
Dark Disk Found On Mars Surface, Landed UFO? Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/191536

This disk on the surface of a hill on Mars was found by Streetcap1 this week. It looks to be made of the same material as the surroundings, and could be a flying disk that has landed, or it could be a building built there on purpose to get a better view.

I looked further into the photo to see if there was anything else around and found a few other anomalies. There is a male figure kneeling as if praying from behind. Perhaps a statue or perhaps frozen in time...petrified from some monstrous weapon. It is only about 4-6 cm tall, which fits the hight of the other figures we have found over the years. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
This looks a bit unusual. Doesn't really fit in with the surrounding rocks. It is at the summit of the mountain and very far off, so if it is a rock then it must be massive. Also it looks like there are windows on it. Streetcap1.

 Above is the back of a kneeling person, probably praying or begging for their life, before being prettified (turned to stone) with an alien weapon. 



  1. The ufo is similar shape to the one also in Photo Journal PIA20332. The one I found is past the figure walking by the bridge to the left and higher. It is sitting in the sand semi submerged and looks rusted but the front is a perfect half horseshoe shape which looks like metal. It has a dome on the top and if you zoom in it looks like the occupant may still be in it!!! the number 5 written in white as I mentioned in the comment section a couple of articles down by the Rover may also be marking the area as of interest of a crash site since the grey is near it. I really think this picture needs to be re-examed.

  2. This time I think it looks like a rock.

  3. Scott if you look at how a cast is made in a foundry this is a perfect example as the rock gets burnt out as the molten metals take it's place. This could be a cast for a ship.

  4. Theres another the same behind it a few hundred mtrs

  5. The face with helmet is the most interesting of this binchh. Looks a lot like one of the mysterious easter island stone head faces.

  6. its good we spot anomalys but please keep reality in check


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