Showing posts with label Bennu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bennu. Show all posts


Queen Guitarist Dr Brian May Discovered An Alien Face On Asteroid Bennu While Working With NASA, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 12, 2020
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
Source photo:

I was searching NASAs asteroid Bennu photos when I found a face. The face was at the center of the photo, so its clear the person at NASA saw it too. I read the description and it kinda blew me away and confirmed my beliefs at the same time, because the lead guitarist of the band Queen found the face first! Dr Brian May of the band Queen was working with NASA and sneakily revealed to the world an alien face he found on asteroid Bennu. Dr May deliberately focused on this boulder because he saw the face that we all see. He wanted the rest of us to see it too. Brian May...always the rebel. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Description states: 
This set of stereoscopic images provides a 3D view of Benben Saxum, the large, 170-foot (52-meter) boulder that juts from asteroid Bennu’s southern hemisphere and the rocky slopes that surround it. The stereo pair was created by stereo image processing scientists Dr. Brian May, who is also the lead guitarist for the rock band Queen, and Claudia Manzoni. In January, May and Manzoni formally joined NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission science team as collaborators to create stereoscopic data products, which will be used by the team while selecting a sample collection site on Bennu. “I’m proud to have been adopted as a collaborator on the OSIRIS-REx team, along with my colleague Claudia Manzoni,” said May. “Our passion is producing stereoscopic (3-D) images from the astounding data that the OSIRIS-REx mission has been collecting."

Queen Guitarist Dr. Brian May Discovers Alien Face on Asteroid Bennu: UFO Sighting News

On September 12, 2020, a remarkable discovery was made by Dr. Brian May, the lead guitarist of the legendary rock band Queen, while working with NASA on the OSIRIS-REx mission. During his analysis of asteroid Bennu’s surface, Dr. May identified what appeared to be an alien face etched into a boulder. This finding not only intrigued the scientific community but also captivated UFO enthusiasts worldwide. Here’s an in-depth look at this fascinating discovery, the work of Dr. Brian May with NASA, and the broader implications for the search for extraterrestrial life.

The Discovery on Asteroid Bennu

Asteroid Bennu, a near-Earth object that has been closely studied by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission, has yielded numerous scientific insights since its exploration began. On September 12, 2020, while examining stereoscopic images of Bennu’s surface, Dr. Brian May spotted something extraordinary. In the center of the photo, he discerned a face-like feature on a large boulder, known as Benben Saxum.

The boulder, measuring approximately 170 feet (52 meters) in height, is located on Bennu’s southern hemisphere. The stereo images, created by Dr. May and his colleague Claudia Manzoni, provided a 3D view of this massive rock and the surrounding slopes. The clear depiction of a face-like structure in the images suggested intentionality or at least a remarkable coincidence in the natural formations of the asteroid.

Dr. Brian May’s Role in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission

Dr. Brian May is not just a rock star; he holds a PhD in astrophysics and has a deep passion for astronomy. His collaboration with NASA on the OSIRIS-REx mission underscores his dual expertise in both music and science. The OSIRIS-REx mission, which stands for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer, aims to collect samples from asteroid Bennu and return them to Earth for detailed analysis.

In January 2020, Dr. May and Claudia Manzoni formally joined the OSIRIS-REx science team as collaborators, tasked with creating stereoscopic data products. These 3D images are crucial for the mission, helping scientists to select optimal sites for sample collection. Dr. May’s involvement brought a unique perspective to the team, combining his scientific knowledge with his skill in creating detailed stereoscopic images.

Analyzing the Alien Face

Upon closer examination of the stereoscopic images, the face on Benben Saxum became more pronounced. The structure appeared to have eyes, a nose, and a mouth, aligned in a way that suggested intentional design rather than random geological formations. While the scientific community remains cautious about attributing such features to intelligent design, the clarity of the face has led to widespread speculation.

  1. Stereoscopic Imaging: The use of stereoscopic imaging allows for a three-dimensional perspective of Bennu’s surface. By processing the images from different angles, Dr. May and Manzoni were able to highlight features that might otherwise go unnoticed. This technique is particularly effective in identifying surface textures and shapes, which can be critical in geological and extraterrestrial studies.

  2. Geological Formations: Geologists often encounter natural formations that resemble familiar shapes, such as faces or animals. These are typically explained as pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon where the human brain perceives familiar patterns in random stimuli. However, the symmetry and detail of the face on Benben Saxum have led some to speculate that it could be more than just a coincidence.

