
Glowing Orbs Seen Over King's Lynn, England VIDEO March 26, 2012.

Date of sighting: March 26, 2012
Location of sighting: King's Lynn, England
Camera: Yukon Exelon Gen1 4 x 50 with a standard Kogan HD DVC.

Eyewitness states: "This has to be the greatest UFO show on earth, recorded yesterday 26-03-12 at 20:20 hours outside Bawsey Woods King's Lynn UK. Check out the Bright objects hovering over the little ships, plus see the bigger ships descending into the woods and pits. Over 40 ships seen and recorded over a 2 mile distance. I feel blessed and honoured to be able to film these, I believe they are willing me to bring about awareness, the more people that become aware, the quicker they will disclose them selves fully."

1 comment:

  1. I saw similar in land from Hunstanton back in August 2002. A light I thought was a helicopter. Until it zipped off in the direction of Snettisham.


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