
UFO Passes Between Earth And Sun On Feb 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 14, 2016
Location of sighting: between Earth and Sun
Source photo: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov//data/REPROCESSING/Completed/2016/c3/20160214/20160214_0142_c3_1024.jpg

This giant disk was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube. We can see the direction it came from (above and its heading down toward the sun. Its hard to tell its size, because like Streetcap1 said, it could be close to the SOHO satellite. Its shape with the hole it is remarkable and has some resemblance to the living creatures recorded during the Tether Incident
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Close pass of ufo near Lasco cameras on 14 February, 2016. Not huge, not near the sun, but near the SOHO Satellite at point L1 where the gravity of the Sun and Earth meet to form a stable position for satellite imagery. Streetcap1.