
UFO shoots away from Earth causing giant beam of light behind it. April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 17, 2016
Location of sighting: ISS, Earths orbit
Source: MUFON #75904

Now this is a bit confusing. Is that a UFO leaving earth...maybe, we see its leaving because if you add light to it, the beam gets thinner the farther away it is. Also a UFO is seen, but its to small to be the earth, may possibly be Jupiter, since its very visible in the night sky right now. Hard call. That light however...its thickness its incredible. Covering a width of hundreds of miles. It must have come from the ocean, and left so fast it left a visible trail for a few seconds. Then...it could have been a wormhole, a long tunnel to transport someone or something a far distance. We see the tunnel made then disappear. Nothing to worry about, just time traveling aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
During an ISS live NASA UStream, an orb-like object appeared just above the horizon. After remaining in the same relative position for awhile it began to ascend up and out of the UStream camera lens coverage area. Once it left the screen an energy beam shot up from the earth toward the UFO's former location. Gauging by the distance between the ISS and the location of the energy beam, the relative size of the UFO must have been enormous. I am hoping that someone with technical background can determine the location from where the beam was fired based on the time of the siting (7:25 p.m. Central European Time) and the ISS live feed metering that is displayed at the bottom left of the frames in the video. The video is comprised of multiple screenshots I took during the siting.


  1. Scott thx for news (from Russia, Ekaterinburg)

  2. Hey Scott I just took a picture of a ufo leaving the earth from the ISS where can I send it to u?

  3. Found a clip on USTREAM ISS archive from Sun 4-17-16 @ approx. 8:10 UTC. Similar to this clip, there is a whitish object that appears to ascend from Earths atmosphere for about 4 minutes before simply vanishing. Something odd is that the cloud pattern doesn't match your clip, so perhaps they are from different times that day, which to me screams nearly FULL MOON! There is also a flare or reflection of light is the ISS which is not a laser or weapon.

  4. I watched something leaving the earth and the 16th I took screen shots of it till it was gone I have about 10 pictures

  5. I seen something as the sun came up on april 17 above the truck to computer on truck went nut and so did my camera I 2 pic

  6. I watched it when took first pics nothing show but my next few where blurry it was clear as day I do not see how nothing show in first pics the other one I magnified it look like 5 or 6 objects

  7. I think that's actually hard estimate with the naked eye, because of the camera angle as is possible UFO also move in the direction of the coordinate axes of the camera, so it can be from the sky to the earth, the earth into space, or from the point of the earth to the other earth point.

  8. I think that's actually hard estimate with the naked eye, because of the camera angle as is possible UFO also move in the direction of the coordinate axes of the camera, so it can be from the space to the earth, the earth into space, or from the point of the earth to the other earth point.

  9. Nasa is not going to say ANYTHING. There will be a mundane report about a reflection on some glass and a faulty camera.
    C'mon it's Nasa. Give them some credit. I just Pray nothing Happens up there. We are just getting Started Exploring our next door neighbors. It's a very Exciting time.

    Hi Scott, I may be able to back this up. I've reported seeing a white object high up in the sky on Sunday Morning ( London, UK time ) and reported this to a Journalist the same day regarding the Drone hitting the Aircraft as I thought both may be connected. at the time.. What time roughly did you capture the footage ? Many thanks


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