
UFO Probe Seen Flying Over Wild Pigs In Texas On Animal Cam, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 1-1-2011, but reported today.
Location of sighting: Texas, USA
Source: Mufon #95803

Animal cams are awesome at catching fast glimpses into nature, but the fact that they also record in infrared makes it even more special, because the human eye cannot see in infrared without the technology. Here a donut shaped UFO is flying over a pig and the UFO clearly is round with a large hole inside of it. That donut shape does not fit any insect, bat, bird or animal known to man. Therefore it is a UFO. Small UFO probes often are used to come closer to the ground so that the chances of being seen are much smaller. Also they are sent to observe, record and learn about life on Earth...all life, not just us boring humans. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Lights seen over deer feeder shot beams down to the ground at some javelinas feeding.

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