
Drone Fleet At Trump National Golf Club, New Jersey, USA Jan 4, 2025, UFO UAP Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Jan 4, 2025
Location of sighting: Bedmister Golf course, New Jersey, USA

Guys this just in an email to me a few minutes ago. This eyewitness recored several UFOs over the Trump National Golf course located in Bedmister, New Jersey today. The UFOs had four whitish blue lights with a single large red light at its center. Very strange and very big. These are not small drones, these are car size or bigger craft flying in our skies...yes they are UFOs. When Trump takes office on Jan 20th, the truth will be announced. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: Taken 30 minutes ago leaving my house. These drones surprised me because I live close to Trump golf course and I hadn’t seen any for a while. I did confirm they were not airplanes by the flightradar24 app.