
Learn From An Alien Abductee About What Really Happens When They Come For You, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: Unknown
Location of event: Area 51

Alien have a recorded history of studying humans for thousand maybe millions of years. To do this, few would be brave enough to volunteer, so alien have to do it the hard way...abduct the subjects. This way they can keep track of data and how things effect them over time. Most of the time a person in not abducted once, but many times over the lifetime of the individual. Often victims are implanted with a small piece of technology that tracks, monitors and even influences the person. Watch this fantastic 59 min video and believe me when I say, it will change your thought on abduction forever. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
Chris Augustin from Aliens the truth explains his own UFO abductions and the mysterious implant in his leg. Chris shares his theory about aliens and abductions and tells of his experience at Area 51.


Meteor Like UFO Following NASA Space Station Only Meters Away Feb 7, 2017, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: Feb 7, 2017
Location of sighting: Earth orbit at space station
Source url: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/99706210

This meteor shaped UFO was caught following the space station today on live cam. What happened is I was watching and then the were switching cameras and went to the switching camera screen, and when they came back using a different camera, a UFO was right there in plain sight. The NASA guy operating the camera most have been watching it and accidentally allowed the live cam to get a good view of it. The UFO had perfectly matched its speed with the space station. I really wish they had not stopped showing it, but it switched to the changing camera screen again and then was gone. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Structures Found On Google Moon Map, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Google Coordinates: 21°29'22.62"N 146°54'37.89"E

Here are a few new structures that you may not have seen. I can see the detail in them and have never seen these two above before. The right angles, and shape of the structure is very unique. There are a lot of structures in this area, about 50+ but this is a good video below of a few of them.

I wonder how many structures that NASA has managed to take control of and salvage for their own military use? I remember UK hacker Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA computers and found documents stating that NASA hand a hand in off world activity...off world ships and soldiers. I will put the video below of him saying it. 
Scott C. Waring

Two UFOs Shooting Across Sky Over Lincoln, New Hampshire on Video, April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 21, 2016
Location of sighting: Lincoln, New Hampshire, USA
Source: MUFON #81792

As you can see from the closeups, these are not jets. They are UFOs and one of them is making a trail behind it to disguise itself as a jet. The second one in following the first. Excellent capture that proves that UFOs wont to manipulate what you think you see. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was reading on my deck around 7 o'clock. I am told that military pilots train in the mountains around where I live and I've always enjoyed seeing them fly through. This happens all the time, jets and helicopters are a common sighting. So I naturally saw the jet and did a double take, because there was something following it. I immediately thought I was witnessing some strange aircraft, possibly military but it was not a jet. I knew it wasn't a jet because it was actually right behind one. The jet it was chasing left a long contrail behind it, but the UFO did not. The UFO was gaining on a jet. No helicopter could do that. I was blown away and luckily got out my phone in time to take a video. I watched the object gaining on the jet for about 10 seconds when i lost them in the trees. I was very excited and anxious. I felt I has witnessed something very hard to dismiss as a "weather balloon" or some obvious type of aircraft. Shortly after the jet and object left my range of sight I saw 3 more jets and 1 helicopters going the same direction (in my opinion chasing the UFO). I also got another video of those other aircraft. I would like to show the video to an aviation expert and maybe get an explanation.

10 Meter UFO On Legs Hauled In Trailer Across Missouri At Midnight, Feb 2017, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Central Missouri, USA
Source 1: http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/132/S132436.html
Source 2: https://www.youtube.com/user/unitedlove77/videos

There are two reports of this craft being hauled on a trailer. One of them also has a video, and says its probably headed to Area 51. As you can see, this is an all new video of a disk being carried by military personal with a police escort. The disk is huge, about 10 meters a gross and stands on three legs. These two reports back up each other and are proof it occurred. 

Some people will ask, if its a UFO, why don't they fly it where they have got to go? Because if it was recently traded from aliens to humans, like in the past, it takes a lot of time to practice flying these things to get the hand of it. Also the USAF don't have UFO pilots just hanging around doing nothing. The last thing the USAF wants is a UFO crash in the middle of some city because a pilot thought he could handle it, but was wrong. 

