Showing posts with label godly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label godly. Show all posts


Angelic UFO Over Farm In Slovenia, Google Earth Map, Sept 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 16, 2020
Location: Podkoren, Slovenia 
Google Coordinates:  46°29'25.24"N 13°45'5.42"E

I found this UFO over the city of Podkoren in the country of Slovenia. The UFO is almost appears holy or divine as if it were an angelic being. In the video I show you several views of the same area so you can see for yourself there is nothing reflective on the ground. This object is not lighting up the tree sides...but clearly above the tree tops. This my be more than just a UFO, it may be an angelic being visiting a holy person of significants within the house below. A biblical event...recorded on Google Earth map. 

This reminds me of the UFO seen in Jerusalem over the holy of holies...the Dome of rock In is real. But that one...was an angelic being...the ancient biblical story of Dome of Rock is proof of that theory. 

No...I'm not religious in any way, but do respect all religions. But...evidence is mounting in that area.
Scott C. Waring 

Notice the tail on the object hanging below the UFO or angelic entity. Like that of a sea horse. 


Angelic UFO Exiting Our Sun During Solar Explosion, June 2019, UFO Sighting News. Video

I found this angelic UFO exiting our sun this week. The UFO came out right after a giant explosion happened. The UFO itself is huge compared to our sun. The angelic UFO is close to the size of Jupiter. This has to be one of the largest UFOs ever recorded exiting our sun. It moves really fast, because just a few minutes later, the photo of the same area shows it no longer there. Nothing that big could move that fast unless it has the ability to travel at light speed. Thats my friends, is an alien craft. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Alien Face Found On Mars Hilltop, March 27, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

I have to say this is one of the most amazing discoveries I have ever made. This face above shows a crown, face, cloak over shoulders and chest of the person. This sculpture was placed on a hill in a way that it can overlook a large area of Mars. The face above is about 1.5 meters tall. There may actually be more of the sculpture buried below the dirt, much like the Easter Island statues also had full bodies, but the bodies were buried below the dirt so only the heads were visible. There was also a lot of other objects like pipes, giant sculpture skull, and a fallen over alien statue. 

So ask yourself, why hasn't NASA reported these objects which are in the NASA archives? To over look such important discoveries is beyond incompetent. NASAs lack of effort and lack of information about these alien artifacts is proof that they are not doing their jobs. I can't help but wonder why people still trust NASA when they have lied to the public for over five decades? I do know that outside of the USA, other countries like Taiwan has lost trust in NASA a lot...around a 50-60% drop since the fake moon landing evidence came out. 

Perhaps the public should create their own company to investigate alien life. The time has come to share all information with the public. 
Scott C. Waring


UFOs Over Moons Surface Flying Side By Side, March 17, 2019. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source: MUFON #99274

A person in Edirne, Turkey was observing the moon through a telescope and was lucky enough to catch a great shot of not one, but two UFOs flying low over the moons surface. Yes I said that right. This object is actually two UFOs flying side by side, like a military wingman for USAF fighter jets. 

Both objects are diamond shaped, yet one is twice the size of the other. If these were meteors, they would be leaving a trail of debris behind them, and there is no way they would be perfect diamond flying side by side. These are alien craft flying over our moon!

Now, I wonder...if the eyewitness caught this while observing for a half hour...then how often does this occur on our moon daily? Well, if you say 24 hours in a day, and divide it by 30 minutes, we get 48. Thats a lot on only the side that we can see. I imagine its much more on the side we cannot see. This is 100% proof that aliens are actively using our moon not just as a base, but as a home.
Scott C. Waring


What If Elon Musk Salvaged The 10 Mile Long UFO on Earths Moon In Waterman Crater? UFO Sighting News.

NASA photo:
Old Post of my discovery in 2011:

I Tweeted Elon Musk and was surprised at all the retweets people gave it. Apparently there are a lot of people who think its a good idea for Musk to look into. 

I felt like maybe I should let Elon Musk know about on of the 10 mile long aliens ships that I found. This particular craft is in Waterman Crater on Earths moon. I thought that if I let him know that such a high tech ship with a length of about 10-11 miles long existed, that perhaps he may take an interest in salvaging it. Humanity needs to travel out of our solar system to colonize on other worlds and this craft may still be working. What I mean by working is that you know how a phone gets outdated in a few years, so you toss aside the old one? Well this may only have been replaced with a newer model. Think about how many people a 10 mile ship could accommodate on it. It  would be enough to begin new colonies on other distant planets. 

One person said Elon should salvage it and slap on a Tesla Logo on its I made a photo of such a craft below for inspiration. LOL, what if Tesla did salvage the ship? Imagine how it would change our whole planet. 
Scott C. Waring


Streetcap1, AKA George Graham UFO researchers 1st and last ever interview on Russia TV Found, UFO Sighting News.

