
UFO Orb Fleet Over Conway, Washington On Sept 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-29-2016, reported today.
Location of sighting: Conway, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON #82483

This report just in. Its about a fleet of glowing orbs buzzing around a hill area in Washington back in September of 2016. As you can see from his photos (I didn't change them in any way) the glowing UFOs stay in a group of 4 while a single orb explores the ground. This keeps the ground one safe from being seen to closely, and the UFOs higher up are just there to keep look out.
Scott C. Waring

PS, guys if I ever do change a photo, I will usually say so and I will only add light or add darkness, never other things. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Event date: 9/29/16 20:45-21:30 My friends and I were at a place we have previously seen UFOs at, catching up, when we noticed at an approximate heading of 190 a craft that was first assumed to be a plane. First photograph shows first object approximately 1° below horizon. Craft is later seen 4-5° above horizon with an estimated distance of 2-8 miles. Shortly after first observation, a smaller light emerged from the first, and took up position near it. Then, a second did the same, along with a 3rd. Emerged lights seemed to orbit in irregular patterns around original object, as the larger one slowly seemed to move to a heading of 180° After roughly 10 minutes of observation, the 3 other objects seemingly rejoined the original, as though they were docking. 

 (Witness reporting is a pilot, and states that helicopters are incapable of docking, and that these craft, including craft from previous sightings in same location, behaved in ways impossible for even the most advanced military aircraft.) The 4 objects were completely silent, and operated in a manner resembling spacecraft in orbit, though the objects maintained geological position ± 5° for 45 minutes, unlike an orbiting craft. Unfortunately, it was dark, and any surface details of the objects were impossible to see. Images will be provided in hopes that the reader of this report will observe them with photo editing software and share their observations with the witness. At 2129 hours, craft was last photographed before disappearing in the following 5 minutes. Craft was observed to 'fade away' instead of departing. (Witness states that standard night-flying procedure involves the constant use of lights to display location to local traffic. To turn off lights at 9:30 pm would be unsafe.)

UFOs In Delta Position Over Mesa, Arizona March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1 2017
Location of sighting: Mesa, Arizona, USA

This video shows a UFO moving over to a triangle group thats in sitting in delta position. I also love that the person pulled their car over to take a more steady video of the UFOs. This could be the Tall Whites since they have a base just a few miles away over at Nellis AFB. One thing the Tall Whites hate...and thats being told what to do or not to do...they just do it. They probably felt cramped in the base and wanted to fly around to have a look. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Building Found In NASA Rover Photo, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/140357/snapshots/529824

This building was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube today. The building is at the top of the hills and sticks out. The building is obvious and clearly something made by intelligent beings. This is beyond amazing. 100% proof that aliens existed not long ago on Mars. 

Scott C. Waring


Ghost of Abraham Lincoln Spotted At The White House In Photo! March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 1949-1952
Location of sighting: White House

This is an exciting photo that has captured a ghost at the White House. The person is transparent, tall and confident as can be read from his stance. Ghosts are real, but could this be an alien visitor cloaked, watching the consecution of the most important house in America? Good find by Paranormal Crucible.
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
After extensive authentication efforts, the "White House Ghost Photo," captured in 1950, has been proclaimed "The world's most amazing ghost photo. The black and white photograph appears to show a translucent human figure standing in the basement of the White House, at the back of a construction zone. This official government photograph was taken by photographer Abbie Rowe during Harry S. Truman's reconstruction of the White House 1949-1952. Many experts claim its the ghost of President Abraham Lincoln.

Alien Cube And Wormhole Appear Next To Sun, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Sun

This is a fantastic find by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. It shows the cube suddenly appearing on the SOHO video, then disappearing. Thats how they travel, in small leaps from place to place. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
I have noticed quite a few of these type of anomalies while browsing the helioviewer data, but none that appear so defined or next to a possible portal. The six frames clearly show two anomalies that appear connected, a portal appears first, then a cube materializes next to it, this could indicate that extraterrestrial ships are using the power of the Sun to create wormholes or portals. I have enhanced the footage and screen shots to make it better quality, but all the details are there in the raw data.

Giant UFO Viewed From Space Station, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit

This giant UFO was found by Streetcap1 today.  It was in high orbit over our planet, but you wont hear any mention about it from any government source. Amazing catch. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
I thought I was seeing things. I had to be quick. This should appear in the archive later for those wanting verification. The dimming at the end was sudden and my guess is they turned down the brightness a little because they spotted it. Sorry about quality, but it was hundreds of miles away. Streetcap1.

NASA Takes Photo Of Oval Moon In Infrared, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 3, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
NASA source: http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2012/09/Earth_and_Moon

I found this oval moon photo that was taken by NASA.  The oval moon contradicts everything we have ever learned about the moon. It suppose to be round, and yet here it is a full moon that is oval. I wonder how many more secrets NASA is trying to keep from us about the moon. I presume its because the moon is a space station and is there to look out over the Earth and protect it from other alien species that might not treat humanity so kindly. This photo was taken in infrared, so it sees things the human eye cannot, so it may be that the moon is oval, but is cloaked to appear round. 
Scott C. Waring