Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts


UFO During Flight Test At Santa Lucia Airport, Near Mexico President! Feb 11, 2021 UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 11, 2021
Location of sighting: Santa Lucia, Mexico

The eyewitness was watching a news cast about the first plane to land at the Santa Lucia airport. He was watching because the Mexican Air Force was flying in the President of Mexico, Andres Orbrador. But later in the ceremony a non military plane (white) was seen taking off from the runway.  As this plane rose higher and higher upon takeoff, a black disk could be seen hovering in place in the background beyond the unfinished control tower. The eyewitness took out his camera and recorded directly off the TV screen. Its a well known fact that UFOs are frequently seen around presidents doing outdoor events. So this video means a lot. 

Now I searched the videos for this particular aircraft and I could only find the craft landing. I could not find it taking off. So...the original news video...eludes me...or was it deleted by the government before the public noticed?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Three News Sites In 5 Minutes Post Biden Halo Photos, Mind Manipulation! World Political News.


Date of Noticing: Jan 15, 2021
Location: World News Sites

I have noticed that world news is constantly posting Biden with a halo photos all over news sites for the past month. At first I thought just a coincidence, but today I notice CNN, Fox News and Reuters all have halo Biden photos pasted on the front pages of their news sites. 

This is very similar to the CIA Project MKUltra, which is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal. I am really thinking that the CIA and NSA is involved with the fall of Trump and the rise of Biden. This is clearly a team involvement, meaning many news sites, many social sites all got together to try to not only black ball President Trump and take his power from him, but to also instill a sense of saint hood or angelic qualities about Biden himself. Mind games, mental manipulation, subliminal suggestions, all meant to control the publics perceptions of Trump and Biden. Worst of all...they are winning. The public of the world, not just America is buying it. Its working, but worst of all, it was so easy for the CIA to do. Remember when the CIA had President John F Kennedy killed to get him out of the way and that way the CIA and the USA could stay at war? Yeah...same thing, but different tactics. America is now a Marxist state, democracy as we knew it is gone. 

The worst part of it all, I analyzed the photos and they have been manipulated. Biden was cut out, made into a png formate, then pasted on a blurred background of his banner, so that his head was deliberately placed there to make this halo effect. These photos were then put up for sale for use on sites such as Shutterstock, Shutterfly, Adobe, istockphotos, and many other sites which journalists flock to to buy stock photos of Biden. The photos were manipulated! I can 100% confirm that. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Mind Manipulation and Political Imagery: Analyzing Biden’s Halo Photos and the Influence of Media


On January 15, 2021, a peculiar observation caught my attention: multiple prominent news websites, including CNN, Fox News, and Reuters, had posted photos of President Joe Biden with what appeared to be a halo around his head. This recurring theme was not just a coincidence but seemed to be part of a coordinated effort to influence public perception. The imagery invoked a sense of saintliness or angelic qualities, potentially manipulating how audiences perceive Biden in contrast to former President Donald Trump. This manipulation echoes the tactics of the infamous CIA Project MKUltra, a program that explored mind control and psychological manipulation. In this article, we will explore the psychological implications of such imagery, the potential manipulation involved, and the historical context of mind control efforts in the United States.

Project MKUltra: A Historical Context

Project MKUltra was a covert operation conducted by the CIA between the 1950s and 1970s, aimed at investigating methods of mind control, often through unethical experiments on unwitting subjects (Goliszek, 2003). The project involved techniques such as hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and the administration of psychoactive drugs to alter consciousness and manipulate behavior. The goal was to explore the limits of psychological control and its applications in intelligence operations.

The psychological manipulation seen in the widespread use of “halo” imagery in media may not be as overtly harmful as the methods employed in MKUltra, but it reflects the same underlying principle: influencing human perception through psychological means. While the nature of the manipulation is different, the end goal—to control public perception and behavior—remains strikingly similar.

