
Glowing UFO Over City Of Rudolph, Ohio - May 26, 2013, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 26, 2013
Location of sighting:  Rudolph, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #47675

This is a serious video guys. I can see that this is excellent evidence that UFOs are real and observing us, and yet...and yet...MUFON.com has decided to hold it back for three long years. This concerns me. This appears to be deliberately withheld from the public until 3 years later. Did Bigelow Aerospace pay them to hold back this case file also? I see on the MUFON site, the date that this sighting was submitted was May 27, 2013. 

I'm just one guy, working one site, and yet MUFON has thousands of people working with them...three years to get it to the public? Really? 

This case is extremely significant, because of one thing over all...it was held back by MUFON for three years before they talked about it. I have two particular questions for MUFON. 1st, why wait three years? 2nd, what didn't you want the public to see in this video?

There must be something that was very important and known to the US government to be flying around Rudolph, Ohio in 2013, so the final question is...was it alien or was it USAF?

The more information we get, the more questions it creates. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Unedited Witness Testimony: My husband and I were sitting out in our backyard. He suddenly looked over my shoulder and said "What the hell is THAT?" The object was almost directly over us and was huge. It was a large translucent square and within the square was a very bright pulsating white light that changed to a faint glowing red and then back to white. We watched it slowly and silently float across the sky until it was out of our view due to the tree line. It moved slower than a plane. We both video taped it with our smart phones.