I was sent this video clip by a Russian UFO research this week. In it is the long lost interview of UFO researcher George Graham AKA Streetcap1. He died suddenly a few months after doing this interview with RT News. He was very proud of doing this TV interview and I'm sure he would like it to be shared with the world. 

Streetcap1 first came to be famous when I published his videos and discoveries on my UFO Sightings Daily site several years ago. Since then, he has become a legend in the area. 

I can't help but think that I did warn him not to invite the RT News agency into his home. He didn't listen, and a few months later...he died suddenly. Here is the link to our chat.

So, here below is his interview video. 
This for you Streetcap1, RIP.
Scott C. Waring


Farscape Actress Confesses Her Belief In The Existence Of Aliens On Twitter, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

I Tweeted to Farscape actress Gigi Edgley this week asking if she has ever seen a UFO before. She replied but only said, "I defiantly believe we are not alone :) "

Since she was from Australia I was thinking that she may have caught a sighting of a UFO sometime in her life, but being an actress, most of her time is probably spent indoors. I was wondering if she was ever inspired by UFO sighting and wondered how it may have influenced her role on Farscape, be she didn't reveal that to me. Very cool she answered me. The Farscape sci-fi series is one of the greatest space adventures of our time. The show includes bio-mechanical living ships, multi species crews, aliens that even Star Wars directors couldn't think up and a script that unbeatable. Check it out sometime. 

Scott C. Waring


Jesus Rises From The Ocean During Sunset Caused By UFO Over Coast Of Italy, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2019
Location of sighting: Agropoli, Italy coast
News source:

A giant glowing figure appeared within a UFO sighting this week. A giant disk was seen during sunset with rays of light shining down into the ocean, but it also has a depiction of a robed figure with his arms out, as if nailed to a cross. I find this really bizarre, but can't help but wonder...did the aliens do as a reward for the people who were watching and their belief in Jesus? It seems so. UFOs can detect your thoughts instantly and so do their probes. These objects can literally create figures from clouds into any shape and make them keep their shape for a long time. This is just too detailed to dismiss it. I can clearly see a robe on a standing figure with his arms outstretched as if on a cross, and his hands are both easily seen. His neck and head have amazing detail. 

There is only two possibilities...either aliens created this Jesus figure as a reward for the consistent and loyal belief in Jesus by the onlookers, or...this really could be Jesus himself appearing before the onlookers. 

Since Jesus turned water into wine, healed the dyeing and rose from the dead...clearly he is an advanced alien species who wanted to instill humanity with some much needed morals and ethics to help guide them. One thing is absolute...the detail of Jesus in this photo is undeniable. So...miracles really do happen. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (translated): 
The "mysterious" appearance of Christ in the sky of Agropoli, immortalized by Alfredo Lo Brutto , is inspiring many. Among the believers there are those who cry out for the miracle and those who, instead, are debating with more or less bizarre theories about the apparition. Someone believes that the shape formed in the sky is not that of Jesus, but that of St. Francis . There are even those who have done graphic studies on photography coming to this conclusion. And 'the case of a citizen of Agropoli: "I am atheist - he says - but after a night spent studying the representations of St. Francis, I can say that the image appeared in the sky of Agropoli is precisely that of the saint of Assisi, appeared in eight hundredth anniversary of his coming to the city ". Lovers of stars and ufology, however, are of different notice. After studying the shot of Alfredo Lo Brutto and having ascertained that it was not a photomontage, they came to a conclusion very different from the previous ones: "Inside that beam of light - they say - there was a solid body, perhaps a ufo ". Probably, however, to give the most suitable solution to the interpretation of the image was the parish priest Don Bruno Lancuba , who spoke at Vita in Diretta: "It's a suggestive photo and we can read a meaning for ourselves".

Above is the face of the figure.


UFO Disguised As Comet Slowed Down Rotation When Nearest To Earth, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2017
Location of sighting: Near Earths orbit

When is a comet a UFO? When it makes impossible changes in short amounts of time. Comet 41P slowed its rotation speed by 3X or 300% when it was closest to Earth. And why you say? Because its not a comet, its an alien probe that was scanning Earth. This is not a comet, but an alien probe sent to pass all the planets and moons in our solar system and scan them for advancements in life, technology, and to detect any changes in those places since it last passed by. You can even see that when I add contrast to the photo of Comet 41P, along the lower edges is seen large rectangular wall of structures. Comets don't have structures, only alien ships would have structures. It sounds like NASA is not telling us the full truth about this one. 
Scott C. Waring

NASA states: 
Observations by NASA's Swift spacecraft, now renamed the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory after the mission’s late principal investigator, have captured an unprecedented change in the rotation of a comet. Images taken in May 2017 reveal that comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák — 41P for short — was spinning three times slower than it was in March, when it was observed by the Discovery Channel Telescope at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. The abrupt slowdown is the most dramatic change in a comet's rotation ever seen.


