
UFO (3 Views!) Shows Up At Space Station, Camera Turns Away, Oct 14, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Actual UFO is now focused in the above screenshot. I added shadows only. SCWLooks like a huge oval disk with a hump and the disk looks biomechanical which is evident from the uneven bumpy surface of the craft.

Date of sighting: Oct 13, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station

Guys, when the Russian Soyuz capsule docked with the space station, just seconds later a oval white UFO appeared on the NASA live cam. The UFO is visible for a full 20 seconds before the cameraman notices it too and shrinks the view by zooming in on the Soyuz capsule. This object is coming from Earths atmosphere. There was a UFO following the Soyuz space capsule all the the way to the space station! Talk about the neighborhood welcome wagon. I wonder what those astronauts aboard the Soyuz thought the moment they first laid eyes on that UFO following them. See, the proof is in the pudding, meaning, the video is coming from NASA and cannot be disputed. It was caught by accident and even the camera person tried to hide it. This is 100% proof that NASA knows and hides UFOs from the public view. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Silver Disks Seen Over New York City On Oct 12, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 12, 2020
Location of sighting: New York City, NY, USA

This is just an amazing video, but you have to make it full screen to really see its detail. The UFO at first is just a dark glint in the sky, but when I took a screenshot, I quickly realized that its was a silver disk. The disk is not alone, but seems to be a few others also seen in the video. The objects are hovering over a SmashBurger shop in New York City. Absolute proof of aliens in New York City. 

Oh and remember...that John Lennon and his wife also saw a similar shaped disk back in 1974 in their penthouse apartment on top of the building in New York City. UFOs...love New York. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

UFO Fleet Over Hidalgo, Mexico Changes Colors and Stays In Formation, Oct 10, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 10, 2020
Location of sighting: Hidalgo, Mexico

Watch this video as mysterious lights over the city of Hidalgo, Mexico follow one another and change colors. The UFOs are staying in formation and seem to want to be seen. You can hear the concern and bewilderment in the voices of the spectators that caught sight of the event. Two eyewitnesses recorded footage which is seen in this video below. This is some great footage of UFOs in formation flying in patterns. Similar UFOs have been seen around the world and are becoming more and more popular due to cell phone cameras improving. 

Scott C. Waring- Taiwan 

Two UFOs Seen By Buzz Aldrin In Gemini Mission Photo, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Oct 14, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit

Hey, there are two UFOs in this Gemini 12 mission photo taken in Nov 11, 1969. That not the only thing. Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell were both part of the mission. Do you remember back in 2018 when Buzz Aldrin met with fans and one of them dared Buzz to take a lie detector test about him saying he saw UFOs in space? Well he did and Buzz Aldrin passed with flying colors. He really did see UFOs in space. Buzz Aldrin...an America hero....really did see UFOs in space and this photo from his five and a half hour mission in orbit is 100% proof of that. Want to see the UFO enlarged, watch my video I made below. Thank you Buzz...for your honesty, your commitment and your hard work to get the truth out to the public. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Middlebury, Vermont couple observe glowing objects Over U.S. Route 7, Oct 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 19, 2020
Location of sighting: Middlebury, Vermont, USA

Orange UFOs were seen passing over a freeway two weeks ago. The UFOs were round, bright and orange. This color of UFOs have been seen around the world, but mostly over the ocean off Florida coast and around Costa Rica back in the 1970s. They are round, unlike Chinese lanterns which are long ovals with openings on the bottoms. I live in Taiwan and see lanterns every year...but have never seen a lantern like this before. Without an opening on its bottom...how do they put the candle in that powers the paper balloon? Its not lanterns. However I will place other videos below of similar craft seen, same color, same shape, same brightness. 100% alien no doubt about it.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: 
A Middlebury couple, preferring to remain anonymous, told The Eagle that they observed four, slow-moving "glowing orange globes" while driving north in a car along U.S. Route 7 near the town of Pittsford. The sighting took place during the evening of Sept. 19. The couple saw the objects at approximately 8:30 p.m. and reported the sighting to local police and 911. The Vermont State Police dispatcher in Rutland confirmed to The Eagle that the alleged unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were sighted over Rutland County during the evening of Sept. 19 but could not provide specific details beyond what the couple reported. At the time of the sighting, the Vermont Air National Guard was not flying any of its fixed-wing or rotor aircraft, The Eagle learned. After first sighting the "globes", the couple turned their car around and drove southbound on Route 7 to get a better view. "The globes were flying in tandem," one of the pair said. "The sky was crystal clear and the stars were visible. But these things weren't stars or planets. They moved slowly and in a distinct pattern and direction. They were not erratic and appeared to be under intelligent control just like regular aircraft."


UFO shoots a green laser beam into the Milton Keynes, England Sept 24, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 24, 2020
Location of sighting: Milton Keynes, England

A glowing UFO was seen over Milton Keynes, England two weeks ago. The UFO was seen to shoot out green/blue lasers and had several smaller UFOs near it which were sometimes visible. I have read about many UFO incidences in Project Blue Book files that have described a single craft that had smaller orbs rotating around it. This fits the Project Blue Book descriptions. The lasers, the colors and the power of flashes emanating from it all point to this being a real UFO.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

News states: 
Tom Marvin, from Broughton, captured the incident on video. He said: "It first caught our attention as the beam shone through our bedroom window and it was really bright. My first thought was that it was a search light from a police helicopter but, after seeing the light shine as high into the sky as we could see, we knew it wasn’t. "When we looked again we thought it was a huge UFO-shaped drone going up and down through the beam. This drone let off another beam which was shining in all different directions."


Black Mysterious Craft Seen Over Los Angeles, California On Oct 4, 2020, Raw Footage, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 4, 2020
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Watch as a bunch of guys stop on their bikes on a hilltop and watch a black object pass across the sky. One guy says, "hey theres no lights on that thing." Others asked, "What is that?" But this black object actually slows down and then speeds up again in a zig zag pattern. The UFO seems to be looking for something or scanning as many people below as they can. Alien tech can scan the human thoughts and emotions, not just scan for technology. Its not a miracle...its just an advancement of technology millions of years ahead of our own. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
Black object was seen hovering over the city of Los Angeles 10/04/2020 Some said ufo others said its a witch im not sure but one thing is for certain we are not alone🖖🏽👽🛸