Location of sighting: South America
News source: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/588415/World-UFO-Day-Happy-Mondays-frontman-claims-alien-craft-appeared-over-garden
News states:
The Happy Mondays and Black Grape lead singer claims he was not tripping on magic mushrooms or other hallucinogenics when a 20ft by 10ft flying saucer appeared over him.
The self-confessed drug addled rocker made the claim to This Morning presenters Amanda Holden and Phillip Schofield when he appeared on the show coincidentally on World UFO Day today.
He said: "We were filming in South America at the time. I remember I got back to my house at about 5am and I saw a craft outside my house.
"It was huge. Around 20ft by 10ft. It looked plastic - like a toy. I didn't believe it at first. I thought our production team were playing a trick on me. But nobody else saw it."
He said it was gathering clouds around it as it silently flew.
He added: "As it moved really slowly across the field, it gathered even more cloud around it but it didn't make a sound."
Schofield asked him why he hadn't snapped a picture of the mystery craft.
He replied: "I don't know why I didn't film it or grab the wife.
"But it's annoying when you have people like pilots and military officials who usually make great witnesses, but if they tell you they've seen a UFO, nobody believes them.
"We are not alone in this universe.
"Maybe I was hallucinating but I am not making it up. I didn't take any magic mushrooms or anything."