Also, if it wasn't a UFO, then why are they hiding it by transporting it at midnight? 
Scott C. Waring

Report states: 
Occurred : 2/1/2017 22:15 (Entered as : 02/01/2017 22:00) 
Reported: 2/2/2017 9:20:57 PM 21:20 
Posted: 2/3/2017 
Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO 
Shape: Disk 
Duration:1 minute driving north 15 miles north of fort leonard wood on I-44 north last night at exactly 10:15 pm. saw line of police cars spaced out about a mile with no traffic coming southbound. noticed more police cars with lights keeping traffic held back in the distance about another mile. a semi with flatbed was in the center. As the semi approached, i couldnt beleive that the semi was carrying what appeared to be a saucer shaped object. i passed within a hundred or so feet of the semi going in the opposite direction. the semi was moving at a moderate speed.. the area was somewhat illuminated and my 16 foot penske truck was elevated so i had a clear view. it was dull metallic grey, thick short legs coming from the center bottom like fence posts. thick central body and tapering to very thin edges. it encompassed the whole trailer. it was hanging over the edges. no cockpit or windows or markings, etc., wide central body. about 50 percent body and 50 percent winglike or sauce! r like edges. any other reports? large drone? Thanks

Glowing Object Falls From Sky Seen Over Several States, Feb 6, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Wisconsin, USA
News source: http://www.onenewspage.com/video/20170206/6794697/Possible-meteor-seen-in-WI.htm

This object was recorded over several states and news says it was headed straight for Lake Michigan which is a perfect hiding place for an underwater alien base. This could be a meteorite, but it also could be an alien craft trying to camouflage as a meteor so that eyewitnesses and cameras operators will dismiss it. 
Scott C. Waring

Police transcript states:
((nate)) good morning i'm nate stewart ((brittany)) and i'm brittany falkers new this morning.. a large flash of light... possibly a meteor... was seen throughout much of the region overnight... ((nate)) local five's elsa robins is live in brown county with the details... good morning elsa. good morning - i've spoken with dispatchers in the region who say they received dozens of phone calls for this possible meteor around 1:30 this morning... and hundreds of other reports of sightings have been made to several social media pages. take a look at some of the video that was sent to us overnight from people across the state... we're told people saw a large flash of green light, and others heard what sounded like a large explosion. the american meteor society has confirmed the large flash was a "fireball" seen over both wisconsin and illinois. winnebago county dispatch says they received upwards of 40 phone calls... while outagamie, and sheboygan county says they each received about 10 phone calls. disaptchers from outagamie said they saw it themselves and said it looked like an airplane on fire... while dispatchers from manitowoc said they thought it was lightning. if you have any videos of the possible meteor, you can share those with us on our wfrv tv facebook page. stay with local five for details as they become available. live in brown county elsa robins, local 5 this morning. ((nate))


Jesus Figure In Sky Seen Over island Nation Of Tonga, Jan 1, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2017
Location of sighting: Island nation of Tonga
News source: https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/34256457/tongas-divine-figure-emerges-from-clouds-to-inspire-followers/#page1

A young woman was fortunate enough to notice a figure in clouds and then as the sun got into the perfect position, the figure lit up. It could be divine powers, because the figure does look like what Jesus should look like. His robe, arms low but spreading out. If he could walk on water, then walking in the sky would be just as easy. As I have said many times, I do believe that Jesus is an alien, since the back in the 1950 the US president was visited by Val Valient Thor of Venus and he said that he knows Jesus personally and considers him family. It looks like Jesus himself sent this message, and someone out there really needed enough for him to do it. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
A photograph has surfaced appearing to show a divine figure in the sky above the Pacific island nation of Tonga.

The image was taken by local resident, Joey Mataele, on New Year’s Day above his brother’s house in the village of Halaleva in Tongatapu.

With a clear outline of a head, body and feet, and a golden glow from the sun, Mr Mataele believed it was a sign from the heavens.

“This is an image that was unexpected and I know it's a miracle in my life. Thank you Lord for everything you've provided for me and my family,” he captioned the photo.

Mr Mataele’s niece, Onelua, told 7 News Online that her family interpreted the image as Jesus.

“They all thought it was an image of Jesus,” she said. “They were shocked, it was pretty random to see that.” (More at source)