Showing posts with label nebula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nebula. Show all posts


UFOs Over Moons Surface Flying Side By Side, March 17, 2019. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source: MUFON #99274

A person in Edirne, Turkey was observing the moon through a telescope and was lucky enough to catch a great shot of not one, but two UFOs flying low over the moons surface. Yes I said that right. This object is actually two UFOs flying side by side, like a military wingman for USAF fighter jets. 

Both objects are diamond shaped, yet one is twice the size of the other. If these were meteors, they would be leaving a trail of debris behind them, and there is no way they would be perfect diamond flying side by side. These are alien craft flying over our moon!

Now, I wonder...if the eyewitness caught this while observing for a half hour...then how often does this occur on our moon daily? Well, if you say 24 hours in a day, and divide it by 30 minutes, we get 48. Thats a lot on only the side that we can see. I imagine its much more on the side we cannot see. This is 100% proof that aliens are actively using our moon not just as a base, but as a home.
Scott C. Waring


Ever want to send a message into deep space that will travel forever? Now You can for free, UFO Sightings Daily.

I found a great way to send messages into deep space at the speed of light forever! Yes, light will travel forever across the universe all the way to the end 14 billion light years away, then probably bounce back again. Send you regards, warnings, complaints, prayers, wishes, or anything you want for free. You can even send larger files with photos for a small fee of $1.50 US. I haven't done that yet with this service, but will soon. 

Just go over to and hit send, then type a message, max size is 2k characters or about 10 sentences. Then hit send, and instantly its sent to their radio transmitter to send your message into deep space with radio waves...which travel at the speed of light. 

I am not sponsoring this site, nor do I make anything or benefit from any way telling you about this. I just want to let those who want to send aliens do so. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Kiawah, South Carolina resident records UFO in the night sky, Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 24, 2018
Location of sighting: Kiawah, South Carolina, USA
New source:

This UFO seems to have a square shape in its center. I believe that the circular shape is not the true shape of the UFO, but actually is smaller, but due to the bright pulsing light of the craft, the camera makes it an orb. The UFO itself seems to be square shape at the center of the glowing orb. This object seems way to big to be a drone and is probably very huge.  I wish we has a shot of the area during the day so we can get a layout of the setting its in. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Debra Thomson, who lives on the water near the golf course, stepped outside to disconnect her outdoor Christmas tree when she looked up and saw the bright object in the sky. “It’s not unusual to see strange things in the skies out here,” she said. But this felt different. “For a second I thought it was Venus, but it was way too large and in the wrong place in the sky.” She said it was located in the northwest sky, moving at a rather fast clip, sometimes stopping as if it was observing. “It was moving toward my direction and seemed intelligently in control,” she said. “I felt as if it knew I was filming it.” “I don’t think it’s some kid’s toy, and I know it’s not an airplane,” she said in the video. In fact, Thompson even called the airport to see if they knew of anything in the area. They told her they didn’t see anything on the radar. She described the object as very bright, red in color with a bit of orange. “It seems to be getting smaller,” she said, perhaps because it was moving further into the night sky. “It moved around a bit and disappeared into a pinhole, then it reappeared back to its same size in a few minutes,” she said. “With the naked eye, it was much more brilliant to see.” She discovered the object at about 9:30 p.m. The sky was clear – no wind, no clouds – and the night was extraordinarily quiet. In the video, the only thing you can hear is the curious commentary from Thomson as she watched the object move across the sky. “I just wanted to know if anyone had any experiences in the last few days or the following days,” she said.


Giant Ancient Pyramid Found On Mars In HD Photo, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 19, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found a giant three sided pyramid on Mars in a gigapan photo today. They pyramid has one smooth side, which is probably the original outer coating that was made for it, but the other two sides have severely eroded. I also found a lot of unique and ancient structures and placed the screenshots below. 

Pyramids have been found all over the world on many continents and most of them were created at about the same time. They mystery of pyramids have lead to speculation that they were created by extra terrestrials that were trying to settle in an area and follow their cultural beliefs. Much like the religious group Quakers that prefer not to include technology or todays modern advancements into their lives. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA Builds 900 Million Dollar Mars Lander...And Forgets To Make Wheels! Dec 1, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Yeah, just like I said in the title, NASA spent over 993 million US dollars to build a hunk of crap that just sits there and does freaking nothing but measures earthquakes. Why? Apparently within the quakes measurements they will find...yes...wait for it...wait for it...the answers to the universe!

