
UFO 7 Time Bigger Than Earth Enters Our Sun, NASA Image Dec 23, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

I was looking at some sun images by NASA/SOHO when I saw the cube again. I say cube because a few times I have reported it while it was clearly visible as a 3d object. This time however what interests me the most is that this time it has one corner that has a gas cloud covering it. This is important because it validates that this is an actual object and not pixillation (computer glitch) or even a UFO that was deliberately covered by NASA. Instead this is undeniable proof that this object, may it be space station, (7X the size of Earth) or UFO, is an actual alien craft. It is even possible its a alien drone...because of its massive size it may be built for storage of energy harvested from our sun. Check out the actual photo at the link below. SCW

Sun image: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov//data/REPROCESSING/Completed/2012/eit284/20121223/20121223_1306_eit284_1024.jpg


UFO Seen Over Bugarach Mountain, France As Predicted On Dec 21, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Bugarach, France

When the local news broadcast about a Bugarach mountain in France was made, little did they know they accidentally caught a UFO hovering over the mountain. This was a prediction by some unknown source causing tens of thousands of people to go to this mountain on the 21st believing that the UFO would pick them up and take them to a new world. Apparently the aliens didn't expect so many to come. It is unknown if anyone actually was able to get onto the craft, but there are reports that many people made it to the top of the mountain despite police and fire departments blocking off the road to prevent a rush of people which could cause accidents. SCW


UFO Buzzes Over Wind Turbines, Dec 21, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: unknown

Person states: 
This video was filmed on 12-21-12. This UFO was witnessed by two men. One was driving the car, the was the passenger filming the wind turbines with a point and shoot camera. The original video was longer and had to be edited down to get to the UFO incident. The men speaking in the video want to remain anonymous.


Gold Discovered In Massive Amounts On Mars, UFO Sighting News, Dec 21, 2012.

Click photo to enlarge.

I was looking over Google Mars and discovered this large patch of gold strewn out over the hills. This is amazing and explains why NASA tries to blur or change the original color of Mars photos so that other nations will not become aware of the massive amounts of GOLD!   Google Mars Ruler tells us that one deposit is 33.4 km long and another is 12km long. Also look at the surrounding area of the photo that NASA has deliberately tried to change in color so that detail and original color are now lost. It is clear that Google is partly controlled by the US which clearly forces Google to alter the detail and color of Mars map photos. 

All photos are original colour.

Sure, but how do they bring it back? Rovers and robots, time and a lot of money. 

To find it type in this in the search box: 82° 3'2.24"S  76° 6'3.14"W
or search for "Dzeng" in the box. The gold is very close. I marked it as "24K Gold Deposit." I made the video below to show you more.  SCW

Giant Cube Recorded By NASA Near Sun On Dec 21, 2012. NASA Source.

Update: I have changed the link below because the image changes every hour, I have the link that goes directly to the image archive for the above photo!  SCW

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

I was looking at the NASA/SOHO images and noticed that the black cube is back. This is on the NASA site right now so if you want to check for yourself please click the link below. This cube has been seen near the sun several times a month. Odd that it chose Dec 21, 2012. Sometimes this cube even is three dimensional so you can see it is really a cube. It is black because it is not hot like the sun is. They do have advanced tech millions or billions of years ahead of us so flying near the sun is not a fear of theirs, but what are they harvesting from the sun so often? Photo from SOHO EIT 284. SCW

You must input the data below into the boxes to view photo!
NASA Link: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query


UFO Has Failing Cloak Over Japan, Dec 21, 2012.

Above photo has added contrast to see cloaked UFO.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Japan

When looking at this at first you think its a reflection off a window, however we can clearly see the person is outside and there is no glass or reflection. This UFO is very odd in that it seems to have a cloak that is failing. Cloaks do not make it invisible, but rather make it APPEAR invisible by actually bending the light around it from top to bottom. Really wish there was more video, but this much still gives us a good idea of what he was seeing at the time. SCW

Two UFOs Seen Flying Near Moon Viewed From Singapore, Dec, 20, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Viewed from Singapore

Eyewitness states:
2 unidentified flying objects flickering lights of blue, pink, red and purple were moving away from the moon. My iPhone could not capture what the naked eye saw.  Not a store or satellite.