
UFO Sighting over Dillard, Georgia on Oct 22, 2010, photos here.

UFO Sighting over Dillard, Georgia on Oct 22, 2010, photos here.

Below photos: contrast & light have been changed by me.

Date of sighting: October 22, 2010
Location of sighting: Dillard, Georgia

Me, my wife and her friend, *(Name deleted--CMS/sg), from Houston, TX had driven from Murphy, NC over to eat at the Dillard House in Dillard, GA. After we had eaten our meal *(Name deleted) went back onto the porch of the restaurant to take a few pictures while Me and my wife waited in the truck. After *(Name deleted) finished taking her pictures we left Dillard and did a few other things and then drove back to Murphy, NC. We got hom about 6:30pm EST. I then asked *(Name deleted) for her camera card so I could download the pictures she took during the day, including the two that are attached.

Below photo I added contrast & light.

After downloading the pictures to my laptop we started looking at them. These two pictures were the last (2) and we were certainly surprised to see this object in the sky. *(Name deleted) did not notice anything while she took the pictures and it wasn't until we loaded the pictures onto the pc did we see anything. It did make the hair on my arms stand up! *(Name deleted) said she did see the object on the way to the Dillard House (she thinks it was on the way but isn't sure) but she didn't say anything at that time. I asked her why didn't she say something to me but she said she didn't think anything of it at that time and thought it was probably an airplane.

I am a MUFON member but *(Name deleted) isn't and she didn't know I was a member until just now. For me to finally see my first UFO is certainly exciting. If it can be explained away as something else, well, that is Ok, too.

After all these many years of seeing nothing in the skies, gives me a much better understanding how other folks must feel when they see something out of the ordinary.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ***