
Photographer Catches Some UFOs In Clouds Over Cologne, Germany Feb 5, 2013.

Date of sighting: February 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Cologne, Germany

US Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Says UFO and Aliens are Real and Watching Us.

Edgar Mitchell is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the greys are real and that right now aliens are watching us. Did you know he holds the world record for the longest moon walk of 9 hours and 7 minutes, yet back then NASA spacesuits only had 7 hours with a 30 minute back up of air, so...where was he for that 1 hour and 37 minutes? Did you know NASA chose him because Ed is deeply sensitive in the ESP area so much so he opened an institute for learning more about it? Many aliens are suppose to communicate with thought, so sending Ed would be the logical alternative if you wished to send a representative of Earth. So with great Americans like Astronaut Ed Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin, US Pres Jimmy Carter, US Pres Ronald Reagan saying they have seen UFOs some several times, then how can the public say they are wrong and why does the public continue to follow the skeptics belief that these American heroes are lying? Don't be a sheep, be a wolf. SCW


UFO Sighting in Albuquerque, New Mexico Talked About On TV News, Jan 28, 2013.

Date of sighting: January 28, 2013
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

January 29, 2013 - UNITED STATES - Many people were taking pictures of the sky Saturday night because of the recent storm. But one viewer caught something different while trying to shoot the gloomy clouds. Check out this video we got from viewer Cesar Garcia. He was recording the clouds near Blake and Unser when he saw an object fly by. You can faintly see another one trailing it. This all happened around 6 p.m. Saturday. Garcia said he didn't even notice it until after he played back the video. 

Video posted by MASS UFO Sightings | http://massufosightings.blogspot.com/

Alien Structure Of UFO Discovered In Moon Crater, Feb 2013.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, Sea of Tranquility 
Crater Name: Taruntius F
Date of image: Dec 21-27, 1968 Apollo 8 mission
Crater size: 10-15 miles across (NASA)

I was looking over NASA Apollo moon photos when I came across this odd structure or craft in a crater on the moon. It looks like an ancient building that has long since been eroded by time and space. I also checked out other NASA links with the same photo and the structure was edited out of the the photo, so apparently someone somewhere didn't want the public to see this, but it still exists on at least one official site. SCW


Synchronised UFO Fleet Over Mexico On Jan 2013.

Date of sighting: January 2013
Location of sighting: Mexico

At first glance I made the mistake of assuming this was a video of seaguls. I was mistaken. Not a single one of them flap like a bird would. These objects appear to be a fleet of UFOs or even possibly DARPA drones being tested in Mexico. Notice how the UFOs or drones synchronise in flight and clearly show that they are controlled by intelligence. They also look a little like the secret aircraft the TR3B. SCW

UFO Sphere Goes Under Plane In Sydney, Australia Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2013
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia

This is a great capture of a UFO orb near a plane. He is using an ir lens over a old Sony Camcorder.

This video was taken by "colorufo" of Youtube. He taught me how to catch orbs by using a infrared filter usually 700-900 (ten bucks on ebay) and put it onto an old Sony Camcorder, then switch on the cameras night mode and pow! You got infrared in the daytime. Awesome way to record things that cannot be seen with the human eye. He does answer your comments so if you want some advice from him go to his videos and ask him a few questions. SCW


Evidence NASA Edits Photos To Keep Public In Dark.

Date of discovery: February 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit, Apollo 11

Now while looking through some NASA photos I found a website that has collected NASA photos for the last 15 years or so and stores them on their site. On photo has an anomaly which could be a UFO or an energy being or ship, but mostly this proves that NASA does one thing that they have been denying for over two decades…they edit photos. So if this was 1969 (Apollo photo of them returning to Earth) then it would be clear that sometime after the fact the edit took place. Also for them to want to edit the photo it must have showed the public something that NASA didn't want them to know. Also notice the color saturation has been reduced to show less detail and less vibrant color. Take a look at the photos and check out the links below and decide for yourself. SCW

Website a person who collected NASA photos:
NASA website: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS11/36/5319.jpg

UFO Descends Over Castle At Sterling City, Scotland Feb 2, 2013.

Date of sighting: February 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Stirling City, Scotland

Eyewitness states: 
I filmed this big object flying east then turning west .Big Bright oblong bright white silver thing was one object then split in two then 3 then goes back to one dont know what it is mabe ufo mabe drone or some type of aroplane who knows let you decide. It just descended beyond those trees.


Glowing Orbs Over Neighborhood In Frisco, Texas Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: February 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Frisco, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON

Eyewitness states:
At approximately 7:30PM, I went out to my backyard to talk on the phone. When I looked to south, toward Dallas, I saw a bright orange light just above the rooflines/treeline. As we are on the flightpaths for both DFW and Dallas Love airports, I thought it was a plane taking off from Love. Over the next 30 minutes, it would periodically brighten, then dim. It would also ascend, then descend below the rooflines of our subdivision, then ascend again. At its brightest, it was about a half inch in diameter, from my point of view.
After 10 minutes, I got my binoculars, and thats when I noticed two other orange orbs that werent as bright and large as the first. They were also ascending and descending periodically, along with slow lateral movements. I asked my husband to look at them through the binoculars, and confirm that they werent helicopters. There was no sound, other than when a plane would cross overhead for one of the airports.
After 20 minutes, I got my camera, a Sony Nex-5, and set the shutter speed for 1/25sec, since I didnt want to take the time to set up a tripod. After taking a series of photos, the two dimmer orbs faded out, and the larger orb dimmed significantly, then headed east on a straight line flight path until it disappeared at approximately 8PM.


Pilot Captures UFO On Video Over Costa Rica On Jan 2013.

Date of sighting: January 2013
Location of sighting: Costa Rica 

Footage captured by a pilot over Costa Rica appears to show an unidentified flying object. The footage corresponds to a flight on Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In the video we see a rapidly moving object below the aircraft. 

The video was captured by the commercial pilot Joseph Daniel Araya, who has more than 500 flight hours. Araya says he was recording with his cell phone when suddenly the camera screen saw the object moving, When he looked out of the aircraft there was nothing, said the pilot,

To find an answer to what happened we went to Jose Alberto Villalobos, astronomer and UFO researcher Alexis Astua. 

Villalobos estimated that the object on the screen could have a length between 7 and 10 meters. Its speed could reach 3600 kilometers per hour, seven times more than the ship from which the footage was captured,

Meanwhile Astua does not rule out a UFO but also a secondary reflection theory.The sighting in the South is not strange, since in this region there are constant reports.

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