Showing posts with label secret service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret service. Show all posts


Streetcap1, AKA George Graham UFO researchers 1st and last ever interview on Russia TV Found, UFO Sighting News.

I was sent this video clip by a Russian UFO research this week. In it is the long lost interview of UFO researcher George Graham AKA Streetcap1. He died suddenly a few months after doing this interview with RT News. He was very proud of doing this TV interview and I'm sure he would like it to be shared with the world. 

Streetcap1 first came to be famous when I published his videos and discoveries on my UFO Sightings Daily site several years ago. Since then, he has become a legend in the area. 

I can't help but think that I did warn him not to invite the RT News agency into his home. He didn't listen, and a few months later...he died suddenly. Here is the link to our chat.

So, here below is his interview video. 
This for you Streetcap1, RIP.
Scott C. Waring


Update on Secret Service Alien Working For Obama. UFO And UAP Sighting News.

I was looking for the original video of the alien at the AIPAC conference with Obama and I found this guy in a video. He is at 3:23 into this video. I also found original video with the alien seen from side view. The interesting thing about this is that often people say that the UFO they saw was only visible at a certain angle because their friends couldn't see it. Perhaps this is the same...their technology that hides them also gives them away sometimes, at the right lighting and right angle viewed with a digital camera. I will keep you updated on any new info I find. SCW

Alleged Alien Secret Service Agent Spotted at AIPAC Conference: A Closer Look and Comparisons to Past Sightings


On March 4, 2013, during the AIPAC Conference held at the Washington Convention Center, a peculiar figure caught the attention of viewers and stirred a wave of speculation. As cameras panned across the room where President Obama was delivering a speech, one of the Secret Service agents appeared to exhibit unusual physical traits that some interpreted as non-human. This incident has since fueled theories that extraterrestrials, disguised as humans, are actively infiltrating influential positions around the world. The idea that these beings use advanced technology to alter their appearance raises questions about the extent of alien involvement in human affairs. In this article, we will delve into the details of this sighting, explore the theories surrounding it, and compare it with other similar reports of alleged extraterrestrial infiltration.

The AIPAC Conference Incident: What Happened?

The AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Conference is a significant event, drawing numerous political leaders, diplomats, and influential figures each year. In 2013, as President Obama addressed the attendees, a video broadcast captured an individual among the Secret Service detail who appeared to have distinctly non-human characteristics. This person, who was positioned strategically close to the President, displayed an elongated, bald head, unusual facial features, and a seemingly robotic demeanor.

Theories quickly emerged suggesting that this individual might be an extraterrestrial, possibly from a reptilian species, using advanced technology to disguise its true appearance. The speculation was further fueled by the agent's peculiar behavior—his scanning of the crowd was described as unnaturally precise and mechanical, suggesting a level of awareness beyond that of a typical human. Critics, however, dismissed these claims, attributing the agent's appearance to camera distortion, lighting effects, or simply his unique physical attributes.

Theories Explored

  1. Reptilian Alien Hypothesis:

    The reptilian alien theory posits that a race of shape-shifting extraterrestrials, known as reptilians, have been covertly living among humans for millennia, occupying key positions of power to manipulate global events. Proponents of this theory believe that these beings can alter their appearance to blend in with humans, and the agent seen at the AIPAC conference may have been one such entity. The unusual features observed in the video are considered by believers to be a momentary glitch in the alien’s holographic disguise, inadvertently revealing its true form.

  2. Digital Camera Anomalies:

    Modern digital cameras are capable of capturing a wide range of light spectrums, including those outside human vision, such as infrared and ultraviolet. This capability has led to the hypothesis that the camera used at the AIPAC conference might have picked up something invisible to the naked eye, such as the true appearance of the alleged alien. This theory suggests that what was perceived as a Secret Service agent might have been an alien entity whose disguise was temporarily disrupted by the camera's technology.

  3. Government Collaboration Theory:

    Another theory is that the U.S. government is well aware of extraterrestrial presence on Earth and may even be collaborating with these beings. According to this view, placing an alien entity as part of the Secret Service would be a strategic move to ensure the security of high-profile figures like the President, possibly through advanced technological or telepathic means. This idea aligns with long-standing conspiracy theories that suggest aliens have been involved in human affairs for decades, if not centuries.

Comparative Analysis with Past Sightings

  1. The Men in Black Phenomenon:

    The Men in Black (MIB) are often depicted as mysterious figures who appear after UFO sightings to intimidate witnesses into silence. They are described as having an uncanny, almost inhuman appearance, much like the agent seen at the AIPAC conference. Their stiff, robotic behavior and strange, sometimes unsettling physical traits have led to speculation that they might not be entirely human. The MIB phenomenon and the AIPAC incident both suggest a hidden agenda involving entities that monitor and control information about extraterrestrial encounters.