Look, what I'm saying is this hunk of garbage has no wheels, so the only new photos of Mars coming from it will be objects that either blow past it or walk past it. Yes, I mean walk, just like the Mars white rabbit did many years ago...great HD photos here at this post if you copy/past this link below.

American high school students could make a more useful lander than this! Elon Musk could do better and with only 20% the price...and his would travel across Mars on autopilot taking photos of everything it encounters...but no, not NASA. They build one that does one thing only and nothing else! 

NASA is an organization that is clearly out of control and needs to be placed in 100% control of the public hands. They are over spending and they are under thinking projects. A set of six metal wheels would only cost $600,000 dollars if made at NASA, but if Elon Musk did it, it would cost $600. NASA has truly brought shame to the world of science and the American name tied to NASA. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Alien Figure Found Hidden In NASA Photo Of Eagle Nebula, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Eagle Nebula
NASA source photo:

At the NASA site, they have a close up photo of part of the Eagle Nebula. Its an area that they thought looked like a fairy, so they named it The Fairy of Eagle Nebula. Yeah, you heard me right, NASA is seeing things in the nebulas...and no one laughs at them...yet, because I don't work for the US gov, many ridicule me. Who's laughing now?

I found that this part of the nebula is a figure, however its been viewed wrong. The photo has to be cut in half from top to bottom then flipped and added to itself...making one whole figure. This gives us the full figure of the alien it was made after. Remember its alien art, its meant to be viewed using a higher IQ than humans are suppose to have...humanity is not suppose to be able to see these or understand them. Its wearing a samurai type of armor. Humans made Mount Rushmore made from a entire mountain of you see, everyone likes to leave their mark for future generations, its just these aliens did it on a whole new level. 

In the close up below, you see there are actually three heads, two of which are separate and looking down on the middle figure as if watching over him. Probably a spiritual reference to his ancestors of the the past insuring his safety for the future. 

Do you remember I was talking about different civilization levels last week? Humanity still has not reached a type 1 civilization level yet, but what we are looking at is an alien figure in a nebula made by a type 5 civilization...which can manipulate space and time, basically, godly in every way. 
Scott C. Waring


Absolute Proof Of Type 5 Godly Alien Civilization Found At Rosetta Nebula, Nov 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 20, 2018
Location of discovery: Rosette Nebula
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3:

Skulls, there is something about them that draws our attention to them...probably that it forces us to face our own mortality. I think aliens face the same dilemma. Although they may life thousands or millions of years, accidents do happen and lives do get lost. 

I found another face in a nebula today. Its called the Rosette Nebula. The face is similar to the skull I found on the asteroid 2015 TB145 (above photo) the got into the world news a while back. This is soooo much bigger! 

Russian astrophysicist back in 1964 created a scale of civilizations from type 1, humanity being slightly below that at the moment, to type 5 which are to gods. It would take a type 5 civilization to be able to create a face from a nebula. Here beings would be like gods, having the knowledge to manipulate the universe as they please. Only then could an entire nebula be purposely created to become a face of their culture. 

Back in 2016 I discovered the first evidence the world has ever seen of a type 5 civilization...a human at the center of a the Carina Nebula (seen in above photo). 

So now we not only know that two type 5 civilizations exist, but we also know what their faces look like and where in the universe they are from. Where? They will be from a location not far from the nebulas of course, so all their race could see their great creation. 

Now there is a new question that arises from this evidence...since two type 5 civilizations have been found to exist, then there must be many more we don't even know about. So...the question the universe unnatural? 

