Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apollo. Show all posts


White UFO Seen Over Two Cities In Mexico During Day, Dec 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date  of sighting: December 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Mexico City and Las Heras, Mendoza, Mexico.
Source: Twitter

There are two videos, but you will have to click on the red Twitter links below to view them on Twitter. 

On Dec 10th, two different tweets about a UFO over Mexico reported a white UFO that was flashing and moving slowly in the afternoon sky. Without a single cloud to be seen, this white UFO became easier to see for eyewitnesses. 

As one person tweeted a video from Las Heras (Mendoza), Mexico, another person replied to him with a video of the same UFO over Mexico City. Thats a little more than 100 miles away from each other. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Pyramid On Moon Found With Hexagon Shape! Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Photo URL:

Here is a cool discovery of a hexagon shaped pyramid on Earths moon. The pyramid looks really old and you can see that it is raised up above the surface, not below, so its not a crater hole. Anyways, is silly to think a crater would be in a hexagonal shape. This geometrical mathematical patter of perfectly distance sides, is 100% proof that aliens exist. Math doesn't lie. The geometry is perfect. Good find by Mundo Desconocido of Youtube.
Scott C. Waring

Grey Alien Figure Found In Chinese Moon Landing Photo, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: Unknown

This alien figure was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week. Its a standing grey figure on the far right of the photo. On closer inspection, it has an elongated head, wide body, arms and legs. Excellent proof that aliens exist on Earths moon. He said he found it in the Chinese moon index from the Chang'e 3 lander. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien structures found on Planet Mercury in old Mariner 10 photos, Dec 15, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 15, 2017
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
Source photo:

I was surprised today when looking at some Mariner 10 photos of Mercury. There were some obvious buildings visible, and some not so obvious. The structure in the center of the crater has a tall tower at its center. Also, the entire right side of the photo is entirely covered by a fungus-like alien structures. These structures are similar to some of those found on earths moon. I colored them orange so its easier to make them out. It must have taken millions of years to cover so much of the surface with structures. 
Scott C. Waring


Triangle UFO Over Freeway In Charlotte, N Carolina, Dec 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Source: MUFON #88749

I went over these photos very carefully and I can say without any doubt that this is not stuck to the windshield. That being said, the UFO is a dark brown triangle about the size of a 727. The UFO also has a light field around it which probably causes it to look cloud like, but its not. Fantastic photo of a triangle UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
My Girlfriend was taking pictures as usual, she probably takes on average 30 to 50 pictures a Day of everything we do with our phones. So December 6th were headed home from a visit to charlotte and we saw a black dot that appeared that was more than the dirt on my windshield and b4 I could say hey look ..She was telling me...Hey Look wheres your phone and we found the phone and she snapped a few pictures...the pictures were taken from front passenger seat of a pick up, through the windshield.


UFO Sighting Over Chino, California May Be Evidence Of Alien Base Below State Park, Dec 2017, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of sighting: 9-24-2017
Location of sighting: Chino, California, USA
Source: MUFON #88726

This particular style of UFO has been seen many times around the globe over the years. Sometimes its even a hexagon shape, hovers, then moves away. 

Chino has a huge park called Chino Hills State Park. It has over 14,000 acres, or 57 square km. Many UFO bases are hidden below mountains and volcanos, for instance the Colorado mountain range where even police officers reported round spherical glowing whit balls of light, much like todays sighting. So I do feel there is some alien presence below this park. Probably a small base about 5km below the surface. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was inside my car when I saw the object and took out my camera and it did not make any noise. It disappeared behind a tree, so I  got out of the car to see it, but it was not gone or disappeared.


UFO Hexagon above Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, Dec 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 8, 2017
Location of sighting: Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, USA

This UFO was caught over Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota this week. I take personal interest because my personal (Scott C. Waring) sighting started in Rapid City, just 30 miles from Crazy Horse, back in 1989-1990. If this UFO was rotating I would say its the same. Also, the UFOs (about 25+) I saw headed toward the Black Hills, but passing them. Great sighting that MRMBB333 of Youtube brought out to our attention. 
Scott C. Waring

MRMBB333 states: 
Something strange was discovered in a couple, not just one but TWO photos of Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota. Jonathan, the man that took the photos discovered what appears to be a hexagon craft in the sky high above the monument!


