
Glowing Green Disk Over Cape of Good Hope Sends Twitter Abuzz, Nov 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2015
Location of sighting: Cape Town, South Africa

This was all over Twitter a few hours ago. A few people posted sightings of this green glowing disk over a small town of South Africa. It was at the Cape of Good Hope, over Cape Town. In the enlargement above I made, you can clearly make out its disk shape and glowing bottom center. 

I once reported such a metallic disk over Cape Town about 3 years ago. I found it on Google Earth map, but after making a video and reporting it on my site, Google did delete it from their map within 2-3 months. (Click here to view it). This UFO today, looks like the same craft. The one that Bob Lazar worked on at Area S4. 

Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Durban – The Twitteratti world was abuzz on Saturday night after a sighting of what is believed to be an Unidentified Flying Object [UFO] in Cape Town. The #UFOSA was trending with various people tweeting pictures of a green light that could be seen from the clouds. @Sindelo tweeted: “First it was those clouds and now green orbs are seen floating around Cape Town. The aliens have come with white supremacy! #UFOSA @PlanetZuma quipped that it was the controversial R4 billion presidential VIP Jet. “Relax people, it was just a test flight of the #GravyPlane. #UFOSA #ZumaJet,” read the tweet.