  2. The Valiant Thor Case (1957, USA):

    Valiant Thor was reportedly an extraterrestrial who, according to UFO researcher Dr. Frank E. Stranges, lived at the Pentagon and advised the U.S. government for three years. Thor was described as a human-looking alien with a mission to help humanity. This case bears similarities to the AIPAC sighting in that it involves an alleged alien working closely with high-ranking officials. Both instances suggest that extraterrestrials may be present in key governmental positions, influencing human affairs from within.

  3. The Skinwalker Ranch Encounters (1990s, USA):

    Skinwalker Ranch in Utah is infamous for its numerous reports of paranormal activity, including sightings of shape-shifting beings. Witnesses have described entities that can alter their appearance or become invisible, akin to the theorized abilities of the alien Secret Service agent. The idea that beings can manipulate their physical appearance to blend into their surroundings is a common thread between the events at Skinwalker Ranch and the AIPAC conference.

  4. The Bob Lazar Testimony (1989, USA):

    Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked at a secretive facility near Area 51, spoke of extraterrestrials that had been in contact with the U.S. government for decades. He described seeing evidence of advanced technologies and alien beings that could interact with humans. Lazar’s testimony, if true, suggests a longstanding covert relationship between aliens and the government. The AIPAC sighting, with its implications of an alien working as a Secret Service agent, aligns with the notion of deep-seated extraterrestrial influence over human affairs.

Scientific Analysis and Skepticism

Despite the intriguing nature of the AIPAC incident, a scientific approach requires careful consideration of alternative explanations:

  1. Pareidolia and Visual Illusions:

    Pareidolia is the human tendency to perceive familiar patterns, such as faces, in random stimuli. This psychological phenomenon could explain why viewers interpreted the agent’s features as non-human. Lighting conditions, camera angles, and the agent’s unique physical traits may have contributed to an illusion that was then exaggerated by those predisposed to believe in extraterrestrial infiltration.

  2. Camera Distortions and Artifacts:

    Digital cameras, especially those used in high-definition broadcasting, can sometimes produce distortions due to compression, pixelation, or lighting reflections. These artifacts can cause normal human features to appear distorted or exaggerated. The appearance of the Secret Service agent could be the result of such a technical anomaly, rather than evidence of an alien being.

  3. Confirmation Bias:

    People who already believe in the existence of extraterrestrials may be more likely to interpret ambiguous evidence as proof of their beliefs. This cognitive bias can lead to misinterpretation of otherwise normal events. The AIPAC sighting, for those inclined to believe in alien influence, becomes a confirmation of their pre-existing views, even if alternative explanations are more plausible.

  4. Body Language and Professional Demeanor:

    Secret Service agents undergo rigorous training to remain vigilant and maintain a neutral demeanor. Their behavior might seem unusual or robotic to the untrained eye, especially under the intense scrutiny of high-profile events. The agent’s appearance and movements could simply reflect this training, rather than indicate a non-human origin.

Implications of the Sighting

If the AIPAC Conference sighting were to be genuine, it would have profound implications for our understanding of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs:

  1. Government Secrecy and Control:

    The idea that aliens could be embedded within human governments suggests a level of secrecy and control that goes beyond traditional conspiracy theories. It would imply that human leaders are not fully in control of their own policies and actions, potentially being influenced or monitored by extraterrestrial entities.

  2. Technological Advancement:

    The alleged ability of these beings to disguise themselves and potentially influence human thought suggests a technology far beyond our current understanding. If such technology exists, it could revolutionize fields like communication, defense, and even medical science, offering insights into advanced forms of life and consciousness.

  3. Human-Alien Interaction:

    The presence of extraterrestrials in key positions raises questions about the nature of human-alien interactions. Are these beings benevolent, guiding humanity towards a better future? Or are they manipulating events for their own, possibly nefarious purposes? Understanding their motivations would be crucial to interpreting their role in human history.


The sighting of an alleged alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at the AIPAC Conference in 2013 remains a compelling yet controversial incident. While it has sparked widespread speculation and debate, it also highlights the need for careful analysis and skepticism when evaluating such claims. When compared to other reports of alleged extraterrestrial infiltration, the AIPAC incident fits within a broader pattern of sightings and encounters that suggest a hidden, possibly ongoing interaction between humans and extraterrestrial beings.

Whether this sighting is evidence of an alien presence within the highest echelons of government or simply a case of misinterpretation, it serves as a reminder of the profound questions that still surround the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. As we continue to explore the universe and seek answers to these questions, it is essential to approach each new piece of evidence with an open mind and a critical eye.

The truth, whatever it may be, is likely to challenge our understanding of reality and our place in the cosmos. Until then, sightings like the one at the AIPAC Conference will continue to captivate our imaginations and fuel the ongoing search for answers.