The Power of Visual Imagery in Media

Visual imagery is a potent tool in shaping public opinion and perception. Psychologists have long studied how images can evoke emotions, alter perceptions, and influence decision-making. According to the dual-coding theory proposed by Paivio (1986), information is processed through both verbal and visual channels. Visuals, especially those that are emotionally charged or symbolically significant, can be more effective at influencing memory and attitudes than text alone.

The consistent use of halo imagery around Biden’s head, whether intentional or not, leverages this psychological principle. Halos are traditionally associated with holiness, purity, and virtue. By presenting Biden with a halo, media outlets could be subconsciously encouraging viewers to associate these positive traits with him. This kind of subtle influence can be more powerful than overt messaging, as it bypasses rational scrutiny and directly affects the viewer’s subconscious (Graber, 1990).

Media Bias and Psychological Priming

The phenomenon observed here may also be a result of psychological priming. Priming is a process whereby exposure to one stimulus influences the response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention (Bargh & Chartrand, 2000). Media outlets using similar imagery across platforms could prime audiences to perceive Biden in a specific, positive light, while Trump is cast in a negative one. This is not just a matter of biased reporting but a deliberate shaping of cognitive associations.

When viewers are repeatedly exposed to images of Biden with a halo, they may be primed to perceive him as a moral or virtuous figure. Conversely, if Trump is portrayed in a less flattering manner, audiences might subconsciously form a negative impression of him. This manipulation of imagery could contribute to a broader narrative that paints Biden as a savior figure, while Trump is portrayed as a villain.

Manipulation Tactics in Political Communication

The strategic use of imagery in political communication is not new. Political leaders have always used symbolism to convey messages that go beyond words. For instance, Ronald Reagan was often photographed with the American flag in the background, reinforcing his image as a patriotic leader. Similarly, images of Barack Obama in casual settings were used to convey his relatability and approachability.

The deliberate use of halos around Biden’s head, if intentional, can be seen as a sophisticated form of propaganda. Propaganda is not limited to spreading false information; it also involves the selective presentation of truth in a way that supports a particular agenda (Jowett & O'Donnell, 2012). By consistently presenting Biden in a saintly light, media outlets could be subtly reinforcing the narrative of his moral superiority.

The Role of Subliminal Messaging

Subliminal messaging refers to stimuli that influence behavior or perceptions without conscious awareness. These messages are not overt but are designed to subtly influence the subconscious mind. Research has shown that subliminal cues can affect attitudes and behavior, although their effectiveness is a topic of debate in psychology (Dijksterhuis, Aarts, & Smith, 2005).

The halo imagery, even if not intentionally subliminal, could function in a similar manner. While viewers may not consciously register the halo, their subconscious mind might associate Biden with holiness or moral authority. This form of visual priming can shape perceptions over time, especially when reinforced by repeated exposure across different media platforms.

MKUltra and the Manipulation of Public Perception

Comparing the media’s use of halo imagery to MKUltra may seem extreme at first glance, but there are parallels in the methods of influence and control. MKUltra sought to manipulate individuals through direct and often harmful interventions. Modern media, on the other hand, employs more subtle psychological techniques to shape public opinion. The aim, however, is similar: to control how people think and act, albeit on a larger scale.

While MKUltra used direct interventions like drugs and hypnosis, the media uses psychological tools like framing, priming, and repetition. The manipulation of images, narratives, and even emotions can have a powerful impact on collective perception. The media, like the CIA during MKUltra, holds significant power to shape how reality is perceived by the public.

The Ethics of Media Manipulation

The ethical implications of such media practices are significant. While the press is free to present news as it sees fit, the deliberate manipulation of imagery to influence public perception crosses a line. It raises questions about journalistic integrity and the role of the media in a democratic society. The media’s power to shape narratives comes with a responsibility to present information in a fair and balanced manner.

The repeated use of manipulated images can contribute to a distorted understanding of reality. If the public’s perception of leaders is being shaped by subliminal or psychological manipulation, then democratic processes like voting and public discourse are undermined. This is a subtle form of disenfranchisement, where people are influenced to form opinions that they believe are their own but have been covertly guided by the media.

