
pyramid shaped UFOs over Spain & Japan in March of 2010 UFO Sighting

Over the last year or so hundreds of people around the world have been witness to what appears to be a new type of UFO (see video clips below). Enormous pyramid shaped UFOs have been seen from Colombia to China, from Russia to France.

Spain photo

UFO experts have debated as to whether these are the craft of an extraterrestrial race that has just chanced upon earth and its humanoid inhabitants-or are these the spaceships of a civilization that has interacted with humanity for millennia, inspiring the building of ancient pyramid structures from Egypt to Central America.

Cynical commentators have suggested that all of these images might simply be computer generated graphics, which is understandable since comuters have advanced so much in the last five years.

Japan photo

In the last month these two sightings, one in Japan and one in Spain, have come to light. In one clip the UFO is seen landing. Are the alien occupants of these craft preparing for open contact?

Pyramid UFO in Japan

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

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