
Couple witness mass UFO sighting in the UK.

They claim what they saw was “probably not from our world”.
The witnesses known only as Diana and Steve reported their “eerie but fascinating” encounter yesterday (Monday).

Their sighting was a few weeks ago, when aircraft were grounded by the ash cloud fallout from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano, and they claim the object could not have been a Chinese lantern.

Diana wrote: “My partner was out in the garden when he tapped on the window to call me out. He pointed out to the sky where we couldn’t believe our eyes. I saw the back end of what appeared to be a ball of orange flickering flames gliding through the air. My partner said to him it seemed to have a black edge around it (mainly the same description of so many other sightings on here and other sites).

There was no sound seemed very eerie but fascinating. Then three other orange orbs followed the same pattern in exactly the same direction, similar speed until they faded into the distance.”

She added: “We have never seen anything like this and are both level headed but know that what we saw was probably not from our world.

I’m sure others must have seen them on that day in our area would be nice to hear their story, have experienced another sighting of three more orbs earlier this week but from a further distance.

Two of them moved away in the distance but one turned into a white light, stopped mid-air for at least 15 minutes then just disappeared. Can anybody please explain what’s happening and why are there so many sightings in the UK but nothing reported via the media?”

Source: http://www.herts24.co.uk/home/ufos_not_from_our_world_say_witnesses_1_420282

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring or at YouTube and search "TaiwanSCW" to see my personal UFO dicovery videos.

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