
Giant Black UFO Tied To Earth's Sun With Cord, NASA Video March 2012 News.

Date of sighting: March 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun

Youtube user "ismael342," caught this giant orb near the sun with what looks like an ambilical cord from it to the sun. Very unusual for sure. This could be a cloaked Mothership being revealed by the suns rays and it may be collecting some form of energy from the sun. User "ismael342" suggests that the sun may be making a new baby-like sun. That is possible but the object appears black...hidden from our view except for the rays of the sun around it, without heat it cannot be a mini-sun. Understand that this UFO from its size would be 50-70 times the size of Earth. That would not be impossible to build if aliens never died of old age and if drone bots did all the construction of it. Also that Giant UFO may have come out from the triangle opening on the sun we saw a few days ago. Click here to view those photos of the giant triangle opening this week. SCW


  1. This UFO is feeding or feeded by the giant triangle, look at the sequence for 09 - 12 march in http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/aiahmi/rangeform.php
    it is incredible, no scifi movie could make a sequence like that

  2. The UFO is feeding or feeded by the triangle in the sun, look at the sequence from 09 - 11 march in
    its incredible, no scifi movie could make a sequence like that.

  3. i can confirm this i have looked and watched each frame. if you watch from the 11th march at frame time 18:58:25 to 12th march at frame time 00:58:37 you can actually see this craft what looks like taking back off its pretty amazing i advice everyone to take a look of someone that can make a quick clip of it i would do it myself but im extremly busy for the next few days and im worried it will dissapper as NASA images seems to have a way of doing that

  4. If plasma can be drawn from the sun, then heavy elements can be injected into the sun. Our astronomers are certain the sun will never explode. They could be tragically wrong. I do know that soon an event will happen to the sun that will utterly destroy our earth as well as many other planets. Witness the many strange objects in orbit around the sun as seen on YouTube or Google. What do you think is up? God's sword of judjement is raised above the sun, it is only a short time before He takes His property from this earth! Old Bear... Setiomsetheliosemesis


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