Showing posts with label base. Show all posts
Showing posts with label base. Show all posts


NASA Tries To Hide 3-5 Mile UFO By Calling It A Meteor Over Bering Sea, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2019
Location of sighting: Bering Sea, 
News source:

NASA is trying to explain this huge 3-5 mile UFO as an explosion over the Bering Sea this week. I guess NASA couldn't think up a better excuse for this large UFO over the ocean. Surly they did it because they knew that it was seen on world wide radars and weather satellites, so they made up the excuse its a meteor. If you think about it, any 3 mile craft coming through our atmosphere at high speed would leave a bit of trail behind it, heating up the air. So, I just can't buy the NASA excuse of it being a meteor. Look at the UFO photo. Does it look like an explosion? Not really. But it does look like a 3 mile UFO that is lowering itself below the waters surface. I bet if ships were sent out there to investigate, they will find that as they approach the location, their electrical instruments will begin to go haywire and malfunction until further from the location. 

They also said it released 173 kilotons of energy. Thats 10X more that the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. And yet, we only see an area of 3 miles? If it was 10X the Hiroshima bomb, we would see a 30-60 mile radius explosion, but we don't. 
Scott Waring


Dark UFO Over Prescott Valley, Arizona On March 18, 2019, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2019
Location of sighting: Prescott Valley, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON #99235

Look closely at this UFO and you will see its partly cloaked. What looks like smoke, is actually the hidden parts of the ship becoming visible. This UFO either just came out or was about to enter an alien base that would be about 4-5 miles below the ground. That is the only possibility for an alien craft to be hovering in a desolate location for so long. 

There are a lot of aliens that prefer the dryer hotter climate like the tall grays and the short grays, and the tall whites. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I saw a black ghost like object. 


Asteroid Bennu Close Ups Of Alien Ships And Buildings That NASA Tries To Hide From The Public, NASA Source, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 19, 2019
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu, northern part

Have you ever wondered how NASA chose to explore a certain asteroid in space? Well, they chose according to those closest, slowest and with the most alien tech on it. 

These structure are on Asteroid Bennu and show buildings, towers, pyramids and even some abandoned ships. All of which look a bit beaten up since they have probably been abandoned on this asteroid for millions of years. Nevertheless they still exist and here are the close ups to prove it. 

The asteroid is littered with rocks, however some of those black or silver objects are more interesting than NASA wants you to know.

You are probably wondering is Scott reporting everything in this gif that he has found? No, not at all. I am reporting only what I found in one of 31 photos within that gif. Can you imagine the secrets in the other 30 photos? I'll include the gif at the bottom of this post...slowed down to better see it. 
Scott C. Waring 


Dome On Moon Near Many Lunar Buildings, NASA Source, March 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

I found many alien structures on the moon today in a NASA Clementine map. This map was made back in 1994 and it was a time before editing software was available. The above photo shows a giant dome city in a crater. From a distance, it looks like just a another crater, but close up, its absolutely a dark shiny semi transparent material made to let only a fraction of the light inside. There is an alien species who like the darkness so much they genetically changed themselves to have sunglasses second eyelids cover their eyes at will. The greys. They clearly created this dome city. Of course other newer photos will not show this, because they it was edited out already. But here its obvious what we see. 

I also found a black triangle structure with triangle walls...which is impossible for a meteor to have caused. 

Then there was another structure or structures strewn out across a large crater (two photos down). The buildings are in a large L shaped pattern and stretch over 20 miles long. Yes there is two other smaller domes visible, one green and one black. But I just want to focus on the one large one at the top of this post. 

I think if the greys have control of our moon, it should be easy to convince them to donate one of their dome structures to humanity if we offer something valuable to them.
Scott C. Waring


Two Mile Alien Structure Found On Earths Moon, March 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:

I found this alien structure near the edge of crater in an old NASA photo today. The structure looks like an oval sphere with two thick arms coming out of it. It also appears to have a few antennas or thin structures coming out of its top center. The shininess indicates it is absolutely a metallic surface. 