Analyzing the Manipulated Images

Upon closer examination, it appears that the images of Biden with a halo have been digitally altered. The background behind Biden’s head is often blurred, creating the illusion of a glowing halo effect. This is not an organic result of photography but a deliberate manipulation designed to evoke a specific emotional response.

Such digital manipulation is not uncommon in media, but its use in this context is particularly concerning. By altering images in this way, the media is not merely reporting on reality but actively constructing it. This goes beyond traditional media bias and enters the realm of psychological manipulation, where the line between news and propaganda becomes blurred.

The Impact on Public Perception

The effect of this manipulation on public perception is significant. Research in social psychology has shown that first impressions are powerful and difficult to change (Bargh & Chartrand, 1999). If the first impression viewers have of Biden is one where he is framed with a halo, this can create a lasting association of goodness, trustworthiness, and moral authority.

Over time, these impressions can solidify into deeply held beliefs, influencing how people vote, what policies they support, and how they react to political events. This is the essence of psychological manipulation: shaping beliefs and behaviors in a way that feels natural to the individual but is guided by external forces.

The Legacy of MKUltra in Modern Media

MKUltra’s legacy is a reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the capacity for manipulation. While the techniques used in the media today are less overt and less harmful than those employed by the CIA, they still represent a form of psychological control. The use of visual manipulation to shape public opinion is a powerful tool, and one that must be used responsibly.

The comparison between MKUltra and modern media manipulation is not about equating the two directly, but about recognizing the shared intent to control perceptions and behaviors. Both represent a departure from ethical standards and a willingness to manipulate the truth for a perceived greater good or strategic advantage.


The observation of halo imagery around Biden’s head across multiple news platforms is a striking example of how media can shape public perception through subtle psychological manipulation. Whether intentional or not, this visual framing can influence how audiences perceive political figures, shaping narratives in powerful ways. By comparing these tactics to those used in MKUltra, we see the potential dangers of such influence.

The ethical implications are clear: the media holds significant power in shaping reality, and with that power comes a responsibility to present information fairly and transparently. As consumers of news, it is essential to remain vigilant and critically evaluate the images and narratives we are presented with, recognizing that they may not always be as neutral as they appear.


  • Bargh, J. A., & Chartrand, T. L. (1999). The unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist, 54(7), 462-479.
  • Bargh, J. A., & Chartrand, T. L. (2000). The mind in the middle: A practical guide to priming and automaticity research. In H. T. Reis & C. M. Judd (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology (pp. 253-285). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dijksterhuis, A., Aarts, H., & Smith, P. K. (2005). The power of the subliminal: On subliminal persuasion and other potential applications


Trump claims to have heard ‘interesting’ things about alleged UFO crash site, UFO Sighting News.

Date of news: June 18, 2020
News source:

President Trump today had an interview and talked about having knowledge about the Roswell UFO crash from 1947. The president has exclusive access to such documents and people that he could learn the truth about aliens, but would he be courageous enough to release that info he learns to the public? I believe he would be. He has little fear of others and he knows the public could handle the truth. If he is pushed a little bit more by news journalists...I do believe he would release the information to the public. Its response could result in a life changing view of our world and the universe. But the real challenge is not Trump, but to get a journalist brave enough to ask about it again and again. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: 
US President Donald Trump said he has heard “interesting” things about Roswell, the crash site of an alleged UFO. Mr Trump made the comments in an interview with his son, who asked if the White House incumbent could “let us know what’s really going on”. “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” he replied. The Father’s Day-themed interview was hosted by the president’s reelection campaign. In 1947, a rancher discovered unidentifiable debris in his sheep pasture outside Roswell in New Mexico. Air Force officials said it was a crashed weather balloon, but sceptics questioned whether it was in fact at extraterrestrial flying saucer. Decades later the US military acknowledged the debris was related to a top-secret atomic project and the UFO theory has flourished. The president in the past has spoken sceptically about the possibility that there is something out there. After his father offered that he heard some “interesting” things about Roswell, Mr Trump Jr asked the president might declassify that information someday. “Well, I’ll have to think about that one,” the president responded.


