
UFO Caught With Infrared Camera Entering Mexico Volcano, May 2013.

Date of sighting: May 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

This volcano is famous for its UFO seen over its crater and often the UFOs will enter it. This is a TV news video from Mexico caught by so UFO researchers who have been watching this volcano 24/7 for the last few weeks. Watch how fast and easy this UFO turns. Amazing tech. SCW-Taiwan


  1. Did anyone else see a large bright orb of bluish greenish light pass from left to right in a diagonal pattern. Tonight (June 04, 2013 at 11:17pm)? I was looking to the east when I saw the very unique and obvious light pass through the trees and behind my house--as if theUFO was landing or crashing on earth...and not far from my location in Minden Nevada.

  2. I used 700 tvl dome camera for 10 years, it is NOT a gimmic - it works, its proven.
    And as I said IR in Bullets will generally be much more powerful than IR in a dome

  3. Um, hi all. Does anyone know if there is any certain type of infrared camera that works better than others when viewing beings within this spectrum?

  4. Um, hi all. Does anyone know if there is any certain type of infrared camera that works better than others when viewing beings within this spectrum?


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