Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts


102 Year-Old Woman Speaks About Her UFO - Flying Saucer Sightings in Australia, UFO Sighting News.

This woman wants to tell us about some of her UFO sightings she has had thought out her lifetime. She is 102 and probably had dozens of sightings over those years. I myself have over a dozen different sightings, but mind you...I was looking for them. People will see a lot less if they don't bother looking up. I find them because I put the effort into it. Its like teaching for research in the library, if you don't put the time in to find it, you never will. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO Looking Into Windows Of Skyscraper In New York, Nov 30, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 30, 2018
Location of sighting: New York, USA
Source: MUFON

I really wish we had some video of this report, but till then, we have to take the eyewitness testimony of it. I would like to see this UFO as it shot away from the building to see how fast it moved and the flashing of the lights around it. Video is the key here to 100% confirmation of it being aliens or not. But this is still a great photo of a glowing object flying into a beam of light coming from the building. It reminds me of the old John Lennon UFO report that he and his wife saw from their New York balcony long ago. I wonder...does a history changing person live in one of these top apartments of this building? A person of significance who changes the world in some way? I bet if they are there, its because they are looking for a specific influential read their thoughts, to see the person in person, or to program them to do more. 

Video states: 
On November 29, 2018, a witness photographs a strange occurrence in New York. A UFO hangs over a skyscraper for a while, emitting a beam of light over a window and then moving away at great speed.


Burning UFO Over Polska, Poland May Be Secret Space Project, Nov 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2018
Location of sighting: Polska, Poland

This is a UFO video that just came out. It was released by an eyewitness in Poland today. At first the video shows what looks like a four engine passenger jet burning up and crashing, but no news of such a plane crash exists. As we watch the video, the object begins to burn more and more until its just a burning ball with a flaming tail behind it. It does look like its coming from outside Earths atmosphere and boring up on reentry. There is no chance in hell that this is a meteor. No meteor ever had four contrail tails lined up side by side. Either this is a top secret space craft of Russia making a crash landing (a boarder neighbour of Poland) or this is a UFO. But as you can see, if this is a top secret the time it hit the ground, it was a crispy critter. 

I do know that many UFOs can make such trails behind them, because I have seen such UFO first hand. I use to work on aircraft in the USAF. I worked on B1 and B2 bombers at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, a SAC high security base. 
Scott C. Waring

Black Space Station Seen In Earths Orbit In Apollo 10 NASA Link Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 24, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit
Source Photo:

I found this alien looking space station in orbit around Earth in a NASA photo from the Apollo 10 era. Remember thats a time before they even thought about editing out alien artefacts from space photos. Today its just common knowledge that most photos get seriously edited before being released to the public. This space station is like nothing you can ever imagine. Its not like the space ship was built using blueprints and engineers...this is a home grown space ship. Notice the unevenness of all the appendages and sides. Imagine growing a space much faster and easier than going to buy one from someone who will only take advantage of you for your money. It looks like aliens have found an easy solution to transportation problems. 
Scott C. Waring

 I also found this strange UFO (below photos) near the edge of the earth. Its not the moon, not sure what it could be back during the Apollo 10 days, so yep, UFO. 


Triangle UFO Caught In Clouds Over Netherlands, 10X The Size Of 747, Nov 2018, video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2018
Location of sighting: Netherlands

This triangle UFO was caught over the Netherlands this week. The UFO is huge...about 7-10X the size of a 747. The two lines next to each other are layers...with an dark transparent interior window area. The lines are the top and bottom of the craft. The dark center is a long dark window-like area for watching humans first hand. 