President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of speeches: Sept 16, 1983
Location of speech: United Nations

Below is a video, of US President Reagan speaking at three different engagements, and in each...he tries to leak the truth...that aliens exist. He really tried hard to inform the public, even when he knew it was against national security to do so. 

On Sept 16, 1983, US President Ronald Reagan gave a memorable speech in front of the United Nations. In it, he subtly suggests that aliens exist and that all of humanity could be lost if they decide to attack. 

President Reagan states: Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. 

Of course President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. But he couldn't just come out and say so without breaking national security rules. So instead...he subtly hinted to the rest of the world leaders about what he had learned from the CIA and NASA. He also knows that a small percentage of the other presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. He even hints at one other president...he talked to the General Secretary Gorbachov...who then later became Russian president. 

Now pondering about world peace is nice...but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders...a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens. Remember its was the 1980s and back they the technology was very inferior to today tech marvels. It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly. 

Watch the video below and see. He is trying to tell the world the truth...that aliens exist.
Scott C. Waring 


24 Golden Trump Worshiped As God At Temple! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 8, 2019
Location of discovery: Was Phra Dhammakaya temple, Thailand

Hey check this out. I noticed that there is a statue of a buddha being worshiped that looks just like President Trump. No joke, it really does. That not all, the statue is unique in that not only is it 24k gold plated, but it gets a special real golden rob to show its higher statues that the other buddhas around it. Now maybe its just me or maybe its all of us, but this seems like its more than just a coincidence. Trump loves 24k gold color, its his favorite. Also the temple itself is in a UFO shape like a giant mother ship has landed and become the temple itself. It might even be a real UFO waiting for the end of times when it has to leave and take only the worthy with them...IDK. Do the monks know something about President Trump that we don't know? 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


US Gov Considering Employing Project Blue Beam (Firesign) To Sway Election Outcome, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: US President Ronald Reagan warned the world about Project Firesign 3 times on Video. Find the video at the bottom of this post. 

This is an interesting and eye opening video by Secureteam10 of Youtube. It talks about a pdf and wikileak, but most importantly, it talks about Project Firesign...formerly known as Project Blue beam, which was built on the foundation of HAARP program. Now back in the early 1980s, three reporters discovered and leaked info to the news agencies about Project Blue Beam...all were murdered by US agents within a few months. This is a dangerous topic for UFO researchers, so if Secureteam10 wants to tackle it, hats off to them. This is some important and useful info the public needs to know about. 

This PDF is from the Benson Strategy Group, which says in the pdf that they have the option (but not recommended) to use an "improved strains of ZIKV have been delivered and we have disseminated them to operatives." Which is meant to make voters hide indoors and is lethal. This Benson group sounds like a dark budget spy group for the US government. Cool stuff, but freaky scary to know the gov is considering such options to sway an election either way. 
Scott C. Waring


Wikileaks Email To John Pedesta; Astronaut Edgar Mitchell States Reason America Hides UFOs From Public, Oct 2016, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of email: 7-29-2014
Writer of email: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Email sent to: John Podesta
Wikileaks URL:

I found something interesting in the Podesta emails at Wikileaks today. Edgar Mitchell sent an email to John Podesta (below) so that he could meet with Obama about the future of space exploration. In it he states the real reason we have all wanted to know, about why the United States decided to hide all alien info from the public (highlighted in yellow below).  

The RAND Corporation traces its origins to a research and development project created inside the Douglas Aircraft Company to study UFOs secretly retrieved by the U.S. military after the February 1942 Battle of Los Angeles UFO incident.