The NASA photo loads slowly, its 21MB in size, so give it a few minutes to load. 

The main question on most peoples minds is probably how big is it? Thats a bit tough, but I would estimate to be close to 1.5-3 miles across. How can they hide such a large object? Come on guys, its NASA, we only see photos that NASA or other organizations who are secretly controlled by NASA (ESA & JAXA & world wide network of telescopes funded by...who else...NASA). So we only know and trust what NASA says. It mental manipulation. We only know what they tell us, what they teach us, what they chose to tell us about. But have you ever asked yourself...what does NASA chose to not tell us about?
Scott C. Waring


UFO Shoots Over Several Cities In England, Makes Local News. Feb 14, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 14, 2019
Location of sighting: Taunton Deane and Wellington, England

There is no video or photos of this sighting however, I have heard of such UFOs over England, back in 2014 an eyewitness recorded over Cambridge, England of several glowing yellow white orbs during the day. I will include the video below. Even without the photos, this is a serious UFO case that needs further investigation. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
DID a UFO fly over Taunton Deane last night? Some residents believe so! At around 6.30pm last night (February 14), the object, which looked like a 'big white golf ball', was seen flying over Taunton. Kevin Midwood, who lives in Hillcommon, says he spotted the object flying over his home. He said: "I wonder if anybody else saw the big white glowing ball shape object that went over Taunton last night? Possible UFO sighting? "I live in Hillcommon and my son lives in Wellington, he spotted it too. "It seemed to come over from Taunton at great speed then it just disappeared." James Vasey, Mr Midwood's son, said: "I was walking from my home in Wellington and a bright yellow object shot across the sky at rapid speed. "It wasn't a meteorite or shooting star as it was flying too low and whatever it was disappeared." Did you see anything flying across the sky yesterday evening? Let us know!

Entrance To Underground Alien Base Found In La Rioja, Spain On Feb 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 11, 2019
Location of sighting: Lea, La Rioja, Spain

In Spain some UFO investigators went to look into a hole in the ground that was recently found. The hole led down into a tunnels below the ground. The investigators set up their cameras and that night they were surprised to record some glowing lights in the area, which they believe came from the cave opening. This leads them to believe that this may be an entrance to an underground alien base. That is really possible. If aliens do want to see the light of day, they will have to traverse long underground tunnels but they could of course use their technology to transport to that location, but I think most would go for a walk for the sake of walking and getting some fresh air...seeing the blue sky. Being underground must be rather...closed in and depressing. Yes, I do believe they are 100% correct on this. Its an entrance to an underground base. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
It has been too long to explain, you must see it yourselves, we wanted to investigate the area of the alleged extraterrestrial base located in Leza (La Rioja) Spain, but we discovered much more.


100% Proof That Intelligent Aliens Live On Planet Mercury Right Now! Jan 6, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 6, 2019
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury 
NASA photo:

I have a lot of fun searching for structures in NASA, ESA and JAXA photos. I feel a real high every time I discover a new alien structure. The more clear and focused the structure, the bigger the high. Who needs drugs when you got such an amazing reality all around you? No-one can hide the truth 100%...and here is the proof of that. I have discovered a long black structure in a crater on planet Mercury. This structure is non reflective black...stealth black probably so it wont reflect radar and so it wont stand out. 

You see, even aliens have enemies...they are not hiding the structures from humanity, they are hiding them from other alien species that may target them. Yes...even advanced alien species have problems with one another. Call it cultural or racial discrimination, but its there. They are not perfect, and many have not conquered their own desires yet...having not learned how to control many of their emotions. 