I learned from the sighting back at O'hare Airport that UFOs do cause holes in clouds. These holes will stay there up to 15 minutes after the UFO passes stated by pilots and airline employees at the O'hare Airport in 2006. So, UFOs do break through the clouds by accident. Their systems will cause the cloud to disappear when activated. Its no surprise that this one is partly revealed. Sometimes viewing humans on a computer screen just isn't the same as seeing them with your own eyes. They want to look out the ship to see them for themselves. Wouldn't you?
Scott C. Waring

Two Glowing UFOs Over California On Dark November Night, Nov 21, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 21, 2018
Location of sighting: California, USA
Source: MUFON #96518

Here is some raw footage of a UFO falling from the sky over California this week. The UFO is glowing brightly and slowly lowering itself down from the sky. At first it looks like a meteor, but its falling too slow to be one. Baffling footage to say the least. The fact that two of them exist and are following one another means they are watching out for on another. A wingman of sorts, as they have in the US Navy for pilots to keep them out of trouble. Obviously intelligently controlled. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
A few friends of mine and I were sitting on my porch smoking cigarettes when we noticed something falling from the sky, at first it appeared to be a meteor but then we noticed it stopped it started going to the side after hovering for a while. Another object appeared next to it.


Moon Size UFO Hovering At Edge Of Nebula, Gov Source, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 22, 2018
Location of discovery: NGC281 nebula

I found a mothership hiding on our side of a nebula. I'm a little surprised that NASA didn't see this, or maybe they just don't care about details. Either can see with your own eyes that its a large, dark, solid object on the edge of the nebula. 

I have reported similar dark non reflective black craft before...back in 2011 I discovered NASA links going to about size of such craft, all HD and all close up. Some call them the Dark Knight satellites, left here from an ancient alien culture long ago. This is a similar but larger craft. 

Guys, I studied in astrophysics and was at the top of my class while working on my masters in counselling. I loved it and I learned a lot. This object is obviously a solid and large object due to the lighting hitting the craft. Its a dead give-away. The right side of the craft looks to be the head, the left side is the rear. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Fungus Structures Found In Cats Eye Crater, Planet Mercury, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 22, 2018
Location of sighting: Planet Mercury, Cats Eye Crater

Look carefully at the center of this crater, do you notice the white fungus structures inside? Those are the same structure we saw glowing on dwarf planet Ceres. These are also the same white fungus structures on the back side of the moon. The side that never ever faces Earth...and for a reason. 

Oh...there is one big drawback of discovering such white structures...they are near impossible to get 100% focused details. Its  just not possible for our human technology to correctly focus on these white shiny structures. A form of camouflage I would guess, to protect them from being seen from far away. 

When I put the photo into negative formate (seen below) several structure came into view and even some window like openings. Why would structures look like a fungus? Because aliens were not raised like us, were not exposed to our environmental influences, our TV shows, our food, our language, our relationships, our conflicts, clothing, mannerisms, or nature...they had their own. Their own influenced them to create structures in this way. I also believe that these fungus structures were grown. Yes, you heard me say it a thousand times before, well here it comes again...they were bioengineered in order to let them grow and create the structures so that it save the aliens loads of time and resources. Of course the downside is they will have to nurture the structures and keep them healthy in their own ways. But a living structure will always be on the defence and always becoming stronger, continuing to learn, to understand its purpose. Have you ever seen the Farscape TV series with the living ship they traveled upon? Yeah...then you get it. 
Scott C. Waring

Triangle UFO At Space Station Near Satellite During Retrieval, Nov 22, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 22, 2018
Location of sighting: International Space Station

I was watching the live space station cam when I noticed a triangular UFO appearing out of nowhere. The light hitting the satellite and the UFO was infrared light and also the suns angle was to the far right which made the UFO reveal itself for a few minutes. The UFO match its speed perfect with the space station and the satellite, but at this moment in time the satellite was actually about one hundred meters away from the space station. Later they switched cameras and I saw how distant the satellite really was. The camera is equipped with infrared filters, which it seems to have been using...I say this because infrared filters cause a purple pink hue in video and photos, just as we see here. Our eyes cannot see infrared, however cameras with filters can. That is why we see the cloaked UFO appear for a short time. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Cross Alien Base Found On Moon, NASA Removes Links To Stop You From Seeing It! Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018, but I found it in 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo:
Source two:

I found a large X or cross structure on the moon. The area is broken up into sections, but clearly each section makes up a part of the cross. Not far away I found many other structures of odd shapes and sizes. I found that this old photo from which this came was taken long before photoshop existed, therefore it remained unedited. 