Battelle, Brookings was a 1960 report commissioned by NASA and created by the Brookings Institution in collaboration with NASA's Committee on Long-Range Studies. It was submitted to the US gov on April 18, 1961.

These were the things that convinced the US gov to hide all UFO and alien intel from the public, but that was 60 years ago, and those rules need to be changed, the public must know the truth. 
Scott C. Waring

Email states: 
Dear John Pedestal: 

As we move into the last half of 2014, the need for extraterrestrial 
disclosure intensifies. Thank you for your kind consideration and response
to my email. 

This 4 July weekend I will meet with President Obama’s friend, Ambassador Hamamoto, at the US Mission in Geneva during their Independence Day Celebration. While in Geneva I will also speak at the UN and the European Space Agency regarding why we must move forward with disclosure and specific programs such as manned moon missions, since some scientists and others are calling for moon colonization due to what they perceive is happening on Earth. 

John, with this email I am requesting a conversation with you and President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure for the benefit of our country and our planet. 

Fifty years ago Battelle, Brookings and RAND studies on UFOs convinced the government to remove knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the citizens of our country. These organizations advised with their best information. However, today much, if not most, of the extraterrestrial reality they examined is known by our citizens. These organizations' resultant strategies and policies of 50 years ago no longer hold credibility or benefit. 

Five decades of UFO information have dramatically shifted the public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence. And yet, our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies. These are detrimental to trust in government transparency, science, religion, and responsible citizenry embracing the next step in our country’s space travel and research. 

Three disclosure issues are prominent: 1) planet sustainability via next generation energies such as zero point energy, 2) galactic travel and research undertaken as an advanced species aware of the extraterrestrial presence, not as uninformed explorers who revert to colonialism and destruction and 3) the example of a confident, engaged government who respectfully regards the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space. 

I respectfully receive your response to my request for conversation on disclosure. 

[image: Image removed by sender.] 

Warmest Regards, 

Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD 

Chief Science Officer & Founder, Quantrek 

Apollo 14 astronaut 

6th man to walk on the Moon


Reagan had two UFO sightings, the US president spoke the the United Nations about an alien invasion, UFO Sighting News.

President Ronald Reagan said he had two UFO sightings, both in a plane, where he told the pilot to follow it, which they did for a few minutes. He constantly thought about this and had inside info from the CIA about the existence of aliens. He knew things...and his subconscious would never stop pushing him to tell the public the truth...but remember what the CIA did when Kennedy pushed the CIA to reveal to NASA the truth...he was killed one week later from the signing of a memo about it. Reagan tried to warn us of a alien invasion. He succeeded. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:  There were four persons aboard the plane: pilot Bill Paynter, two security guards, and the governor of California, Ronald Reagan. As the airplane approached Bakersfield, California, the passengers called Paynter’s attention to a strange object to their rear. “It appeared to be several hundred yards away,” Paynter recalled. “It was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate. Then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up at a 45-degree angle-at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised. . . . The UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane power, it will accelerate-but not like a hot rod, and that’s what this was like.”

A week later Reagan recounted the sighting to Norman C. Miller, then Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal. Reagan told Miller, “We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens.” When Miller expressed some doubt, a “look of horror came over [Reagan]. It suddenly dawned on him . . . that he was talking to a reporter.” Immediately afterward, according to Miller, Reagan “clammed up.”

Reagan has not discussed the incident publicly since.

How US President Jimmy Carter Filed a UFO-Sighting Report in 1973, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 1969
Location of sighting: Leary, Georgia, USA
News source:

If you can't believe a US president when he say he saw a UFO, than you can't believe anyone. He risked a lot by telling everyone about this sighting and having it go on record, and yet, he didn't care about the risk. Thats cool.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
In October 1969, a young Georgia politician was leaving a fundraiser when he spotted a large object glowing in the sky.

Four years later, in September 1973, he formally filed a UFO sighting report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). 

That politician was Jimmy Carter, who went on to become the United States' 39th president.

