flames or heat changes. It's color does not change on its surface...unlike the sun itself which has many mixing colors. Russian scientists alerted the world over 5 years ago to the UFOs that flew around the sun in orbits that suddenly make hard right angles and changes in speed. This is one of them. SCW 

UFO Fleet Over Eiffel Tower, Paris On Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: Oct 2014
Location of sighting: Paris, France

News states:
In this video a young girl was recording group of friends people having a good time at the famous Eiffel Tower. In the background along the horizon, you can see three UFOs flying to frame. These UFOs were not noticed in person. As the person recorded was focusing in on the group of friends enjoying themselves. These UFOs are fast flying and were only noticed by the person recording much later when viewing the video. The first UFO seems like it could be a plane, but clearly, the UFOs move fast and behaves differently when flying. These objects do not appear to be planes flying about in the night sky. To the far right one UFO seemingly falls and flies erratic as it heads down to the right side of the Eiffel Tower. The UFO almost appears to be floating down. The other UFOs veer off to the left of the famous tower, and they seemingly begin to fizzle out. 


Travis Walton Gives Interview Of His Alien Abduction, Oct 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of video:  Oct 2014
Location of interview: Contact In The Desert, Joshua Tree, California

Here we have a recent interview with the famous Travis Walton. In it you get a chance to hear his first hand account of what happened after he got onboard the UFO. There are a lot of things I learned from him in this video that I didn't read about in the book or see in the movie, "Fire In The Sky." I have to admit, I wish he was less panic stricken when he was onboard, so he might have made more progress toward communicating with them. People handle stressful situations in different ways, but for me this would be a dream come true. This would be one truly exciting and magnificent adventure...to meet several alien species face to face. Wow! Travis was very lucky, he just didn't know it at the time. SCW


Three UFOs At Space Station On Oct 21, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 21, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station

This video was captured at the space station a few days ago on live cam. Streetcap1 of Youtube recorded it and captured not one, but three UFOs. The shot looks like one camera was looking at another. Can you see that long white arm sticking out? Thats one of the multi million dollar HD cameras they hooked up a few months back. I have to admit I am a little surprised that the astronauts on board didn't zoom it on the UFOs, but I guess they were briefed about leaving them be. SCW