
Glowing orb peeks out from under cloud In Waco, Texas On Oct 12, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 12, 2016
Location of sighting: Waco, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #79819

The UFO was visible because of the angle of the sun, cloud and the glowing orb below the cloud peeking out. You can see the area around the orb glowing, lighting up the bottom of the cloud. It would be invisible to the naked eye, however, the digital eye was too perfect to miss it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I received these images from a friend's mother, who works at the school were our children attend. She has given her permission to submit these images and her story as we would like to find out what they may be. I was not a witness to this incident, but, I also am trying to find answers as this took place at an elementary school where the children were present at the time. It was a cloudy morning. Her co-worker and her where taking pictures of the Sun peeking over the clouds and did not see anything unusual at the time. It wasn't until they reviewed the images later in the evening that they noticed the anomaly. Both images were taken at the same place not long apart. Unfortunately I do not know which image was taken first. Here is her experience in her own words: The date was Wednesday October 12th. The picture was taken at 9:34 AM. We were on the playground of the Connally School. We had been taking pictures of the kids playing and I noticed a big black cloud. I love looking at clouds so I decided to take a picture of the dark cloud with the sun coming up from behind it. I never noticed anything in the sky while taking the picture and neither did my coworker. Later that day I was looking at the picture and noticed the purple spot on it so I enlarged it to look at it and I was surprised at what I saw. After looking at my picture I looked at my friends picture. She didn't notice anything on her picture at the time. When she saw my picture posted on fb then she went back and looked at hers. I have attached both images, as well as her personal image she cropped to enlarge it. Thank you for your time. And I guarantee we will be watching the sky over the school a lot more closely.