
Alien Creature Discovered In Namibia, Africa Aug 2012, VIDEO News.

Date of discovery: August 2012
Location of discovery: Namibia, Africa

Locals came across this strange creature while they were escorting a shooting party in Namibia. Witness's state that the creature was spotted apparently foraging for food, one of the shooting party wounded it with his rifle and it escaped into the thick brush. The locals tracked it to a nearby lair or nest where they found three more creatures of similar size. The wounded creature attacked one of the shooting party and it was shot dead, the others escaped into the brush. The body of the creature was taken back to the local camp, police later removed its corpse and a full forensics investigation is under way. A video is pending on this so I will post if and when I receive it. So what is this guys, an Alien, Goblin, maybe a new species of Pigmy or something more sinister?

One of our readers discovered that this creature is very similar to the ancient Mayan God. I checked and came up with this image…and the long head skin tentacle is the same and so are the ears and eyes and small size. This means the creature is really an alien species…god like and we killed their ambassador. This could lead to consequences soon…say Dec 21, 2012.


  1. Could be some genetic essay to start a new race, slave race of course, a game done by who ? Those who love so much play with genetics, looking at this one you wonder who are the two in that humanoid+animal i would say but which one that is the question

    1. Where u from Nicole?

    2. What a bunch of ignorant fools. If you don't understand it, "shoot it". No attempt was made to find out anything about the creature, out of fear, stupidity and ignorance all they could do was shoot. Morons!

    3. Well they were fearful of there lives when they first saw I and it charged right for them

  2. Hi,in my opinion,there are two sides for this.
    1.for any creature to exist in the Earth an evolution must happen. if this is 'what is seen in the picture' then a sure string of evolution is to be yet discovered. it is said that there are a lot of places in Earth yet to be touched by human hands...might be one from those places.

    2. Ya you guessed it... Aliens.
    Both are fascinating, but the second is more.... hm... wait for the video and the forensics investigation. TC.

    1. and people had trouble with the concept of bigfoot!!!

    2. Looks more like a grossly deformed human, or maybe even a great ape.

    3. Looks like a grossly deformed human or possibly a great ape.

  3. Extra Terrestrial! No animal such as this ever existed on Earth.

  4. This is no alien. That was a child between 5 or 6 years of age these people killed ! Idiotic people that repeat history all over again. (e.g. Witch Hunt Panik) Educate yourself on what happens when you try having kids with your father or mother and so on. Deformaties are very likely then !

    1. You are almost right. This is actually a birth defect. this child was just born. I believe tha this is the defect that causes the baby to be born without a brain. They have a small part of the brain stem but not enough to keep it alive. I have seen this before and if you look closely you can see that the man is wearing rubber gloves, like a Dr. would wear while delivering a baby. I don't know many jungle people who wear rubber gloves while hunting. Another clue is the size of the child to the mans hands round it's the childs neck. This is a new born baby and the mother is probably being accused of having sex with the devil. Small minds are to blame for disgusting display.

    2. I can understand wy everyone is saying it is a deformed human, but scientists would have found out during the studies. And if this was the case, and this poor creatur was a human figure, I'm sure i is much, much happier in Heaven then it would ever be having to live this way on Earth.

  5. This is no alien. Parents are probably so closely related over more the one generation. Deformaties are highly likely! I feel sorry for this poor child. Imagine your 5-6 year old kid gets lost in the woods and strangers hunt it like a dog because it looks not "normal". Just sick all the alien panic ! Reminds me of the witch hunt !

  6. I live in Namibia and haven't heard about this.

    1. How has this been kept from us Margi? We as namibians deserve 2 know if Aliens are playin round in our backyard..

  7. I live in Namibia and haven't heard about this. The fauna flora in the back is also not Namibian.

  8. I feel so sad, by this unnecessary killing, has man now become a killer of just anything, good, bad, human or otherwise, I really feel, this little thing ment no harm to anyone...dont worry man's inhuman ways, towards, all will soon be over...humm...we will all be of ONE, and with ONE..

    Allanah Stanhope

  9. This creature looks very similar to one of the Mayan gods. Its face looks so similar to a Mayan god. Now the aliens size is much smaller than the Mayan god is depicted.

    1. OMG you are 110% on the money! It is exactly as the mayan god is predicted to looking all the stone carvings. This new info helps prove that this sighting was real. This species exists. You are really on top of things. Great work Sky Davis!

      However I sure hope its species doesn't take out revenge on us all for killing the poor little guy. Its getting close to Dec 21, 2012…@#$$!

    2. ur absolutely right , do u hv any idea hv dec 21 disaster stikes

  10. Ummm defomrd? With hooves and tentacles and claws? I don't think do. Think it's spliced? It must be. Crazy shit in Africa.

  11. Just looking at the hand holding this "alien" is obviously photo shopped. The hand is massive looking, holding what appears to be about 3 feet plus in length. In relation to the person holding it.

  12. How about an update on this creature?? I would be ashamed as a human to be responsible for possibly killing a potential ambassador of another world. There were others as well- what happened to them?? Are we again asserting ourselves as the superior species, or is this just another attempt to hide away anything different than ourselves? Fear is a funny thing...

  13. How about an update on this interesting creature?? What happened to his friends?? Such a shame that we may have killed an ambassador from another world, or the last of his kind. Is this just another way to maintain our superior species?? Funny how fear works...

    1. No updates sadly. It appears this creature was destroyed by the locals and they were to poor or uneducated to record anything more than a single photo from a cheap cell phone. Perhaps thats why there are more UFO sightings in 3rd world countries...less chance that they will be recorded.