Scott C. Waring


Ancient Ruins Found On Mars Curiosity Rover Route Map, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

 I found some interesting structures in this Mars surface photo. Most of the big structures were deliberately blurred out, however there were still a few that were clearly visible. These structures are not new, but very old...ancient ruins. The photo is a planned route of the Mars Curiosity rover and the route takes it through two areas that are littered with structures. Its no wonder why NASA says the rover has not responded to NASA signals or has problems...its because the rover is on a black opps mission to explore some of these ancient ruins and get some photos of the tech and ruins...close ups that the public will never see, until today. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Borg Ship Returns To Our Sun With Small UFOs Exiting, Nov 6, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 6, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths sun

I found this huge cube ship today near our sun. The cube seems to have a small opening docking area that has a single small cube UFO exiting from it. The cube UFO is a common UFO seen in the SOHO images and enters the surface of the seen in some photos, and then reappears a few days later in the suns orbit. You can confirm the photos are real by visiting the source above and following the install info for using the NASA SOHO program. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Found Crashed On Mercury Is Similar To Old UFO Sighting Report, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Mercury

Here is a great discovery of a crashed ship on Mercury found in NASA photos by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher. The UFO resembles an old craft from a French UFO that landed on the road. As you see in the drawing above, its very similar. Awesome discovery. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA Makes Asteroid Bennu Photo Smaller! Also Pyramid and base, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
NASA Source:

I found some strange things in this new HD photo of Asteroid Bennu. First off, NASA deliberately made the asteroid look farther away, smaller so the public could not see the details. I show this in the above gif. Just add light and focus and we clearly see the actual photo is much smaller! They lied to us! Are you surprised, because if you are, then you its because you don't visit my site enough. 

Second I found a pyramid that has a triangle shadow. 

Third, near the edge of the asteroid is a square structure with window or entrance openings along its sides. 

Fourth there is a tall structure in the upper right side of the asteroid. 

So...why did NASA want to make asteroid Bennu look smaller and farther away than it really was? Because they didn't want the public to know that alien structures exist on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

PS, Please share this help support me and my work. Thanks, SCW

Grey Metallic UFO Hovers Over Trees In Florida Baffling Eyewitnesses, Nov 3, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 3, 2018
Location of sighting: Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #96128

This awesome video was submitted by Youtuber UFO Institute. The video shows a military helicopter and a strange grey metallic object. The UFO does hover in place and seems unafraid that people can see it. Although I wonder if the eyewitness tried to get closer or not. Excellent video. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
White cloud turning into gray black object milliary helicopter super quiet flies by seconds afterwards. White cloud turning and moving fast turning rising then slowly moving down then disappears after military helicopter fly's by very quiet.


Pterodactyl UFO Over Perrysville, Ohio Throws Shadow On Clouds, Sept 3, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 3, 2018
Location of sighting: Perrysville, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #95976

This is a report from MUFON that just came in yesterday. The person was looking at the photos when they got home an noticed a triangular UFO in excellent detail in one photo. The UFO is also throwing a shadow onto the cloud below...which is 100% amazing, because this means that UFO was freaking huge! I'm talking several times bigger than a 747. This UFO must have been cloaked because something that big would normally stand out like a sour thumb. So I say the digital eye caught this because it is more precise of an instrument than our flawed eye which misses out on a lot of the spectrum. The object also resembles a Pterodactyl...a flying dinosaur. Because its throwing a huge shadow on the cloud, that means this was giant in size, ruling out remote control planes, drones, kites, balloons...this one is a true mystery. 
Scott C. Waring


TOTAL SHUTDOWN Of Space... What Are They Hiding? By Secureteam10 Oct 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Oct 2018
Source: Secureteam10 of Youtube

This is Tylor of Securet team ten talking about a serious subject that often goes overlooked...NASA trying to stop humans from seeing whats in space. This is true...NASA Johnson Space Center has a photoprocessing room that has one edit out alien objects from the photo. Telescopes and satellites are going off line this week and I Scott Waring have been monitoring the Curiosity Mars rover...which has gone off line too! NASA is putting up a wall between the public and space to stop us from learning whats really out there. Its time for them to fess up and tell us why!
Scott C. Waring