
Giant Black Triangle On Suns Surface 1/5 The Size Of Earth! July 21, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 21, 2021
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: Helioviewer.org

I first reported this black triangle UFO about 2 years ago. It's still there today, but moves from one place to another. Its location about 5 years ago was in the upper left corner of the sun. Then suddenly it disappeared and reappeared in the lower right corner of the sun just 2 years ago. Since then...I have been watching it, asking about it in emails to astronomical organizations worldwide, yet have never once received a response. 

This huge object appears to be a large black triangle craft. It stays black which means its has resistance against the heat of the sun. Normally if it was burning material from the sun, it would also be burning, but not this. It remains black 24/7.

Look at the Helioviewer earth sample next to it to measure the size of the triangle. Its 1/5 the size of Earth...and yet no astronomers have ever mentioned it. No scientific organization has ever acknowledged its existence. There is clearly someone of power trying to keep this knowledge out of the hands of the public. Perhaps someone so powerful, so rich that they themselves own the ship and left it there for a quick getaway one day. Got anyone in mind? Any billionaires getting your attention impressing you lately? I got a few on my mind...Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and of course...Jeff Bezos. At least one of them is an alien, but maybe more. In time we will find out the truth.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan