
Giant UFO Over Colima Volcano Makes Sudden 90 Degree Turn, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 29, 2017
Location of sighting: Colima, Mexico
Source: www.webcamsdemexico.com

I was going through the Colima volcano archives and found this amazing UFO as it makes a sudden hard right turn, and heads for the volcano base. I believe that the UFO was heading to and underground base that is located about 4-5 miles below the Colima volcano. This volcano is defiantly on the top ten list for being one of the most popular locations for UFOs. There are actually two UFOs, one close and one far in the video at the bottom of this post.

This UFO is huge, its behind the volcano a bit and the mouth of the volcano is about 600 meters across, which means this UFO is 100 meters! Thats big for buzzing around our skies.  
Scott C. Waring