If you click on the non official source (1st link) it works fine, but if you click on the official NASA link below it, you will find a NASA page with old lunar photos...of which all the links have been destroyed. NASA took the information from my site in 2015 and used it again, yes I said again, to edit their photo index. At the moment is says, "Service unavailable." It always says that. They are keeping vital information about aliens from reaching the public and from reaching the governments of other countries. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Alien Tech Found On Mars Near Rover that will blow your mind, Nov 19, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 19, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1746

I found some alien technology on the surface of Mars in Sol 1746. The main object looks to be only 2-3 meters across, yet appears to have been used as transportation The bottom is partly buried under the dirt. Windows are visible, curved corners are easily seen. Also what looks like two black guns are sitting in the right side of the craft. Crazy cool. Hey, tell my your thoughts about this in the comments below please. 
Scott C. Waring


Two UFO Clouds Seen Over Czech Republic In Nov 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighing: Nov 2018
Location of sighting: Czech Republic 

Here we have a photo of two UFO disks that are trying to appear as clouds so that they can fly low and slow to scan the planet below. As you can see they are flying in military watching out for the a wingman. Even though they are flying slowly, don't be fooled by their appearance. The cloud is only a few meters deep and is held inside of the forcefield so that the cloud cannot escape. Imagine a forcefield made to keep micro meteorites and other things can also be used to keep the cloud smoke in. Thus, they have the perfect disguise. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
There's a lot of people from Czech Republic sharing photos of,, UFO" clouds. And I also took some.

Atlantis evidence indicates that it was located in southern Spain, Nov 2018, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Southern Spain ocean
News Source:

The Doñana National Park is under the scrutiny of researchers who have long suspected that their marshes may be submerged in mythical Atlantis. Evidence from under the marsh indicates the round disks are of intelligently made materials, that they do not make this mix of substances in nature. Either way, more tests need to be run on these objects. Tests that measure radiation, magnetism, electrical stimulation on samples, chemical composition, and more. Very interesting but to me it appears to be ancient UFOs that have crash landed and become fossilised into the earth after a billion years. 
Scott C. Waring

Angel Gabriel was the UFO seen at Jerusalem, over Dome of Rock temple seen by over 10,000 tourists, Jan 28, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 28, 2011
Location of sighting: Dome of Rock, Jerusalem

This is one of the most memorable UFO sightings in the last 20 years! A glow orb of florescent light slowly decided straight down from the sky hovering over an ancient temple called Dome of Rock. Seen by over 10,000 tourists and locals in the area, over a dozen videos of the event were released across the internet from different angles, giving us a great view of the event. 

The glowing UFO defended over the temple, fluctuated with waves of light through it, then in a great flash that shot in all directions, the UFO shot straight up at faster than speed of sound speed. 

This sighting is 100% real and confirmed to be so from serious video analysis I have done. It would be impossible to fake such an event of such proportions. 

During the crusades, the knights templar resided in the Dome of Rock temple and are believed to hidden sacred relics below it in a hidden tomb. One of those relics is the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. 

The real question on everyones mind is why would an alien want to visit here and ignore the fact that thousands were watching it? Why did it descend over the 2,000 year old ancient temple? Well I dug a little deeper into that and found out why. Something the world press and public had never discovered. 

They call it Dome of Rock, because the temple was built over a rock with holy significance and it has our answers. Its a holy rock to Muslims and Jews. 

Muslims say that the Rock commemorates the night journey of Muhammad. One night long ago the Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad while he slept near the Kaaba in Mecca and took him to al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the farthest mosque) in Jerusalem. From the Rock, Muhammad journeyed to heaven with the angel Gabriel, where he met other prophets, such as Moses and Christ, witnessed paradise and hell and finally saw God enthroned and circumambulated by angels. This UFO...we see in the videos over Dome of was the angel Gabriel

So you see, the rock has ancient holy significants, and probably contains ancient technology that allows a person to transport (teleport) across space and time to the planet in which these holy beings live. Perhaps they came to reactivate the portal, or to disable it? To ready the door for an important event in the near future. Or maybe they came to remember his close friend Muhammad, and celebrate his life. The angel Gabriel was an alien...with such advanced technology, humans back then could only explain him as being a servant of angel. Muhammad was his friend. 

