Date of sighting: Oct 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Turkey
Original Video:
These kids were riding in a car and suddenly saw a silver human like figure moving over the tree tops. They called it the Silver Surfer...a Marvel comic book first published in the 1968. I see the resemblance for sure, but I believe its a lightning bolt shaped alien drone...a probe to scan and then be retrieved by a larger ship later. For those who still don't know who the Silver Surfer is, I will include a video of an amazing costume from Halloween one guy at bottom of post.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Eyewitnesses state:
It was a shocking moment when a superhero silver surfer in a Marvel comic book appeared in the middle of a major city. The mysterious object was two car driving Ai Erkan? Alec and Halil? Kagera found that when it is traveling in the north-west of Turkey's fourth largest city Bursa over.