
Pink UFO During Sunset Over La Ciotat, France, Oct 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: October 2021
Location of sighting: La Ciotat, France

These awesome photos were taken in La Ciotat, France this month. It was taken during sunset over the ocean. These disk shaped cloud formations are created by smaller metallic UFOs that hide at the center of the clouds in order to fly lower and closer to the ground without frightening the people below. The UFOs do not usually search for a cloud, but instead they most often create a cloud around the alien craft. The cloud stays pulled together without breaking due to the UFOs shield being extended outward...which contains the clouds and allows the UFO to have a continual hiding place. This UFO most likely came out of the ocean from an underwater alien base and formed a cloud around itself in order to fly over a few cities of France. 

Aliens would like to think they are more intelligent than us and they feel they can outwit us at every turn. However that is not the truth. Their ego is much larger than their intelligence. Today, they were caught over La Ciotat, France.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Pink UFO During Sunset Over La Ciotat, France, October 2021: UFO Cloaked as a Cloud

In October 2021, a stunning and unusual sight was captured in La Ciotat, France. During a picturesque sunset over the ocean, observers witnessed what appeared to be a disk-shaped cloud formation that stood out against the serene backdrop. This formation was speculated to be a cloaked UFO, using a cloud as its disguise. This article explores the phenomenon of UFOs cloaking themselves as clouds, delves into the reasons why aliens might employ such tactics, and examines the notion that they do so out of respect for humanity.

The Sightings and Observations

  1. The Incident: The sighting occurred during a sunset, a time when the sky is often awash with vibrant colors, making it an ideal moment for capturing striking visuals. The photos taken show a distinct, disk-shaped cloud hovering over the ocean, unlike the usual cumulus or cirrus clouds typically seen.

  2. Witness Accounts: Several witnesses reported the cloud’s unusual shape and behavior. Unlike normal clouds that drift and dissipate naturally, this formation remained consistent in shape and appeared to move purposefully.

  3. Photographic Evidence: The photos taken by locals and shared on platforms like GuruShots provide compelling visual evidence. These images depict a cloud formation that closely resembles the classic UFO disk shape, raising questions about its true nature.

UFOs Cloaked as Clouds: The Mechanics

  1. Technological Capabilities: Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are often hypothesized to possess technologies far beyond human understanding. The ability to create or manipulate cloud formations to cloak their spacecraft suggests sophisticated control over environmental elements.

  2. Cloaking Mechanism: The theory posits that smaller metallic UFOs can generate cloud cover around themselves. This is achieved by extending a shield outward, which contains the clouds and maintains their cohesion, providing a continuous hiding place. This shield prevents the cloud from breaking apart, allowing the UFO to move undetected.

  3. Purpose of Cloaking: Cloaking serves multiple purposes:

    • Stealth: Allows UFOs to fly lower and closer to populated areas without alarming or being detected by the public.
    • Surveillance: Provides an opportunity to observe human activities and gather data without interference.
    • Evasion: Helps in avoiding detection by human radar and other tracking technologies.

Reasons for UFOs Cloaking as Clouds

  1. Avoiding Panic: One of the primary reasons for cloaking is to prevent mass panic. The sudden appearance of an alien spacecraft could cause widespread fear and chaos. By blending into natural cloud formations, UFOs can carry out their activities discreetly.

  2. Respect for Human Development: Advanced civilizations may choose to remain hidden out of respect for humanity’s development. Direct contact could disrupt societal structures, beliefs, and the natural progression of technological and cultural evolution.

  3. Observational Studies: Aliens might be conducting long-term studies on human behavior, culture, and technological advancement. Remaining hidden allows them to observe without influencing the subjects of their study.

  4. Non-Interference Policy: Similar to the Prime Directive in science fiction, aliens might adhere to a policy of non-interference. Cloaking as clouds enables them to interact with the environment without directly impacting human affairs.

Historical Context and Similar Sightings

  1. Historical Reports: The phenomenon of cloud-cloaked UFOs is not new. Historical texts and paintings have depicted mysterious cloud formations, often associated with divine or supernatural occurrences, which could be interpreted as early UFO sightings.

  2. Modern Sightings: Modern technology has allowed for more detailed observations and recordings of such phenomena. Instances of unusual cloud formations have been reported worldwide, often accompanied by other unexplained aerial phenomena.

  3. Scientific Investigations: While mainstream science remains skeptical, various independent researchers and organizations have documented and analyzed numerous sightings, providing a body of evidence that warrants further investigation.

