
Gold Discovered In Massive Amounts On Mars, UFO Sighting News, Dec 21, 2012.

Click photo to enlarge.

I was looking over Google Mars and discovered this large patch of gold strewn out over the hills. This is amazing and explains why NASA tries to blur or change the original color of Mars photos so that other nations will not become aware of the massive amounts of GOLD!   Google Mars Ruler tells us that one deposit is 33.4 km long and another is 12km long. Also look at the surrounding area of the photo that NASA has deliberately tried to change in color so that detail and original color are now lost. It is clear that Google is partly controlled by the US which clearly forces Google to alter the detail and color of Mars map photos. 

All photos are original colour.

Sure, but how do they bring it back? Rovers and robots, time and a lot of money. 

To find it type in this in the search box: 82° 3'2.24"S  76° 6'3.14"W
or search for "Dzeng" in the box. The gold is very close. I marked it as "24K Gold Deposit." I made the video below to show you more.  SCW

Giant Cube Recorded By NASA Near Sun On Dec 21, 2012. NASA Source.

Update: I have changed the link below because the image changes every hour, I have the link that goes directly to the image archive for the above photo!  SCW

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

I was looking at the NASA/SOHO images and noticed that the black cube is back. This is on the NASA site right now so if you want to check for yourself please click the link below. This cube has been seen near the sun several times a month. Odd that it chose Dec 21, 2012. Sometimes this cube even is three dimensional so you can see it is really a cube. It is black because it is not hot like the sun is. They do have advanced tech millions or billions of years ahead of us so flying near the sun is not a fear of theirs, but what are they harvesting from the sun so often? Photo from SOHO EIT 284. SCW

You must input the data below into the boxes to view photo!
NASA Link: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query


UFO Has Failing Cloak Over Japan, Dec 21, 2012.

Above photo has added contrast to see cloaked UFO.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Japan

When looking at this at first you think its a reflection off a window, however we can clearly see the person is outside and there is no glass or reflection. This UFO is very odd in that it seems to have a cloak that is failing. Cloaks do not make it invisible, but rather make it APPEAR invisible by actually bending the light around it from top to bottom. Really wish there was more video, but this much still gives us a good idea of what he was seeing at the time. SCW

Two UFOs Seen Flying Near Moon Viewed From Singapore, Dec, 20, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Viewed from Singapore

Eyewitness states:
2 unidentified flying objects flickering lights of blue, pink, red and purple were moving away from the moon. My iPhone could not capture what the naked eye saw.  Not a store or satellite. 

Giant Mothership UFO Caught On NASA/SOHO Sun Images, Dec 20, 2012.

Below photo is actual one I found at the source. SCW

Date of sighting: December 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Streetcap1 of Youtube did it again by keeping an eye on SOHO sun images and catching this long mothership UFO. Also pay attention to its trail it makes which is a curved trajectory rather than a straight one. Since its path is curved suddenly, we know that this object is controlled by intelligent beings. Russian scientists for years have said that there are UFOs orbiting the sun that are as big or bigger than Earth itself. They said these UFOs often fly in straight paths then suddenly make right angle turns...impossible in astronomy, but only possible if they are intelligently controlled. NASA has yet to discuss this topic. I checked SCW

Write this in the box info to view it but you must look for the photo that was taken at 6:30.

Link to his source photos here. Lasco C3 image. http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query


2 hours till Dec 21, 2012 in Cancun, Mexico, what will happen?

Here in Taiwan we have 0 hours till Dec 21, 2012, but Mayan Dec 21 begins in 2 hours and will last another 24 hours. Time is up and everyone here is great. Here in Asia they took a poll and found 20% believe something will happen. Personally I feel it is a rebirth or new beginning.

Of course it's always good to be prepared for minor problems. You might want to have these items on hand in case of an emergency.

1. Candles
2. Lighters
3. Solar recharger for cell phones
4. Cases of bottled water
5. At least a two week supply of can or bag food.
6. First aid kit

These things came in handy for my family 9 years ago when a 7.8 earthquake hit Taiwan shutting off power and water for a week. Stay safe and stay positive. A ten floor building fell two blocks from us. SCW

Update: Everyone it telling me in comments and email that the 21st does not officially start until for another 2 hours in Cancun, Mexico home a an ancient Mayan city. 

Also Note: Here in taiwan a famous Buddhist priest said that at 12 noon on Dec 21, 2012 (Mayan time zone) there will be a solar burst from the sun damaging all electrical devices over Canada, US, Mexico, South America regions. I don't know much more about it sorry. That would be 14 hours away from this update. 

Many Videos From Different Eyewitnesses of Fleet Of Glowing UFO Orbs Over Santiago, Chile On Dec 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Santiago, Chile

Check out these two amazing videos by the same person of these glowing orbs for over ten minutes! They sometimes glow, other times flash like strobe lights. At first I thought this may be a traffic jam above a mountain so I altered the lighting so that I could clearly make out the mountain that the UFOs were flying over. These glowing orbs are far above the mouton as you can see in the two above (bottom) photos. These videos are 100% real and we certainly need more info on this sighting. SCW

Update: There are many eyewitnesses to this sightings. I am now including more videos of these UFOs taken by people in Santiago that day.

World Famous UFO Researcher Stanton Friedman Gives Interview About Aliens/UFOS/Disclosure, Dec 21, 2012.

This is Stanton Friedman, one of the top three UFO researchers in the world. He was a nuclear physicist working for the aerospace manufacturer and defence contractor "McDonnell Douglas." Here he gets interviewed by "ThirdPhaseofthemoon," and answers a lot of questions most of us have. He says humans are being abducted and experimented by aliens, and that the US, Russia and China are all hiding their UFO/alien research due to it being a threat to national security, meaning if your enemy uses this info, it could make them more powerful. If you never listen to such interviews, perhaps you should stop for a few minutes to listen to him. You might be surprised. SCW

For more info: http://www.stantonfriedman.com 


More UFOs Seen Orbiting The Sun In SOHO photos, Dec 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This is an update from the NASA/SOHO site of the UFOs recorded orbiting the Sun this yesterday. These UFOs were first reported by Russian scientists several years ago, but NASA on the other hand has a lot to hide. Anything to do with aliens is instantly classified because it could pertain to national security. Remember the historical announcement a NASA scientist said was about to happen but never did last week. NASA lies. And they are trying to avoid lying to the public by...not discussing the topic at all. SCW

UFO Observed Over Antarctica Station December 2012.

Date of sighting: December 2012
Location of sighting: Antarctica

The video for this sighting was deleted by Youtube. Sorry.