  3. Possible Explanations: While the face-like structure is intriguing, it’s essential to consider all possible explanations. These could include natural erosion, impact cratering, and other geological processes that could create such shapes. Alternatively, if the feature were artificially created, it would suggest the presence of intelligent beings with the capability to shape large boulders on an asteroid’s surface.

The Broader Context of UFO Research and Extraterrestrial Life

Dr. May’s discovery of the face on Bennu adds to the growing body of evidence that suggests we might not be alone in the universe. Here are some significant aspects of UFO research and the search for extraterrestrial life:

  1. Historical Sightings: The study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life has a long history, with numerous sightings and encounters reported over the decades. From the Roswell incident in 1947 to the more recent Navy pilot encounters, the evidence continues to accumulate, pointing towards the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial beings.

  2. Scientific Investigations: NASA and other space agencies have been actively searching for signs of life beyond Earth. Missions to Mars, Europa, and Enceladus aim to find microbial life or bio-signatures that indicate past or present life. The discovery of an alien face on Bennu, if verified, could significantly advance these efforts.

  3. Technological Implications: The presence of intelligent extraterrestrial life could have profound implications for technology and science. Understanding their methods and technologies could lead to breakthroughs in space travel, energy production, and materials science. Dr. May’s finding might be a small piece of a much larger puzzle.

  4. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: The discovery of extraterrestrial life would challenge our understanding of existence and our place in the universe. It raises ethical questions about how we interact with other intelligent beings and the responsibilities we have as explorers of the cosmos.

The Role of Public Figures in Advancing Science

Dr. Brian May’s involvement in the OSIRIS-REx mission highlights the significant impact public figures can have in advancing scientific knowledge and awareness. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Bridging Worlds: As a renowned musician and a respected scientist, Dr. May bridges the gap between popular culture and scientific inquiry. His dual career inspires people from diverse backgrounds to engage with science and explore their own interests.

  2. Public Engagement: Public figures like Dr. May can effectively communicate complex scientific concepts to a broader audience. His discovery on Bennu has garnered attention from both the scientific community and the general public, raising awareness about the OSIRIS-REx mission and the potential for extraterrestrial life.

  3. Inspiring the Next Generation: Dr. May’s journey from rock star to astrophysicist serves as an inspiration to young people, demonstrating that it is possible to pursue multiple passions and achieve excellence in different fields. His work encourages aspiring scientists and musicians to follow their dreams and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

The Future of the OSIRIS-REx Mission

The OSIRIS-REx mission continues to provide valuable data about asteroid Bennu, and Dr. May’s discovery is just one of many significant findings. Here are some future directions for the mission:

  1. Sample Return: One of the primary objectives of the OSIRIS-REx mission is to collect samples from Bennu’s surface and return them to Earth. These samples will be analyzed for their chemical composition, mineralogy, and potential bio-signatures. The face-like structure on Benben Saxum could provide additional context for understanding Bennu’s history and formation.

  2. Further Analysis: Continued analysis of Bennu’s surface using advanced imaging techniques will help to identify other potential anomalies and features. Dr. May and his colleagues will likely continue to produce stereoscopic images, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the asteroid.

  3. International Collaboration: The OSIRIS-REx mission is a collaborative effort involving scientists from around the world. Future missions to other asteroids and celestial bodies will benefit from the expertise and experience gained from studying Bennu. Collaborative efforts will enhance our ability to search for extraterrestrial life and explore the solar system.

  4. Public Involvement: Engaging the public in the mission’s discoveries and progress is crucial for fostering a sense of shared exploration. NASA’s outreach programs, combined with the involvement of public figures like Dr. May, will continue to inspire curiosity and support for space exploration.


The discovery of an alien face on asteroid Bennu by Dr. Brian May, the lead guitarist of Queen, is a fascinating development in the search for extraterrestrial life. This finding, made possible through advanced stereoscopic imaging techniques, highlights the potential for intelligent design in celestial formations and adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

Dr. May’s dual role as a musician and scientist demonstrates the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and public engagement in advancing scientific knowledge. His work with NASA on the OSIRIS-REx mission has not only contributed to our understanding of asteroid Bennu but has also inspired a global audience to take an interest in space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life.