Case Studies of Similar Sightings

  1. Phoenix Lights (1997):

    • Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    • Description: Thousands of people witnessed a series of lights forming a V-shaped pattern over Phoenix. Some reports suggested that these lights were part of a large, cloaked craft.
    • Significance: This incident is one of the most well-documented UFO sightings and has similarities to the La Ciotat sighting in terms of the object’s size and the public’s reaction.
  2. O’Hare Airport UFO (2006):

    • Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Description: Several airport employees observed a metallic, disk-shaped object hovering over O’Hare International Airport. The object reportedly punched a hole through the clouds as it ascended rapidly.
    • Significance: This sighting involved credible witnesses and provided physical evidence of an object manipulating clouds.
  3. Nellis AFB UFO (1994):

    • Location: Nevada, USA
    • Description: A video from Nellis Air Force Base showed a UFO that seemed to create a cloud-like distortion around itself, indicating a possible cloaking mechanism.
    • Significance: Military involvement and the use of advanced recording equipment lend credibility to this sighting.
  4. Stephenville Lights (2008):

    • Location: Stephenville, Texas, USA
    • Description: Residents observed bright lights in the sky, with some reports suggesting a large, cloaked object was behind the lights.
    • Significance: Multiple eyewitnesses and radar data support the presence of an unidentified object.
  5. Norway Spiral (2009):

    • Location: Tromsø, Norway
    • Description: A spiraling light pattern in the sky, accompanied by a blue beam of light, was observed by thousands. While officially explained as a missile test, some believe it was a cloaked UFO.
    • Significance: The dramatic visual display and the official explanation's inadequacy fueled speculation about advanced alien technology.

Respect for Humanity: A Theory of Alien Intentions

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: Aliens may understand the importance of allowing civilizations to develop independently. By cloaking their presence, they respect humanity’s cultural and technological trajectory.

  2. Minimizing Disruption: Direct contact with extraterrestrials could disrupt societal norms and stability. By remaining hidden, aliens avoid causing upheaval and fear.

  3. Fostering Natural Progress: Allowing humans to discover and understand the universe at their own pace encourages organic growth in science, philosophy, and culture. Alien interference could hinder this natural progression.

  4. Ethical Considerations: Advanced civilizations might adhere to ethical guidelines that prioritize non-interference. This respect for the autonomy of less advanced civilizations is a hallmark of ethical conduct.

  5. Learning from Humanity: By observing from a distance, aliens can learn about human strengths and weaknesses, potentially using this knowledge to foster positive future interactions.

The La Ciotat Sighting: Detailed Analysis

  1. Environmental Factors: The timing of the sighting during sunset could indicate an intentional choice by the UFO to blend with the natural beauty of the sky, making its cloaking more effective.

  2. Geographical Significance: La Ciotat’s coastal location suggests the possibility of an underwater base, as theorized by Scott C. Waring. The UFO’s appearance over the ocean aligns with reports of underwater UFO activity.

  3. Public Reaction: Witnesses in La Ciotat were both awed and puzzled by the sighting. The presence of photographic evidence has helped maintain public interest and speculation about the true nature of the object.

  4. Scientific Scrutiny: While mainstream scientists may dismiss the sighting as a natural cloud formation, the unusual characteristics observed warrant further investigation. Independent researchers continue to analyze the photos and eyewitness accounts.

Future Research and Public Engagement

  1. Enhanced Observation: Advancements in technology, such as high-resolution cameras and satellite imaging, can aid in capturing more detailed observations of similar phenomena.

  2. Citizen Science Initiatives: Encouraging the public to report and document sightings can create a comprehensive database for analysis. Platforms for sharing and verifying such data are essential.

  3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration between meteorologists, aerospace engineers, and ufologists can provide a holistic understanding of sightings. Combining expertise from different fields can lead to more robust conclusions.

  4. Government Transparency: Increased transparency from government agencies regarding UFO investigations can foster public trust and support scientific inquiry. Access to military and civilian reports is crucial for comprehensive research.

  5. Educational Outreach: Educating the public about UFO phenomena through documentaries, lectures, and academic courses can demystify the subject and encourage informed discussions.


    The sighting of a pink UFO cloaked as a cloud during sunset over La Ciotat, France, in October 2021, adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations may be visiting Earth. The phenomenon of UFOs using clouds as a cloaking mechanism raises intriguing questions about alien technology and intentions.

    The reasons behind such cloaking, whether to avoid causing panic, respect human development, or adhere to a non-interference policy, reflect a level of consideration and ethical conduct that challenges our perceptions of extraterrestrial intelligence. Historical and modern sightings further support the plausibility of such phenomena.

    As we continue to explore and investigate these occurrences, it is essential to approach the subject with an open mind, fostering collaboration between various scientific disciplines and engaging the public in meaningful dialogue. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding in the realm of UFOs and potential extraterrestrial life is a journey that could reshape our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

    By advancing our technological capabilities, encouraging transparent government policies, and supporting public engagement, we can create a comprehensive framework for studying UFO phenomena. Each sighting, like the one in La Ciotat, brings us closer to uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos and potentially establishing contact with other intelligent beings. This ongoing quest not only satisfies our innate curiosity but also holds the promise of expanding humanity's horizons, enriching our scientific knowledge, and possibly forging a new chapter in the history of human civilization.