Alien Outpost On Ceres Discovered In Latest NASA Photo, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 6, 2017
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres

 This is the newest released photo of Ceres, given to the public on the NASA site on Dec 2nd. There is a very tall building and thin structure that looks like a great wall. The shadow really gives away its incredible hight. Built next to a small crater, this structure may have once been an alien outpost on this dwarf planet. 

This is the same planet with the glowing white structures, click here to see them in high detail. 
Scott C. Waring


Apollo 17 Astronaut Falls Back And Defies Gravity On Moon, Dec 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, Apollo 17

This is odd, this Apollo 17 astronaut on the moon is defying the laws of physics by bouncing, as if from a rope, then leans far back, then returns to a normal stance. This is impossible, even on the moon, however, if you are suspended from a cable, then you cannot fall back, but you see him seem to turn slightly and slightly bounce twice before he returns to normal standing. This is evidence that the Apollo 17 moonwalk was faked. Excellent find by Streetcap1 of Youtube. The suit weighs a massive 180 pounds or 82 kg on Earth. On the moon however, it weights only 30 pounds, 14 kg. decide. Watch the video and come to your own conclusions. Do you think he is dangling from a cable?
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Look at this, he stumbles, both legs together, huge Backpack, bulky Spacesuit, how on Moon did he not topple? His centre of gravity had gone. The strength of gravity has no bearing on losing your centre of gravity, you would still lose your balance. Basic Physics. Small flashes above and to the right of him, are your Clue. SC1.


NASA releases New Apollo 16 Footage, Which Is Proof They Faked The Missions, UFO Sighting News.

NASA just released a few minutes of footage from the Apollo 16 mission and guess what? Its been edited! At 3 seconds into the video, a whole 4 or more seconds were cut out as the rover was turning. What I think is that the rover got stuck turning and a lot of guys ran out onto the stage set and pushed it to turn it fully. That cut is 100% proof they used photoshop to remove worrisome footage from the publics view. 

Also note the dirt flying up from the tires. The speed at which it moves from the tires and the speed at which it falls is not equal to the 1/6 that of here on Earth. So why does the dirt fall and shoot back at normal Earth-like gravity speed? That dirt should be flying 6 times longer, but its not. It should be much slower to fall, and there should be some continuous dust clouds from smaller particles that should not fall for a few minutes, yet, all the dirt particles are on the ground in just a few seconds. 

Check out the video below they released today and judge for yourself. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. 
Scott C. Waring


Three mile glowing doorway found in Earths Moon, ET Entrance to base, Nov 1, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 1, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Map link:

While the world is making Trump into a global celebrity and Hollywood is turning into Hornywood...Hollywood being my hometown by the way. I decided to take a closer look a this moon map and in about 30 seconds found a glowing rectangle entrance into the moon. 

There is also a long above ground transparent tunnel that glows at night like lightening. (Click here to see the night photos). This glowing rectangle is absolutely unexplainable by any scientists in the world...because its real. Even NASA will refuse to respond to such truth, because their lies have already boxed them into a room where there is no truth, only lies built upon lies. The glowing entrance is about 1.5 miles by 3 miles across. 

I am Scott C. Waring, here to show you the truth that you demand. 


How To Find An Alien Space Station On Google Sky Map. Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 30, 2016
Location of discovery: Between IC 2031 and NGC 1475
1st method used: Google Sky map
2nd method used:
Coordinates: 03 57 08.63,-07 11 26.2

While checking out Google sky I noticed something interesting. That every once in a while there was an unusual structure in space. These structures are usually balance and geometrical in shape, but sometimes rounded, with metallic tint to them. 

This particular one is cube, made up of smaller areas that are also cubes. Google Sky map was not as clear as I wanted, so I went to and found a similar sky map, but the quality of the detail is more focused. These are the photos above. Below are  the photos from Google sky. 

The size of this space station is unknown since Google ruler is inaccurate in the sky version. However it looks Earth size or bigger in my opinion. 
Scott C. Waring

Below are Google sky photos. Below the blue Base is another metallic gold base. 