A new episode of NASA’s Unexplained Files, which airs Tuesday at 9 p.m. on the Science Channel, explores Carter’s UFO filing.

Author William J. Birnes said in the episode: "When he looks up in the sky and he sees an object, it is bigger than the moon. He says to himself, 'That is the darndest thing I ever saw.'"

There is no reasonable explanation for what Carter saw that October night, but it continued to occupy his mind.

During Carter’s 1976 presidential campaign, he brought up his UFO encounter. He promised that if he was elected, he would encourage the government to release “every piece of information” about UFOs to the public.

While Carter did win the election, he later backed away from his promise, saying that the release of such documents would cause national security “defense implications."

In a 2007 interview with CNN, Carter was asked about his UFO sighting, to which he replied: “It was unidentified as far as we were concerned, but I think it’s impossible in my opinion — some people disagree — to have space people from other planets or other stars to come to us. I don’t think that’s possible.”


Donald Trump Face Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, Is He An Alien? UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2010, Opportunity rover
Source NASA Photo:

I have found Trumps face on Mars in an Opportunity rover photo. The face, nose and hair looked so much like Trumps that I had to share it with you. The photo below has his face super imposed upon the rock so that you can see the incredible detail. Is this a symbol of an alien in the Mars culture that had power and that cause the people of this planet to feel empowered, enough to make his face permanently in the scenery. Is this a sign that Trump is an alien, or decided from the aliens on Mars? Possibly. He does seem to have a magical power in his voice that causes mass hysteria and loyalty. 

There was a case long ago in Rocca Pia, Italy where aliens met with humans there for several decades (click here to read). They called themselves the W56, and said there was another group called the CTR. The CTR was said to exploit the human race for financial gains. I am wonder if Trump is a member of the CTR. 
Scott C. Waring 新北市新莊區幸福路, 台灣



President of the European Commission Tells he meet "leaders of other worlds! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is an odd conversation by Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU Commission President during his talk at Brussels. So why did he say this? It sounds like he was trying to hint at the others around him that he has inside information that they don't. That he is trying to tell them the truth, that he does consult with off world presidents and has constant communication with them, which helps him govern the EU Commission and thusly run Europe. Are aliens in control of the EU and its current situation? Aliens have interrupted in many facets of humanities history, so why not politics?
Scott C. Waring 


Secretary Josh Earnest Talks About Alien Disclosure In May 17, 2016, White House Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of press conference: May 17, 2016
News source:

Of course this little guy (Secretary Josh Earnest) talking to the press doesn't want to risk his career by answering a question of such importance that only President Obama should answer. I'm sure he has seen Obama put his foot into the butt of those who crossed him and Josh likes his job. Obama still has time to release the UFO documents and to tell the public the truth this year. Its on his mind. That Nobel Peace Prize weighs heavily around his is encouraging him to tell the public the truth, because he knows that the pubic deserve nothing less. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
While past presidents and presidential candidates have joked about UFOs, Hillary Clinton is one of the first mainstream candidates to promise disclosure of classified Area 51, UFO and Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) documents should she be elected president. “I want to open the files as much as we can,” Clinton said in a recent radio interview. In the wake of a New York Times article that brought renewed attention to Clinton’s most unexpected campaign commitment, President Barack Obama’s White House was asked to respond. The answer, from President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest, will disappoint UFO enthusiasts still hoping for disclosure on the federal level: “I have to admit, I don’t have a tab for Area 51 in my briefing book today,” Earnest began. After a joke from the press corp. Earnest proposed a “grand conspiracy” to keep him from answering the question thoroughly. “I’m not aware of any plans the President has to make public any information about this,” Earnest said, ending hope that UFO disclosure will come from the White House in 2016. Stephen Bassett, an extraterrestrial disclosure lobbyist, told the New York Times that a Clinton presidency may be the best opportunity yet for genuine disclosures about the government’s knowledge of UFOs. Not only has Clinton evinced a past interest in extraterrestrials — in 1995 she was photographed carrying Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies (above) — but she’ll also have the backing of campaign chairman John Podesta, who has crusaded for the release of government information on unexplained aerial phenomena for decades. While previous presidential administrations, Obama’s included, have treated declassification of Area 51 and UAP files as a joke, a Clinton presidency might at least take the demand seriously.


