
Wikileaks cable: Afghanistan Parliament Chairman States, "We Know There Is Life On Other Planets."

Date of cable: Jan 15, 2010
Classification: Confidential
Origin: Embassy Dushanbe
Full Cable Here: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/01/10DUSHANBE82.html

Wikileaks has released some cables and this one in particular was sent to Washington DC from the Afghan Embassy.

It states that the Dushanbe Mayor "Asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth." This statement here makes is sound like he is aware of the United States having military activity off world or on another planet. Now if you look back at UK hacker Gary McKinnon...you will remember that he is considered the biggest hacker breaking into the most US military computers ever! Gary stated that on some military computers he read the lists of off world US officers. It is my belief that this Wikileaks cable  is confirmation of that knowledge.

Again the Mayor stated "we know there is life on other planets," which shows that he has inside information from the government of some very Top Secret US military off world activities.

Wikileaks is trying to give the power back to the people...by letting us know what our governments are doing behind our backs. The existence of alien species, contact with and off world human interaction with aliens would be the greatest historical event in human history. That's something I want to know about...don't you? Scott C. Waring