    2. It also looks like a human baby that was born with Anencephaly.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. its a human child...
    They murdered a deformed human child !!

    one such baby was born in Nepal recently



    poor child..

    there must a colony of them there..


  15. its a human child...
    They murdered a deformed human child !!

    one such baby was born in Nepal recently



    poor child..

    there must a colony of them there..


  16. OMG they killed Kenny!!!

  17. It looks to me like a badly deformed child...maybe it was 'put out' to die and managed to survive...hence the foraging for food. When will man ever stop killing what it doesn't understand? :(

  18. holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, albinoism, and something else could explain this person, which I'm sure what you see in the picture. As far as attacking a person or people, the person went feral, which is also documented. I'm still skeptical as to a nest of creatures somewhere else. In Africa, there are many examples of superstition and folk lore mixing with natural phenomena which goes as so far to make people distort facts to support their beliefs. I'd like to see more forensic evidence as to what we are seeing in the picture

  19. poor child i strongly believe that is not an ALIEN

  20. Could be some genetic essay to start a new race, slave race of course, a game done by who ? Those who love so much play with genetics, looking at this one you wonder who are the two in that humanoid+animal i would say but which one that is the question

  21. It's a baby born with Anencephaly and more then likely had spina bifida on top of that. I'm sure the parents gave birth and saw the child and was scared, ashamed or embarrassed by the looks of the child. I'm sure they dumped it in the bush in hopes that a animal would carry it off. Either way, this child never attacked anyone. People will try anything for a moment of fame. My heart goes out to the poor baby. http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/PEDHTML/PED029.html

  22. At first glance it looks fake. I am willing to give anything the benefit of doubt but it looks like an honest hoax. need better pics, video and data.

  23. A quote from the article "a full forensics investigation is under way" August 2012. Nearly four months ago, where is the forensic report? Why are pictures of aliens and UVO's distorted?

  24. This is this a deformed child.poor little darling.Sometimes i loathe the ignorant amongst us

  25. Definitely a human baby. Weird though, this isn't the first time I've heard of a potential god arriving on Earth- loads of people talking about something called Operation Archangel online, US and UK Government searching for a girl and her missing child, some clips of a state made video were leaked called Second Son which made a few hysterics believe Jesus has returned.

    Ridiculous, but the real story is a website posing to be the mother's family has come out to be fake. If anyone ever checks God Like Productions or Wikifess then there's a huge comment thread on there.

  26. Thanks for posting all this UFO cover ups and sightings.Finally someone out there believe in UFO!!! -Reader from singpore.

  27. i don't think so that this is alien m not sure

  28. I dont think it really matters what it is, the fact is they went out to kill it and the poor thing never stood a chance. If this being felt under attack then of course it would have thought back, I know if someone came towards me with a gun I would use all I had and this poor thing did its teeth. What ever it was it was not harming anyone living in the wild but beasts as a percentage of humans are they killed it without just allowing it to pass by. I would say they are cowards and I hope the same fate awaits them. We do not own earth, it is not ours, we are simply allowed to live here. We take and damage mother earth which is fighting back (freak weather conditions, changes in the earths floor, the energies on earth at present are so heavy - we have done that) Yet we have not learnt our lessons and we do the same to anything we do not understand, believe me all will fight back. If you believe the story's of Telos and Atlantis, our time will come. We take and take and give nothing back. Even if this is a hoax or made up I believe some of the stories that I have heard where they have killed the being because they were scared of it, what right do we have.!!

  29. Could be a product of bestiality.

  30. So we find something different, and the first thing we do is kill it. That says a lot about us.

  31. This is no alien Mr. Scott Waring its a child with medical/Birth Deformities...which is being killed/murdered brutally by these people...and this killing shows and tells a lot about us the so called HUMANS
    There is no inch of humanity shown by these people...
    And if u need pics of Birth Deformities in children's then go to this page which shows birth deformities in afghan new born babies...due to Depleted Uranium ammunition fired by US on iraq


  32. Why not use this experience as a lesson of human nature and act upon change. It is the 21st December 2012 and nothing has happened, who is to say the dates may be wrong based on many peoples comments of the Mayan Calender and leap years. I have recently had a large cyst on the Jaw removed and anyone who suffers with any type of facial deformity will know how heart breaking it is to be stared at, people assumed I was drunk as I could not speak or slurred my words. I am recovering very well but I learned a great deal from this experience. The terrible lives these children on the above link will face all of their lives however short or long it may be. I love the movie pay it forward as it is so true, we are the ones that can change things. One small kind gesture makes a big difference each day. It does not have to be expensive it can be assisting someone carrying shopping, holding a door open, smiling at someone and just saying hello. I think if all of us on this site agree to do something little each day we can make a difference. There is nothing worse than if someone in the day is rude to you it ruins your whole day. When someone is nice to you it makes your day feel much better. Pass on this good feeling rather than bad feeling and let this death of this poor being make a difference. I am not a do gooder just someone who has had many lessons recently and I hope some of you take on board the difference we can make.

  33. this is literally a person who just got shot for being different

  34. this is literally a person who just got shot for being different

  35. I recently watched a special on the discovery Chanel about scientists successfully fusing Human DNA into Animal embryos for medical purposes like growing organs for transplants and such..

  36. If it was some intelligent alien ambassador it would not be living in a nest in the wild with its young .... It would have had a wepon as well -_-

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  38. Any development on this?


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