And now you know the secret to the UFO sighting at Dome of Rock.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Strange face found on rocky object in front of Mars Rover, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 14, 2018
Location of discovery: Sol 63
Source photo:

A face laying on its side on the edge of what appears to be a rock, or it could even be a petrified life form of long ago. What ever it is, the facial markings are indisputable  The eye, nose, open mouth, all clear signs that a face had been carved into this object, or had been on it while the life form fossilised. 

The Mars rover is hovering over it, how is it even possible that the scientists at NASA missed this? I don't think they did. They would have to be complete imbeciles to not notice that face in front of the rover. They probably noticed it, examined the area and moved on to better things. Its just a face...or a rock with a face on it...I'm sure they would rather keep their job that tell someone they see a face laying there in front of the rover. Silence is golden at times. Or so we have been programmed to believe. 
Scott C. Waring


Cities in plain view in Mars images, tech, roads, streets, structures, buildings, UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness states: 
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter takes images in long strips of the surface of Mars. I am viewing this image at a 55 degree angle to the surface. Watch as the image takes on a flattened out view, with no depth and then when rotated more depth becomes visible. This heading is due north, notice how more depth is in the image. Now we can see things as they where captured. This angle and heading is now in correct perspective to understand the information in the image. Not all headings are going to be north. Sometimes you will find things at different headings. The things you are about to see are only in this image at this precise heading. I sure hope there are others who are taking notes on this and will try this for themselves. Contrary to popular belief the orbiter does not capture images using a camera, but it bounces frequencies off the surface and stores the data into computer language. Do you see anything that resembles possible life? Look very careful as there is a life form figure in this frame. This is nothing, wait I will show you many more before this presentation is done.


UFO over Lunar Module of Apollo Mission, from NASA archives, slow motion, discovered Feb 6, 2012, but reposted, UFO Sighting News.

This alien probe moves lighting fast, very hard to catch but in slow motion, it's easy.

Date of sighting: 1968-1970
Location of sighting: Orbiting Earth's Moon

Updated July 2018: This post was deleted by the US Gov and I am reposting it again today. Lucky I have a back up made. 

I was messing around last night and found this old NASA footage. In it were a few anomalies that did not look like the old film errors. I paused it several times till I could see the object and to my surprise it looked like a three dimensional alien probe. I put the screenshots and video into slow motion and also put the original footage in it. I know this is old stuff but this UFO has never been reported before now and it was recorded between 1968-1970 but its unclear. This is the first time that humans crossed onto the dark side of the moon. I noticed the metallic-like surface of it and it's odd crystal-like shape makes me believe it was made from biomechanics, or a machine that was grown. SCW


Moon size UFO Near Sun, Looks Like Star Trek Enterprise Ship, May 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths sun

These awesome UFOs were caught by Youtube user UFOnearSun. For those who are new to all this, UFO researchers look for the UFOs that are near the sun, because two Russian scientists about 10 years ago came out and told the world about many large moon and Earth size UFOs that orbit the sun and make erratic path changes like making 90 degree hard turns, suddenly speeding up, or even reversing course. This announcement all happened before Youtube, so no records exit today, however there are many of us that remember the Russian announcement from that day. 
Scott C. Waring


Large Skull On Mars In Front Of NASA Rover, May 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 9, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1690 NavCam Right B
NASA source:

This was in todays Rover NASA photos. I found this huge skull that was semi hidden below the dirt. I cropped it and flipped it over (below photo) so that you can see it does make a skull. The eyes are very large. The nose is small and the mouth is small with teeth visible. Now if I can see it, and you can see it, don't you think those PHDs at NASA would have seen it too and moved the rover to investigate? Well they didn't take a long look at it so either they missed it, or they saw it and thought it was insignificant to other things that they have found. 
Scott C. Waring