Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts


UFO Over Outback In Australia Shows Classic Disk Shape, Nov 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 18, 2017
Location of sighting: Faulconbridge, Australia 
Source: MUFON #89836

This dark UFO was seen over the Australian outback, which believe it or not, is a hotbed of UFO activity. I get lots of comments from people in Australia saying its common place to see a UFO in the outback. This is a great photo of one of those Australian catches. The tilt of the craft shows that it was in motion when the photo was taken. Often disks need to tilt to change directions, but this doesn't apply to all UFOs. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
The UFO came from the bushes hovered for a few seconds before taking off into the sky in a southerly direction. The photo was taken by the observer and her family while taking photos from their back porch that looks onto the sassafras gully in NSW. All witnesses to the event wish to remain anonymous.


Dark UFO Over Crete, Does The World Need To Worry About Invasion? Jan 11, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Rethymno, Crete
News source:希腊克里特岛惊现怪异飞碟云/

This UFO cloaked in a cloud was seen over Crete last week. You can see that its breaking through the clouds. Don't be fooled by these cloaked craft. Aliens are highly intelligent and often believe that human intelligence is incredibly inferior to them. Thus, humans will often assume the cloud is just a cloud. However, we at UFO Sightings Daily know different. Here it almost looks like an invasion. Very dark, almost sinister looking. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Photographer Yiannis Gkikas snapped a rare scene on January 11 in Rethymno, Crete, Greece, when a huge cloud of disk-shaped aircraft appeared in the sky. The group's photos were subsequently posted on the Greek weather website Meteokrites.

Alien UFO Hidden In Cloud Moves Over Thailand Frightening Residents This Week, Jan 14, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 14, 2018
Location of sighting: Mount Taishan, Thailand
News source:

Captured over Thailand this week was a UFO cloaked as a cloud. Why would an alien race disguise their craft as a cloud? First they have rules, rules about intrumpting without the governments consent. Second they have no intention to frighten people, they instead want to get as close as possible to the ground so that they can scan the inhabitants and their daily routines. I think the cloud cloak is actually pure genius on their part. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
On the morning of the 14th, when many people are still asleep, the photographer Liu Guoqing of Thailand captured the wonderful scene in the sky. A cloud of similar UFO UFO, appeared in Mount Taishan, against the colorful sky under the glow. Dai top, many people also photographed this group "UFO cloud." 

It is understood that this god-like cloud of flying saucer, the scientific name pod cloud, is a natural phenomenon of weather, often when the humid air over the mountains appeared. If the temperature of the air drops over the mountains, the moisture in the air condenses into a pod cloud. 


Interstellar Movie Causing Audience To Walk Out Dizzy, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Hey guys, yeah I had to go check out the movie Interstellar. Its a very entertaining movie and I won't give spoilers...except for one. There is a lot of spinning of the ship and stars. This spinning went unnoticed until my family left the theater. Thats when my son and I began to feel dizzy. Yes, you heard me right. We actually felt dizzy and for me it got worst. Three hours later I insisted on driving us home because the dizziness was noticeably getting worst. Seven hours after the movie I went on Twitter mentioning the dizziness and saw that lots of others had experienced the same thing. Oh...I left the theater at 3pm, the dizziness disappeared about 3-4 am the next morning. What did it feel like? Like I had 3 large size beers. Well, I had to hold the walls to walk straight as I left the shopping mall. As if I had been drinking, but I had not had anything this month. I'm as healthy as a horse and hit the gym 6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day, but this movie...has some weird subliminal dizziness effects. I did notice when sitting down, the effect disappear a lot, but not all. So I just wanted to let you know in case some of you are sensitive like me and have a long ways to drive...just keep this in mind before seeing the movie. Read the Tweets below and tell me if I'm alone on this one. SCW