Giant UFOs Near Earths Moon Reinforce Hollow Moon Theory, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-29-2015 reported this week
Location of sighting: Brazil
News Source: MUFON #80045

This could be more evidence to the hollow moon theory. So many UFOs have been seen around the moon, yet we don't see a lot of structures on the surface, so there must be a large cavity within. 

Hollow Moon Theory: The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. What does this mean?

In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated,
"If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."
Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity."

MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,
"the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."
In Carl Sagan's treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was in my residence watching the lunar eclipse. I decided to take some pictures, because my son is interested in the subject and he slept because of the schedule. The objects were not visible to the naked eye, and I fixed the camera on a tripod not to move the camera. only the next day I went to see the pictures on the computer, when I found strange white spots around and near the moon. I follow and am interested in UFO phenomena, but thought well before sending the photos.


Strange white circling lights in the Derbyshire skies last night Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England

This info was sent into me by Christian Mace, a French UFO research (click here to view his UFO site). The video shows white lights moving around in the sky. I have actually seen about 50 of these once with my family last year when walking home at midnight. They seem to have no limit to their speed, but if you notice them, they will know it! There is a 60% chance that they will either perform for you with loops, or return to observe you while keeping their distance for 5-10 min. If I hadn't seen such an event with my own family...I never would have believed it really happened. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Sorry for the grainy video had the camera on Max ISO as they were faint. Not sure what they are but they're moving in a pattern. #NotAliens :D just lights above Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Anyone shed any light (pardon the pun)


UFO OVNI over Coahuila Mexico July 15, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 15, 2016
Location of sighting: Choahuila, Mexico

This is a dark UFO thats moving across a overcast sky. The UFO is dark, barrel shape, and has a slight thin dome over its top. Mexico is notorious for its UFO sightings, maybe because they are so close to the ocean where underwater bases existed for thousands of years, or maybe because of all the bases below the volcanos for thousands of years. I believe the ancient Mayans and Aztecs are descendants of one of these alien species that lives in this region. 
Scott C. Waring 


Police car in hot pursuit of UFO in Gorey, Ireland On Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Gorey, Ireland
News source:

Here is something extremely cute and out of this world. A hot pursuit right out of Fast And Furious, of a UFO being chased by a police car in the small town of Gorey, Ireland. Sure its only for fun, and not at all a real UFO, but sometimes you need to kick back, smile and laugh a bit, and this does the trick. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
A video has emerged online appearing to show a low-speed pursuit between a Garda car and a flying saucer on the streets of Gorey, Co Wexford.

In the video posted over the weekend on Facebook, a UFO proceeds down the street, closely followed by a squad car with its lights flashing.

However, a Garda spokesman told The Irish Times that it was less of a “pursuit” and more of a friendly escort.

The “UFO” in this case is actually an installation for a space-themed art show created by local artist Ali Kemal Ali.

“The gardaí gave (Ali) a little escort around the town to show the UFO off,” said the Garda spokesman, quelling rumours of an intergalactic invasion. “It was all in good faith,” he said.

No aliens have been arrested at this time.

Earth Size Borg Cube UFO Sucks Solar Material From Our Sun On NASA photo! Aug 4, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 4, 2016 01:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun Surface
SOHO camera: EIT 284

I found the cube near our sun again yesterday. It was not just near the sun, but actually pulling part of the sun out to it...sucking the surface into the cube. This may not be a occupied ship, but actually an massive drone that is the size of Earth itself. I have been carefully monitoring this cube for over 5 years, and was the first to report on it. Its till coming, about ever 2-3 months, like its following a cycle or rotation, but then again, there may be thousands of these in our solar system and they may use the solar material to recharge the ship. Also its possible the cube is a space battery of sorts...that recharges with the sun and carries it off to the alien civilization that created it. 
Scott C. Waring


Three Amazing Faces On Mars In Single Rover Photo, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

I found a few faces on Mars in the Spirit rover archives. The faces are actually made well, but the material they are made with seems to be lumpy and awkward to have worked with. As if it was made with many clumps of clay layers on one handful at a time, each being a new lump. Very cool and strange faces. An old man with a beard. A reptile or fish face (above), and a bear like face below. Faces from stores or perhaps their travels? You be the judge. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan