
Blue UFO Over Madrid, Spain Caught On Video, April 20, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 20, 2020
Location of sighting: Madrid, Spain

This blueish purple UFO was caught by Youtuber Oana Grigoras. She watched in amazement as a glowing blue object in the sky above Madrid, Spain began to appear and then disappear several times. She managed to catch a little of it on video for us to see. 

It looks like a large UFO with two huge black windows. The object seems to be hovering in place, hiding within the clouds as it watches from above. Spain is currently struggling with the coronavirus with most of its citizens dealing with lock down. Deaths in Spain have reach 25,264. Thats a lot for a small country. This UFO may be monitoring how humans deal with such complex situations and stress. 
Scott C. Waring