
Two UFOs Seen Over Central London, Sept 21, 2012 VIDEO.

Location of Sighting: Lambeth, Central London
Date of Sighting: Friday 21st September
Time: 4.15pm approx
Witness Name: Psybes
Witness Statement: "Having just picked up a client in Kennington I was making my way across an open space known as Doorstep Green, heading North towards the Thames. I walk dogs, this was my normal route taking in a number of green spaces.
My attention was drawn to a small dark object hanging in the sky to the North. It looked pretty much circular, not shiney, just dark, and i at first thought it to be a child’s ballon as i often see these, usually getting excited at first that i’ve spotted something out-of-the-ordinary. I quickly concluded that this was not a ballon, it was moving almost imperceptably in a southerly direction and the quite low clouds in the area were moving very obviously towards the east, a balloon would have drifted the same direction as the clouds and would not have stayed a such a persistent altitude. There was the ocassional gust of wind but this did not affect the object’s height or path of travel. The object neither rose nor fell, just carried on moving very gently to the south, towards my position although it was a little to the north-east. If i was to guess i would say it was about a third of a mile away, probably about over the Thames to the West of Lambeth Bridge at a mid-way point between the Houses of Parliament and the MI6 building at Vauxhall, pretty much in line with Millbank Tower and probably a little bit higher than Millbank. I watched the object for a good 5 minutes as i walked across Doorstep Green and then tried to get to a better position by moving onto Lambeth High Street Rec. The walk takes about 5 minutes with a slow labrador and involves going under a railway bridge and behind trees and buildings so i lost sight of the object. By the time i got to the rec the object had gone. If it was a balloon and had continued to travel at the same slow speed i would have surely still been able to see it in the sky. I tried videoing the object earlier on but it didn’t show up in the small viewscreen and the sky was very bright so i couldn’t see what i was aiming at although the footage i did get is intriguing to say the least…Today i mentioned the sighting to a coffee vendor on the embankment next to Lambeth Bridge and he said other people had seen it too."