
Shape Shifting UFO Seen Over New York City For 20 Minutes! Sept 12, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA
Source: http://sheamagazine.com/ufo-over-new-york/

These shape shifting UFO are seen around the world, but most often around July and August of every year. They are marked by the bumps on them that change positions and by the microbe-like appearance. They are most often mistaken for stars, but when you look through a camera, they are never just round. This one is unusually close, but it may be his monster zoom he's got on his camera. The fact that he felt a presence  as if someone was watching him is a fact that is sometimes reported by eyewitnesses. This is a living entity that is observing the people below. What a remarkable sighting. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness States:
I got up this morning at about 2 am, awoken by a strange dream. Somewhere around 5 am I noticed that there was a strange round object in the sky. I thought at first it was the reflection of my computer off the window. But then something else strange happened, I felt an odd presence watching me somehow, like a beam coming through the window, and then I grabbed a camera and started recording. And this is what I saw looking northeast.

00:29 – I zoom in on what at appears to be a star. 
1:34 – It looks like a flaming ball. 
3:43 – I pull back and zoom in on it again. 
5:42 – I pull back as it becomes a fiery triangle. 
8:05 – I zoom back in on it and it has become an object that looks like a planet or a molecule. 
9:50 – It becomes more angular and bright. 
15:00 – I zoom in and it starts to look like a molecule, or perhaps the death star, or a jellyfish, or a popover, or the planet Saturn or…I’m not sure what. 

Now I’m sure the scientists among you will provide me with whatever reasonable explanation there is, provided that meteors, or distant planets, or nuclear explosions in space can be thought of as reasonable. I myself was somewhat sleep deprived and looked upon whatever phenomenon was occurring with a sense of mystical appreciation and wonder. Perhaps it’s a planet, since Venus and Jupiter and Mars are visible this month in the eastern sky. Perhaps it is a star, and this is what a nuclear explosion in space looks like, which also might make sense. Maybe it’s a meteor flying though space. It does look a planet, for a while at least. And then it changes, becomes more liquid, becomes more fiery, seems to breathe and change shape, and does appear to be burning, and sort of beating like heart. Then it becomes more molecular, changes shapes again, and so on. At one point after I had concluded this video and was uploading it, I looked through the camera again, zooming in on the light source and it shuffled thorough a rapid series of geometric shape changes, square, triangle, hexagon and so on. This alas is not shown in the video. All that said, what is this? If you have an idea, please leave a comment and let me know.