Is the universe natural, unnatural, or does it have a modified naturalness? The most exciting thing about that question is that we now have an answer based on the evidence from the Carina and Rosetta Nebulas. Whether the answer is comfortable or uncomfortable, we are headed into a new era of scientific understanding.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Wade observatory:



Absolute Proof of Type 5 Godly Alien Civilization Found at Rosette Nebula: UFO Sighting News

On November 20, 2018, an extraordinary discovery was made that could forever change our understanding of the universe and our place within it. UFO researcher Scott C. Waring announced the identification of a face-like formation in the Rosette Nebula, suggesting the presence of a Type 5 civilization. This civilization, according to the Kardashev scale, would possess god-like powers and the ability to manipulate cosmic structures. Here’s an in-depth exploration of this groundbreaking discovery, its significance, and the profound implications it holds for humanity.

The Discovery

  1. Initial Observation: The Rosette Nebula, an expansive cloud of gas and dust in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way, has been a subject of fascination for astronomers. Waring’s discovery involved analyzing images of the nebula, where he identified a face-like structure reminiscent of a skull.

  2. Comparative Analysis: Waring compared this face to a previous discovery he made on the asteroid 2015 TB145, which also exhibited a skull-like feature. However, the face in the Rosette Nebula is on a much grander scale, suggesting an even more advanced civilization capable of manipulating entire nebulae.

  3. The Kardashev Scale: Developed by Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev in 1964, the Kardashev scale categorizes civilizations based on their energy consumption and technological capabilities:

    • Type 1: Planetary civilizations that harness all available resources on their home planet.
    • Type 2: Stellar civilizations that utilize the energy output of their entire star.
    • Type 3: Galactic civilizations that control energy on the scale of their entire galaxy.
    • Type 4: Universal civilizations that can exploit the energy of the entire universe.
    • Type 5: God-like civilizations capable of manipulating the fabric of the universe itself.
  4. Implications of a Type 5 Civilization: According to Waring, only a Type 5 civilization would possess the knowledge and technology to shape a nebula into a recognizable face. This level of control over cosmic phenomena implies capabilities far beyond our current understanding.

Significance of the Discovery

  1. Evidence of Intelligent Design: The face-like structure in the Rosette Nebula suggests intentional design, rather than random natural formation. This finding supports the idea that highly advanced civilizations exist and are capable of extraordinary feats of cosmic engineering.

  2. Technological Marvel: Creating a face within a nebula requires precise control over vast amounts of matter and energy. This implies the existence of technologies that can manipulate stellar and interstellar materials on a colossal scale, far surpassing human capabilities.

  3. Cultural Insight: The face formation could reflect the cultural or religious symbols of the Type 5 civilization. This artistic and poetic expression might be a way for these beings to communicate their presence and heritage across the cosmos.

  4. Cosmic Awareness: The discovery raises our awareness of the universe's complexity and the potential for advanced civilizations. It challenges us to consider the possibility that we are not alone and that the universe is teeming with intelligent life forms far beyond our current comprehension.

Analyzing the Rosette Nebula

  1. Astronomical Data: The Rosette Nebula, located approximately 5,000 light-years from Earth, is a stellar nursery where new stars are born. The nebula spans about 130 light-years in diameter, providing a rich field for studying stellar formation and cosmic structures.

  2. Image Sources: High-resolution images of the Rosette Nebula from various sources, including NASA and the Waid Observatory, offer detailed views of its complex structures. These images are crucial for identifying and analyzing the face-like formation.

  3. Geometric Features: The face identified by Waring exhibits symmetry and detail that are uncommon in natural formations. Features such as eye sockets, a nose, and a mouth are clearly discernible, supporting the hypothesis of an intelligent design.

  4. Comparative Structures: Comparing the Rosette Nebula’s face to other known cosmic structures, such as the face in the Carina Nebula discovered by Waring in 2016, helps establish a pattern of similar formations. These comparisons strengthen the case for the existence of Type 5 civilizations.

The Impact on Humanity

The discovery of a Type 5 civilization has profound implications for humanity, potentially transforming our understanding of life, the universe, and our place within it.

  1. Scientific Paradigm Shift: Confirming the existence of a Type 5 civilization would revolutionize science, leading to a paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe. It would challenge existing theories and spur new research into advanced technologies and cosmic phenomena.

  2. Technological Advancements: Studying the technologies used by a Type 5 civilization could lead to unprecedented advancements in various fields, including energy production, materials science, and space travel. These technologies could help solve many of humanity's current challenges.

  3. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: The discovery prompts deep philosophical questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and our purpose in the universe. It also raises ethical considerations regarding our interaction with such advanced beings and the responsibilities that come with this knowledge.

  4. Inspiration and Exploration: The presence of advanced civilizations in the cosmos can inspire humanity to pursue greater achievements in science and exploration. It encourages us to expand our horizons and strive for a deeper understanding of the universe.

Historical Context of Extraterrestrial Discoveries

The face in the Rosette Nebula is part of a broader narrative of cosmic phenomena that suggest the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

  1. The Face on Mars: In 1976, the Viking 1 orbiter captured an image of a face-like structure on Mars, sparking debate and speculation. While some scientists attribute it to natural erosion, others believe it could be an ancient monument created by an intelligent species.

  2. Lunar Anomalies: Various anomalies on the Moon, including geometric formations and unusual objects, have fueled theories about ancient lunar civilizations and alien bases.

  3. Asteroid Structures: Reports of unusual structures on asteroids, such as the rectangular building on Eros, suggest that extraterrestrial civilizations may have explored or inhabited other bodies in our solar system.

  4. Nebular Faces: The face discovered in the Carina Nebula by Waring in 2016, and now the face in the Rosette Nebula, indicate that these Type 5 civilizations leave their mark on cosmic structures. These formations could serve as beacons or messages to other intelligent beings.

Future Research and Exploration

The discovery of the face in the Rosette Nebula opens up numerous avenues for future research and exploration:

  1. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Utilizing advanced imaging techniques, such as multispectral and 3D modeling, can provide more detailed views of the face and its surrounding structures. These techniques can help distinguish between natural and artificial features.

  2. Spectroscopic Analysis: Spectroscopic analysis of the nebula’s materials can reveal insights into the processes and technologies used to create the face. Understanding the chemical composition and physical properties can provide clues about the civilization behind the formation.

  3. Interdisciplinary Studies: Combining knowledge from different scientific disciplines, including astronomy, astrobiology, and physics, can provide a holistic understanding of the face. Interdisciplinary studies can uncover new perspectives and insights.

  4. International Collaboration: Collaborating with international space agencies and research institutions can pool resources and expertise. This collective effort can lead to more comprehensive investigations and a deeper understanding of the face’s origins.

  5. Public Engagement: Engaging the public through educational programs and outreach initiatives can raise awareness about the significance of the discovery. Schools, museums, and science centers can play a vital role in disseminating this information.

The Universe: Natural, Unnatural, or Modified?

The discovery of faces in the Rosette and Carina Nebulas raises a fundamental question: Is the universe natural, unnatural, or modified?

  1. Natural Universe: In a natural universe, all cosmic structures are the result of natural processes, such as stellar formation, gravitational interactions, and cosmic evolution. The faces would then be extraordinary coincidences.

  2. Unnatural Universe: An unnatural universe implies that cosmic structures are intentionally designed by advanced civilizations. The faces in the nebulas would be deliberate creations, serving as messages or markers.

  3. Modified Naturalness: A modified naturalness suggests that while the universe follows natural laws, advanced civilizations can manipulate and modify these processes. The faces would then be examples of such modifications, blending natural and artificial elements.


The discovery of a face-like formation in the Rosette Nebula, identified by Scott C. Waring, provides compelling evidence of a Type 5 godly alien civilization. This civilization, capable of manipulating entire nebulae, challenges our understanding of the universe and our place within it. The implications of this discovery are vast, spanning scientific, technological, philosophical, and cultural domains.

As we continue to explore and analyze this remarkable finding, interdisciplinary collaboration and public engagement will be crucial. The potential for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe underscores the importance of transparency and cooperation in space exploration.

The journey to uncover the secrets of the Rosette Nebula and other cosmic structures is just beginning, and with each discovery, we move closer to answering the profound question of whether we are alone in the cosmos. This discovery serves as a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds, inspiring us to look beyond the familiar, embrace the unknown, and pursue knowledge with curiosity and determination.