Cube UFO Shaped Object Exits Earths Sun. February 9, 2019

Date of sighting: February 9, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: NASA

Now another cube was caught exiting our sun last week. I say exit, because as you see from the photo gif below...there is a big ejection of solar material shooting out the the sun that is tightly focused on the other end. Look carefully and you will see a cube inside the material coming out of the sun. The cube is not on top of the material, but rather...inside of it. You can only see about 80% of the cube and the other 20% is under the solar material. That is evidence that this UFO cube is a 3D object and not a glitch in the photo. This UFO has been seen entering and exiting our sun, sometimes 100% visible and other times its 3D and blended into the solar surface of the sun as it entered or exited. Its not a rare occurrence either. It happens several times a week or more. Its hard to believe NASA has managed to hide such information about giant alien ships using our sun...and yet, they pull it off. At a size of several times bigger than earth, the only reason its managed to stay a secret so long is that its just so far away from Earth. 
Scott C. Waring


Hand Size Fossil Tooth or Claw Right In Front Of Mars Rover! Feb 13, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2318

Here is something you don't see everyday. The newest Mars Curiosity rover photos shows a hand size tooth fossil near its wheels. Anyone who has ever found or bought or found fossils would recognize this right away. It can't be a coincidence that the rover stopped right in front of the fossil. Its just too obvious. I myself own is a 7 inch Megaladon shark tooth and another 2.5 inch Megaladon baby tooth, but I also have many other fossils. When I saw this recent Mars photo I just knew instantly what it was. 

By looking at the tooth we do know a few facts about the animal. First off its sharp, which means its a meat eater...a carnivore. Second its hand that means its at least of a Megaladon shark here on Earth...thats about 17-18 meters, but it may have been a land animal so could be about 20-30% smaller than that. Was this an intelligent aliens tooth, probably not, most likely just a prehistoric period of Mars...far before any intelligent life even came about. 
Scott C. Waring


Ever want to send a message into deep space that will travel forever? Now You can for free, UFO Sightings Daily.

I found a great way to send messages into deep space at the speed of light forever! Yes, light will travel forever across the universe all the way to the end 14 billion light years away, then probably bounce back again. Send you regards, warnings, complaints, prayers, wishes, or anything you want for free. You can even send larger files with photos for a small fee of $1.50 US. I haven't done that yet with this service, but will soon. 

Just go over to and hit send, then type a message, max size is 2k characters or about 10 sentences. Then hit send, and instantly its sent to their radio transmitter to send your message into deep space with radio waves...which travel at the speed of light. 

I am not sponsoring this site, nor do I make anything or benefit from any way telling you about this. I just want to let those who want to send aliens do so. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Top Secret Aurora Project Blue Triangle Craft Seen In NASA Shuttle Mission Photo! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 31, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths orbit at space shuttle
NASA Source:

 Here is a blue triangle UFO I found in the STS-052 shuttle mission archives. This occurred in Nov 1992. Now this triangle UFO reminds me of the same blue triangle seen over the UK that was a USAF top secret project called The Aurora Project. It looks like even back in 92 this secret craft was up and flying around. 

The Aurora legend started in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine broke the news that the term "Aurora" had been inadvertently included in the 1985 U.S. budget, as an allocation of $455 million for "black aircraft production" in FY 1987. According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft, and not to one particular airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reached $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week. The blue triangle was repeatedly seen over the UK for several years, always near a USA military base. 

Project Aurora was a triangular craft that glows blue and was built with an alien tech propulsion system. Yes it works, yes its real, yes it can reach up to one quarter the speed of light. 
Scott C. Waring


White UFO Shoots Past Drone At 300 meters per second over Spain, Jan 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2019
Location of sighting: La Rioja, Spain
News source:

This UFO was recorded by a drone in Spain last week. The UFO was sitting on the mountain side and noticed the flying it immediately did a flyby to investigate it. The object moved incredibly fast, so fast it appears to be a tube, when actually its an oval disk. In the close up you can see that its actually caught four times in the photo...thats how fast this is moving. Those four time are stretched out touching each other so that it appears to be long, when its not. UFOs are often atrracted to aircraft and this one was no exception. Yes UFOs can be small like this one. Aliens have drones, because not all species of aliens can walk among us without being noticed, and many breath different gases. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (translated from Spanish: 
According to his conclusions, the object captured by the camera of the drone is "cylindrical shape, with a length of about 2 meters". "It comes out of a brush and travels about 600 meters in a time of about two seconds, which would be about 1,080 kilometers per hour," something that "completely discards the explanation of an insect or any animal." "We may talk about a vehicle about two meters long that I doubt very much that it is human technology and that it goes out to see what is approaching," he concludes. Do you believe it? Do not? The truth is out there.