Blind prophet Baba Vanga predictions for 2016 and beyond: It’s not good, May 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: May 2016
News Source:

Here is something interesting. A famous woman, Baba Vanga who made many predictions about the future and they all came true. The most concerning one...that the 44th president of the US will be black and he will be the last US president. Freaky huh? But is there something to this? Aliens helping humans to build underwater cities in 2130? Wow!

Also, if Obama is the last president, maybe the US decides it is too much power for one person, that it should be held by Congress as a whole. Congress has 535 members that vote. Thats better than a single president, who may break laws or red tape to do what they want. Congress should run America, not a single president. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
APOCALYPSE SOON: VANGA’S MAJOR PROPHECIES FROM 2016 ONWARDS 2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. 

2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (nobody really knows what this means). 

2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero. 2028: Mankind will fly to Venus, in hope of finding new sources of energy. 

2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening). 

2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule. 

2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity. 

2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world. 

2084: Nature is reborn (nobody is really sure what this means). 

2100: Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is already in the pipeline — since 

2008: scientists have been working on creating an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology). 

2130: With the help of the aliens, civilisations will live underwater. 

2170: Major global drought. 

2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped. 

2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down. 

2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet. 

2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more drought. 

2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark. 

3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet. 

3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash. 

3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.


MSNBC's Matthews Spends Entire Segment on Hillary’s Interest in UFO’s, May 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: May 2016
Interview discussion: Hillary Clinton and UFOs
News source:

This is a very strange conversation between MSNBC's host Chris Matthews and Clar Moskowitz. It really looks like this is becoming an important area for Hillary, since a large portion of the country believe a UFO did crash at Roswell, NM back in 1947, and that the US government is trying to cover it and all UFO sightings up. Would she keep her promise? She will try...and that word try is better than nothing. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states: 
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews has offered NewsBusters readers perhaps the largest library of ridiculous statements over the years but his segment topics took a bizarre turn on Wednesday when he devoted an entire block to Hillary Clinton’s interest in releasing documents pertaining to Area 51 and the chances that aliens exist inside the U.S. Speaking to a Scientific American editor, Matthews aired his thoughts on conspiracy theories, how many who believe in aliens also believe there was more to the Kennedy assassinations to even creepily complimenting to his guest that he “love[s] your clear thinking and logic and scientific, well, method.” Matthews hit the ground running with senior editor Clara Moskowitz by asking if there’s “any physical evidence on this planet — has anyone ever found of UFOs” and when she stated “there’s absolutely no reason to think aliens have been there,” he followed up immediately: “No evidence of spaceships, of flying saucers or ETs of that kind? None. It's never been discovered or detected or claimed?” Moskowitz responded that since Area 51 also “tests experimental aircraft” so anyone voicing concerns about “weird looking aircraft flying around” they shouldn’t conclude it’s aliens. (More at source.)


Second Photo Of Obama On Mars Found By Spirit Rover, April 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of rediscovery: April 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 620
Source photo:

I found the Obama head again. This time in an official NASA photo from the Spirit rover. The head has extremely long, pocky eyebrows, but the rest of the face looks similar to Obama. It has curly short hair, with a thin headband going around it.

I also found some other unusual things, and put them below. A skull melted into the stone. A dome of a roof. Another face, maybe human-like, hard to tell with the detail this species of aliens use. The like the crude style of art. Anyways, here it is again, Obama on Mars.
Scott C. Waring 

Older post about the Obama head here.
Ancient Head Found On Mars, Looks Like President Obama, Close Up HD Photo! Nov 26, 2014, UFO Sighting News.