
Four Glowing Orbs Over La Porte, Indiana, USA Oct 11, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Sighting: October 11, 2020 
Location of sighting: La Porte, Indiana, USA
Source: MUFON #111775

Now this is some great raw footage of four glowing UFOs passing over the city of La Porte this week. The UFOs appear to each be large triangle shaped craft. Kinda like the secret USAF craft TR3B. They are flying in flight formation watching out for one another. Wow, I wish this guy had a zoom on his phone, it would blow my mind to see this close up. I love this video! Its not even possible to debunk this video, its 100% alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states:  I see these lights often. Nothing else could have made these lights, just corn underneath the lights and a road. They don’t look military too me. Lights appear and fade out, lights change formation then a different light takes the front. I watched them go over my house then break formation and speed off in different directions faster then any plane I have seen.


Glowing White Orb Seen Dropping From Sky In Dublin, Ireland, Dashcam Footage, Oct 8, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 8, 2020
Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland

Watch as a glowing white orb defends from the sky over Dublin, Ireland. The orb must have someone or something significant to it in the area for it to come so close to the ground. This also happened over the holy temple of Dome of Rock a few years ago. These white glowing UFOs...are thought to be an ancient race of aliens. The kind of ancient aliens that were mistaken for gods, angels and demons thousands of years ago. What Ireland called little green leprechauns...we now know are actually just short green skinned aliens. All legends have a sliver of truth to them. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
Caught this UFO on the Dashcam while I was parked in my Car. As you can see a big white bright light slowly came into view and moved slowly across the sky. Considering my Dashcam caught it, it wasn’t too high in the sky. It also isn’t a plane or any other type of Aircraft. It moved all the way across the sky until it disappeared behind the horizon.



Sphere Cloud Over Japan Is Cloaked UFO, Oct 11, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 11, 2020
Location of sighting: Fujisawa, just south of Tokyo, Japan

Its a well known fact among UFO researchers that UFOs not only hide in clouds, but can even make the cloud to hide within. This perfectly shaped sphere clouds is clearly held together by a alien sphere within its center. Twitter user @pmxpvrtmx(Poppy) was so frightened that this might actually be a UFO, they changed their name on Twitter to @wizorwizoutu and made their account private. Clearly the fact that this has an alien appearance about it caused them to make such a drastic change. This is absolutely and undeniably a UFO cloaked in a cloud sphere. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states: 
According to reports from the photographer, the cloud began to lose its shape as soon because it was photographed, then rapidly faded into the sky as if it never existed. "When I looked out of the window I saw a round ball-shaped cloud. I gazed at the cloud for ages then I rushed to require the photo, after I saw the cloud it had been an excellent more spherical shape, so I regret not taking the photo more quickly." Twitter user @pmxpvrtmx(Poppy) told the local Japanese news outlet, Rocket News 24.

Reptile Alien Face Found On Mars, Oct 11, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Oct 11, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/215904

I found a reptilian head on mars. The face is certainly unusual and even has a long tubular appendage coming out of its lower nose area. The mouth is open. Its ears are small, its eyes are small but its head is slightly elongated. The original color of the photos was fake red/brown, but I put it into natural color. The color of the face is unique. It has orange, blue and grey throughout it. This unique and strange reptilian face might explain the strange sculptures and civilization artifacts we have been finding on Mars. Such an unusual alien probably has a equally unique culture and way of life. One that we could never relate too. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Alien Structure On Moon Measures 118km Across! Google Moon Map! Oct 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 11, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Drygalski crater edge
Source: Google Earth Moon map
Google Coordinates:  75°55'52.36"S    90° 4'6.03"W

I was looking over Google moon map which is easy to use. Just open Google Earth, then hit the button to switch to moon map. I found some highly unusual structures on the moon. The kind that NASA would never report about find for fear the public would learn about the existence of intelligent aliens so close to Earth. 

Near Drygalski crater there is some smaller craters and I found some finger like structures in two long craters. The fingers were close to 7km long according to Google ruler. The length of the structures along the edge of Drygalski crater is 118km across! Now these are huge structures with absolutely smooth surfaces. More like a glass-like windows of structures for aliens to look out and see space. This is 100% proof that NASA hides alien evidence from the public.
Scott C. Waring 



Security Camera Catches Strange Lights Los Angeles, California Oct 5, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 5, 2020

Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Source: MUFON #111767

I went over this video carefully and noticed that at first it appears to be a drone with four lights...but as the lights divided into two sets...quickly realized I was wrong. The objects seem to move as one mostly, but then divide up as they leave. Very strange, very confusing and the size, shape, pattern of movement all point to small alien drones. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I put up Wyze cameras in the back porch in June and started to get many orbs flying around my back porch. I showed serval friends who are in paranormal and we have come to the conclusion that this could be gate way to inter-dimensional beings. I have been catching the orbs and objects on a weekly baes. I know infrared cameras catch things that the human eye can't see.

Two UFO Over Okinawa, Japan Cause Girl To Burst Into Tears! Oct 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 2020
Location of sighting: Okinawa, Japan

This is an interesting raw video of a little girl at home by herself and she is recording two glowing UFOs in the distance. She is speaking Chinese, which is one of the languages of Okinawa. Chinese, English and Japanese are dominate there. The little girl is sending texts on here photo or iPad while recording the UFOs. She says I see UFOs. They just know they are not airplanes. Those are UFOs. And she breaks into tears half way through the video. Perhaps movies or TV shows have put a bad picture in the girls head and her fears outweigh here curiosity. Nevertheless...she stays strong...and keeps recording as she sends vocal messages to someone. These do look like UFOs. I see no signs of them being aircraft. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan