Showing posts with label new scientist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new scientist. Show all posts


Black UFO Over Mexico City Caught During Day Strolling Past, Oct 15, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 15, 2018
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

This dark craft came right out into the open and was seen when a worker came outside for his break. The UFO tilted some as it moved, which is what many UFOs do in order to control their direction. Just sad he had such a bad camera. Looks like he is using an old phone to record it. Had it been an iPhone 7-8 this video would be definitive proof of the existence of aliens. I also notice that there is a blurry field around it...just as thousands of UFO reports also describe. 

Scott C. Waring


Evidence That Grey Aliens Created Hurricane Michael Show Up On Weather Map, Oct 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2018
Location of discovery: Hurricane Michael, Florida, USA

Often I say that storms, lightning, tornadoes and even earthquakes are sometimes caused by alien craft. Here we have proof that the hurricane was created by aliens too. Greys to be exact...were the species that did it. 

It was a Tweet from Jim Dickey a Morning Meteorologist for ABC7 WZVN Ft. Myers, FL that first noticed the face. Then it spread from there. He caught this and and told the world about it getting loads of attention.

Aliens control our planet and in more ways than I can say. They were here long before us, and they will be here long after us. 
Scott C. Waring


French UFO Researcher Christian Mace Finds Alien Artifacts Almost Destroyed By Mars NASA Rover! Oct 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Mars photo:

Now these artifacts were found by a close friend of mine and UFO researcher Christian Mace in France. He was looking over a Gigapan Mars Spirit rover photo and found many alien artifacts in high detail. He's got a good eye for finding these things and is one of Frances leading UFO researchers. The things he found will blow you away. 

Its hard to believe that the rover almost ran over two of the alien faces we see in this photo. Are they there to learn and explore, or are they there to 
Scott C. Waring


Angelic UFO Returns To Our Sun, NASA Source, Feb 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths sun

The angelic UFO we have seen several times a year for the last 6 years has returned to the sun again. We have seen this UFO before, which looks like an angel with its wings spread. Often with small circles at its tail area as if they were small ships staying close to it. I counted eight round craft behind its wings, all seem to be equal in size...that means squadron for protection and interception of other more dangerous aliens. 

It really makes me wonder if this UFO is heading into our sun, and if so, then is it harvesting some matter or element or is the sun a alien made sun, to create free energy for them? 
Scott C. Waring

Below is the negative effect, which gives us a different perspective. 

Here is a video I made today about where I found it, comparing it to 2012 sighting, and enlarging. 


Site Is Being Attacked By US Gov To Stop The Public From Viewing This Evidence! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 13, 2017
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury 

For some time I have had this site taken off line due to Google working with the US gov to hide certain information from the public. Some people are reporting spam warnings, other are reporting 404 errors. There is no way in hell that this will stop me from doing what I do. So, to Google and the US gov, I say get the fuck out of my way and off my site! I am sick and tired of all the reports and warnings I have been getting. 

I am really close to using this site to go to court (public VS NASA) in a international fight to see if I can force NASA into announcing the truth to the world...apparently the US gov knows this. 

Below are close up structures on planet mercury. As you see they are deep under the surface and reach above the surface. The difference in lighting tells you these objects are there. Any professional photographer could tell you this. And yet, the public has been programed since birth to believe that aliens don't exist, that NASA tells them all the truth. I am here to say they are lying to you all. Take a look for yourselves and check my source photo from NASA. 
Scott C. Waring


Awesome building found on Earths Moon, Nov 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths moon, Equator area

When looking for a building, I don't look for just right hand corners, but instead try to keep an open mind and search for all objects that stick above the surface that are so huge and so unusual that they could not possibly been created by nature, but instead by intelligent beings. Here we have such a structure. There are two oval round areas that are white, attached to a larger area that looks dark grey metallic. I colored it above so you can see it better. It might not just be a building, but may be a ship that is parked there, long since abandoned, but left there for parts later.

I wonder if Trump will make the UFO files public anytime soon? Also if he disclosed that aliens do exist and are even friends with governments of the world, it would be history changing. Releasing the existence of intelligent aliens to the public would make Trump the most significant president in American history, and in world history, not to mention the giant business deals Trump could make with the aliens worlds, becoming the richest person in the world. It could happen. 
Scott C. Waring