Alien Disguised As Secret Service Agent Revealed On Camera At AIPAC Conference. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2013
Location of sighting: Conference at Washington Convention Center

Aliens among us. Many of us have heard stories about abductions and even about many species of aliens that live among us. Some look like us with human form, others don't and they must use their technology to disguise themselves as one of us. Most aliens work in influential positions, but some prefer to work in the tech area thinking that it would be the best way to improve humanity...through technology. 

Here we see President Obama giving a speech from last year at the Washington Convention Center. As the TV camera pans across the crowd we see several Secret Service agents keeping of which looks to be an alien that many are calling a reptilian species. 

Digital cameras are known to see more than the human eye and can also reach far beyond into other spectrums of light allowing the camera to see the true image. For instance an infrared lens on a Sony camcorder allows you to see invisible orbs or UFOs very clearly in the sky during the day, but you will almost never see these objects with your eyes. Perhaps this is what happened to the alien working as a Secret Service agent for Obama. 

It really does make sense. Place an alien close to Obama at all times in order to help protect him and to manipulate his thoughts and actions through telepathy. Obama is just a puppet. SCW

Alien Disguised as Secret Service Agent Revealed on Camera at AIPAC Conference: An In-Depth Analysis and Comparison with Past Sightings


On March 4, 2013, during the AIPAC Conference at the Washington Convention Center, an incident occurred that has intrigued ufologists and conspiracy theorists alike. As President Obama delivered a speech, cameras captured what appeared to be a Secret Service agent exhibiting unusual physical features. Some viewers speculated that this individual was not human, but rather an alien being disguised as a Secret Service agent, possibly from a reptilian species. This sighting raises profound questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial beings living among us, manipulating world events from behind the scenes. In this article, we will analyze the details of this sighting, explore the theories surrounding it, and compare it to past notable sightings and reports of extraterrestrial beings infiltrating human society.

The AIPAC Conference Sighting: A Detailed Account

The AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Conference, held annually in Washington D.C., is one of the most influential political gatherings in the United States. In 2013, President Obama delivered a speech that was closely monitored by numerous media outlets. During the broadcast, one of the Secret Service agents caught the attention of viewers due to his odd appearance and behavior.

The individual in question was bald, with an elongated cranium, and facial features that seemed to lack the usual human characteristics. His movements were described as stiff and robotic, and he appeared to be scanning the room in a manner that seemed unusually focused and vigilant. As the camera panned across the crowd, this agent’s peculiar appearance and behavior led some to suggest that he was not human, but rather an alien being using advanced technology to mask his true form.

Theories Behind the Sighting

  1. Reptilian Alien Hypothesis:

    The idea of reptilian aliens infiltrating human society has been popularized by conspiracy theorists for decades. According to this theory, these beings are shape-shifters who can manipulate their appearance to blend in with humans. Their primary goal is believed to be the control of global political and economic systems. The sighting at the AIPAC Conference has been cited as evidence supporting this theory, with proponents arguing that the Secret Service agent’s unusual features and behavior are indicative of a reptilian alien struggling to maintain its human disguise.

  2. Digital Camera Anomaly:

    Digital cameras, particularly those used in professional broadcasting, are capable of capturing a wider range of light spectrums than the human eye. This capability has led some to speculate that the camera inadvertently captured the true form of the alien, which was otherwise hidden from human perception. Infrared and ultraviolet light, for example, can reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. This theory suggests that the alien’s disguise may have been disrupted or partially revealed due to the unique properties of the camera equipment used at the conference.

  3. Psychological and Social Influence:

    The concept of extraterrestrials working within human institutions is not new. Stories of alien abductions and sightings of humanoid beings date back decades. The notion that aliens could be influencing world leaders through telepathy or other means has been a persistent theme in ufology and conspiracy literature. The presence of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at a high-profile event like the AIPAC Conference could be seen as part of a broader strategy to influence global politics and maintain control over human affairs.

Comparative Analysis with Past Sightings

  1. The Men in Black Phenomenon:

    The Men in Black (MIB) are a staple of UFO lore, often described as mysterious individuals who appear after sightings to intimidate witnesses into silence. These beings are typically depicted as having unusual physical characteristics, such as overly smooth skin, strange speech patterns, and robotic behavior. The MIB are believed by some to be either government agents or extraterrestrials themselves, tasked with concealing the truth about UFOs and alien encounters. The Secret Service agent seen at the AIPAC Conference bears some resemblance to MIB descriptions, with his unnatural appearance and behavior suggesting he may be part of a similar effort to monitor and control information.