As we continue to explore the cosmos, discoveries like the face on Bennu remind us of the vast and mysterious universe we inhabit. The pursuit of knowledge, driven by curiosity and a desire to understand our place in the universe, will undoubtedly lead to even more remarkable findings in the years to come. Through the combined efforts of scientists, public figures, and the general public, we are poised to uncover the secrets of the universe and perhaps one day confirm that we are not alone.


Alien Diamond Craft Found On Asteroid Bennu, Probe Takes Closer Look, Sept 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2020
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
Source photo:

This small metallic triangle object sitting on a rock was found on asteroid Bennu today. The object looks like a TR3B, but is much smaller in size. The photo was taken back in April 11, 2019 when the OSIRIS probe made a flyby of of the Osprey site on Bennu. In the description below the photo...NASA calls the missions detailed survey: Baseball Diamond phase. Why? Because there is a bright diamond object siting not he surface that is 2 meters across. This is 100% proof NASA saw the triangle craft too. Subconsciously the writer accidentally gave away the true mission. To examine this craft as closely as possible without landing the probe. You see, the craft has the shape of home plate used in baseball. So...this is evidence that NASA does investigate alien technology when possible.

I believe this craft was sent to Bennu to monitor the NASA probe as it passed by. Its an alien probe, watching humanities probe.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Asteroid Bennu Close Ups Of Alien Ships And Buildings That NASA Tries To Hide From The Public, NASA Source, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 19, 2019
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu, northern part

Have you ever wondered how NASA chose to explore a certain asteroid in space? Well, they chose according to those closest, slowest and with the most alien tech on it. 

These structure are on Asteroid Bennu and show buildings, towers, pyramids and even some abandoned ships. All of which look a bit beaten up since they have probably been abandoned on this asteroid for millions of years. Nevertheless they still exist and here are the close ups to prove it. 

The asteroid is littered with rocks, however some of those black or silver objects are more interesting than NASA wants you to know.

You are probably wondering is Scott reporting everything in this gif that he has found? No, not at all. I am reporting only what I found in one of 31 photos within that gif. Can you imagine the secrets in the other 30 photos? I'll include the gif at the bottom of this post...slowed down to better see it. 
Scott C. Waring 


Ancient Black Structures And Sphinx Found On Asteroid Bennu In NASA Photos, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 4, 2018
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu

As I have said before, I have found alien structures on every meteor, asteroid, moon and planet in our solar system using NASA, ESA and JAXA photos of the surfaces of those objects. 

I found many non reflective black structures on asteroid Bennu today. The most significant of all is a sphinx black structure with a long tail, but its curled in an oval like a dog...can you see the huge face of the sphinx in the photo below? Well, thats a whole building. Thats how they make them. 

There are three main kinds of structures...the other types are rare but I have found many rares. 

The three main types are: 
1. Non reflective black structures...they are the biggest and most common. 
2. White ceramic-like structures...they are smaller, not usually close to the black structures and so reflective that getting a focused photo of them is very hard to find. 
3. Small silver metallic structures. Sometimes they are found alone, but often they would be around the big black structures connected with metallic tubes to the black structures. These are only 1-3% the size of the black structures. 

Rare structures I have found: 
1: Glass pyramid structure...impossible to take a good screenshot of it.
2. Actually found a eight sided very flat 24k gold structure in high detail. Only found one...but computer got viruses few days later and lost entire computer. Black screen virus. 
3. Emerald dome...only found one, but its huge! 

So you see, they are everywhere in our solar system. They were here billions of years before us, and will be here billions of years after us. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA Makes Asteroid Bennu Photo Smaller! Also Pyramid and base, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
NASA Source:

I found some strange things in this new HD photo of Asteroid Bennu. First off, NASA deliberately made the asteroid look farther away, smaller so the public could not see the details. I show this in the above gif. Just add light and focus and we clearly see the actual photo is much smaller! They lied to us! Are you surprised, because if you are, then you its because you don't visit my site enough. 

Second I found a pyramid that has a triangle shadow. 

Third, near the edge of the asteroid is a square structure with window or entrance openings along its sides. 

Fourth there is a tall structure in the upper right side of the asteroid. 

So...why did NASA want to make asteroid Bennu look smaller and farther away than it really was? Because they didn't want the public to know that alien structures exist on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

PS, Please share this help support me and my work. Thanks, SCW