
How To Find An Alien Space Station On Google Sky Map. Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 30, 2016
Location of discovery: Between IC 2031 and NGC 1475
1st method used: Google Sky map
2nd method used: Sky-Map.org
Coordinates: 03 57 08.63,-07 11 26.2

While checking out Google sky I noticed something interesting. That every once in a while there was an unusual structure in space. These structures are usually balance and geometrical in shape, but sometimes rounded, with metallic tint to them. 

This particular one is cube, made up of smaller areas that are also cubes. Google Sky map was not as clear as I wanted, so I went to Sky-Map.org and found a similar sky map, but the quality of the detail is more focused. These are the photos above. Below are  the photos from Google sky. 

The size of this space station is unknown since Google ruler is inaccurate in the sky version. However it looks Earth size or bigger in my opinion. 
Scott C. Waring

Below are Google sky photos. Below the blue Base is another metallic gold base. 


  1. Just copy/past from here.

    Coordinates: 03 57 08.63,-07 11 26.2

  2. It looks square because you magnified it so much, you dolt.

    How the hell do you not realize these things?

  3. So I read it, writing down all the plot points and other observations.


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