
More UFOs Seen Orbiting The Sun In SOHO photos, Dec 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This is an update from the NASA/SOHO site of the UFOs recorded orbiting the Sun this yesterday. These UFOs were first reported by Russian scientists several years ago, but NASA on the other hand has a lot to hide. Anything to do with aliens is instantly classified because it could pertain to national security. Remember the historical announcement a NASA scientist said was about to happen but never did last week. NASA lies. And they are trying to avoid lying to the public by...not discussing the topic at all. SCW

UFO Observed Over Antarctica Station December 2012.

Date of sighting: December 2012
Location of sighting: Antarctica

The video for this sighting was deleted by Youtube. Sorry.

Alien Mothership Hovering Over Tall Building In Turkey With Orb Exiting! Dec 14, 2012.

UFO has orb come out and shoot away, click to enlarge.

Date of sighting: December 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Ankara, Turkey

This video was recently posted and the poster said "there was not a cloud in the sky," and this giant disk object was over a building. If you look carefully at 18-21 seconds into the video, you will clearly see a white UFO shoot out of the large UFO. The fact that this tiny white craft comes out of the bottom of the mothership is proof that this is 100% real. Fake videos never take such details into account. This is real. It looks as if aliens may also have an interest in the Mayan Dec 21, 2012. I have said it many times, UFOs are most easily seen during sunset due to the cloak only bending the light around the craft at 180 degrees, but at sunset the cloak fails to do this evenly and for a few minutes will be revealed.  SCW


UFO ORB's sighting in Gilbert Arizona December 8th 2012

Date of sighing: December 8, 2012
Location of sighting: Gilbert, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: "Me and the family having a late night fire caught more than we expected."


Cigar-shaped UFO caught on Camera December 6 2012 - MEXICO.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2012
Location of sighting: Mexico


Cloaked UFO Over England, Dec 12, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Milton Keynes, England

Eyewitness states: 
Clocked disk near Milton Keynes shopping center. Crisp bitter cold day. The sun was out somewhere behind us. This object was to our left as we walked away.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzrAID4c9XI

Cigar UFO Caught On Live Cam Transmission Near ISS, But NASA Shuts Down Link, Dec 16, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit on ISS

This is a great catch of a cigar shaped UFO near the ISS. This happens almost daily, and if you watch the live cams you will see UFOs yourself. It may take a few hours and the ISS has to be on the light side to see them, but most UFOs near the ISS are grey metallic orbs seen in 75% of sightings reported on the cam. You would think that with all the reported UFOs seen on the ISS live cam that NASA would at least talk about it once…but they can't because they know its real. This is why we distrust NASA…their blury satellite photos, their scientists who claim to find cities on the dark side of the moon then the next day NASA silences them, CNN broadcasts metallic orbs following the Shuttle Atlantis in orbit causing its delay and shows us raw footage of several UFOs, yet NASA is still silent. 

Shakespeare once wrote, "should I act upon the urgings that I feel or be passive and thus cease to exist?" NASA does not exist, but I do! SCW


UFO fell into the sea with a loud boom, Dec 11, 2012 Turkey, Black Sea region

Above Photos From 2008 Black Sea UFO, Turkey.

Date of sighting: December 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Turkey

Although news reports this as a meteor, the Black Sea region of Turkey has become famous for its UFO recorded on video hundreds of times with thousands of hours of footage showing several close up  disk like crafts hovering over the Black Sea. This is very possibly one of these craft coming to Earth. It is widely believed by UFOlogists in Turkey that there is a very large underwater alien base below the Black Sea. I will include a second video that shows this UFO craft up close and personal which was recorded by a security guard late a night nearby in 2008. SCW