  2. The Valiant Thor Case (1957, USA):

    Valiant Thor is a supposed extraterrestrial who, according to UFO researcher Dr. Frank E. Stranges, lived at the Pentagon for three years during the Eisenhower administration. Thor was described as a humanoid being with a mission to assist humanity in avoiding self-destruction. The Valiant Thor case highlights the idea of aliens working closely with government officials, a concept echoed by the AIPAC sighting where an alleged alien is seen protecting or influencing the President of the United States.

  3. The Bob Lazar Testimony (1989, USA):

    Bob Lazar, a physicist who claims to have worked at a secretive government facility known as S-4 near Area 51, has stated that he saw classified documents describing "aliens" who have been present on Earth for thousands of years. Lazar’s account suggests that the government is well aware of these beings and possibly even collaborates with them. The notion that extraterrestrials could be integrated into sensitive positions within the government, as suggested by the AIPAC sighting, is consistent with Lazar’s testimony and adds weight to the theory of a long-standing alien presence on Earth.

  4. Reptilian Sightings and Lore:

    Reports of reptilian beings date back to ancient times and are found in many cultures worldwide. These entities are often depicted as powerful and deceptive, capable of assuming human form. Modern conspiracy theories have woven these ancient myths into a narrative that suggests reptilians are actively manipulating human society. The AIPAC Conference sighting has been interpreted as a modern manifestation of this age-old myth, with the alleged reptilian agent working to influence high-level political decisions.

Scientific Perspective and Skepticism

While the theories surrounding the AIPAC Conference sighting are intriguing, they require scrutiny from a scientific perspective. Several factors must be considered:

  1. Pareidolia:

    Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon where the human brain perceives familiar patterns, such as faces, in random or ambiguous stimuli. The Secret Service agent’s appearance may have triggered pareidolia, causing viewers to see non-human features where there are none. The brain’s tendency to interpret vague or distorted images as faces or other recognizable forms can easily lead to misinterpretation.

  2. Camera Artifacts:

    Digital cameras can sometimes produce artifacts or distortions, especially under certain lighting conditions or when capturing fast-moving subjects. These artifacts can make a person’s appearance seem unusual or otherworldly. Given the professional nature of the broadcast, it’s possible that the camera’s settings or lighting contributed to the Secret Service agent’s odd appearance.

  3. Confirmation Bias:

    Individuals who are predisposed to believe in the existence of extraterrestrials may interpret ambiguous or unclear evidence in a way that supports their beliefs. This cognitive bias can lead to the misidentification of ordinary events or people as evidence of alien activity. The Secret Service agent’s behavior, while perhaps unusual, might have been completely explainable within a human context, such as heightened alertness due to the security situation.

  4. Body Language and Physical Traits:

    The unusual movements of the Secret Service agent could be attributed to rigorous training and a focus on security protocols. Secret Service agents are trained to scan crowds continuously and to remain vigilant, which can sometimes result in behavior that appears abnormal to casual observers. Additionally, physical traits like baldness or a strong jawline, which were highlighted as "alien" features, are common among humans and do not necessarily indicate non-human origins.

Implications of the Sighting

If the theories surrounding the AIPAC Conference sighting are true, the implications are profound:

  1. Extraterrestrial Influence:

    The presence of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent suggests that extraterrestrial beings are not only observing but actively participating in human affairs. This would imply a level of interaction and influence that goes beyond mere observation and enters the realm of direct intervention.

  2. Government Complicity:

    The theory that the U.S. government is aware of and possibly cooperating with extraterrestrials raises questions about transparency and the true extent of human control over global affairs. If aliens are indeed working within sensitive positions, it challenges the notion of human sovereignty and suggests a hidden layer of governance that the public is unaware of.

  3. Technological Implications:

    The ability of these beings to disguise themselves and potentially influence human thought through telepathy or other means suggests advanced technologies far beyond human capabilities. Understanding these technologies could revolutionize fields such as medicine, communication, and defense.


The alleged sighting of an alien disguised as a Secret Service agent at the AIPAC Conference in March 2013 remains one of the most controversial and intriguing incidents in recent ufological history. While the theories surrounding the sighting are speculative, the event has nonetheless sparked debate about the possibility of extraterrestrials living among us and influencing world events.

When compared to past sightings and reports of extraterrestrial infiltration, the AIPAC incident fits within a broader pattern of alleged alien involvement in human affairs. However, scientific skepticism and the need for rigorous evidence must guide our interpretation of such events. Whether the sighting represents a genuine encounter with an extraterrestrial being or a case of misidentification and cognitive bias, it continues to capture the imagination and provoke questions about the true nature of our reality.

As we continue to explore the universe and search for signs of extraterrestrial life, incidents like the AIPAC Conference sighting remind us of the mysteries that still surround us. They challenge us to remain open-minded while also demanding a commitment to critical thinking and scientific inquiry. In the end, the truth, whatever it may be, is likely to be more complex and fascinating than we can currently