
Chilean Miners See UFO, Officials Call It Real, July 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2013
Date of Chile Government announcement: July 2014
Location of sighting: Collahuasi copper mine, Chile

This report is very interesting not just for the UFO which of course it awesome. Its interesting because a famous Youtube UFO reporter Clayton Morris (Paranormal Report) was recruited by Fox News last year and now he has the seniority to pick a few of his reports and he is pushing the UFO facts on the world with his new found fame. This is fantastic. I thought he had given up on the UFO community and the research and support we try to give, but he didn't. He is still in the game and still fighting for the UFO community.  Welcome back Clayton Morris...very cool move. SCW

1 comment:

  1. hey we gettin a little forward movement with our governments agenda!


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