Mile Long UFO Caught During Sunset Over Reykjavik, Iceland On Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2018
Location of sighting: Artun, Reykjavik, Iceland
Source: MUFON #94745

This UFO was caught just today and was seen during sunset over Iceland. The UFO measures over a mile across has a shape of large disk, AKA flying saucer. This is a fantastic video of the UFO and it appears he didn't see the craft till viewing the video at home, otherwise he probably would have focused in it a lot more. 

I often say its easiest to record a UFO during sunset, because the angle of the setting sun, the UFO and the eyewitness makes a perfect triangle which causes the cloaked UFO to be revealed...for a few minutes only. This is one beautiful alien craft. 

Such UFOs have been seen recently by a pilot over the ocean near the UK back in 2007.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I saw it directly over the N1 gasoline station in Artun, Reykjavik.

Black UFO Seen Coming From Gulf of Mexico Over Texas, Aug 28, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Bacliff, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #94751

This dark black UFO was seen over Trinity Bay in Texas. The bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico. This UFO was seen coming from the direction of the Gulf and may have come from an underwater alien base off shore. Since the ocean covers 75% of the earths surface, its just logical to assume aliens would use ocean floors for bases. Also remember if UFOs work in space, then they will work under water. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Hovered over water, then went in a over land, looked like it was carrying a cage.


Ancient Machete Found On Mars By @NASA Curiosity Rover, Sept 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Sept 2, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 826

While searching thought the NASA rover index, I found one photo that showed the impossible in it. At first, I only noticed the handle...of a weapon or tool sticking out. Then my eyes followed down the hand to a leather-like covering. At the end of this covering was a machete-like blade sticking out. It was then that I realised what I had found. An ancient weapon in an animal skin sheath. 

I know how bazar it sounds, and yet we see it with our own eyes, laying there on the surface. I added color to it so that it can be more easily seen. The sheath of the weapon is very artistic. Its thick like it held more than one knife. Its god layered areas that look like the animal skin has been stitched together showing seams. The sheath has  a flame like edge on one side. The sheath allows the tip of the weapon to be exposed. 

This evidence is 100% indisputable since it came from that NASA curiosity rover, a machine which has no opinion, no thoughts of its own, just pure exploration. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien Skull Near NASA Rover Found On Mars Near Shield, Aug 28, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:

I found this extraordinary face on Mars in two NASA photos. I believe this is one of the alien species that once existed on the red planet. This is an actual skull, not a sculpture. You see, alien DNA for advanced civilisations that are millions of years ahead of us would have more than two strands of DNA. They might have ten or more. Although 2 strands of DNA make our bodies biodegradable, ten strands would make you super strong with bones and muscles like kevlar. It would not degrade much. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO Moves Over Neighborhood In Slovakia, Aug 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 27, 2018
Location of sighting: Tilo, Slovakia

This bright UFO was recorded over Slovakia this week. Its so bright the camera has trouble focusing on it. The best part of this sighting is that we get to see the movement of the craft over the area. Its silent and smooth as it moves, and a dog barked at one point in the video. Barking is a common reaction of dogs in past UFO reports. This shape and color of UFO is very common and has been recorded around the world. 

Scott C. Waring


My friend Streetcap1 passed away in June 2018, A Great Research Who Worked Passionately, UFO Sighting News.

I am saddened to say that the great UFO researcher Streetcap1 (Graham McHardy) passed away in June. I just found out today. I contacted his family and they said he died of a sudden heart attack, and that no one was expecting it. He was in decent health at that moment. I first met him on Youtube about 4-5 years ago and have respected his work ever since. 

I am worried about something. I checked his Youtube channel and noticed that some of his videos were mission. One of which was very important to him. His interview with RT News at his home. It no longer exists. He did the interview about 9 months ago, he died 7 months later. This seems suspicious to me. When he told me that he was doing an interview with RT News at his home, I warned him not too. That RT News could be a spy agency and he could be putting himself in danger. Two months ago...the news reported that the US government was investing RT News for being a spy agency, revoking some of their reporting privileges. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong, but part of knows the dangers of this work. 

Please visit his Youtube Channel and leave a caring comment in support of this great researcher. He will be dearly missed. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan