
Glowing UFO Moving Over Homes In Mexico, Feb 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 11, 2014
Location of sighting: Morelos, Mexico

This colorful UFO changes directions quickly and hovers for a few seconds before it shoots off in a new direction. This video is best viewed in Full screen HD mode. Sure this looks like an radio controlled device with LEDs on it, but understand this single fact...UFOs do come in these colors and have even been recorded in front of and over police cars, so...which one is this? It's impossible to say for sure. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Approx. At 22:00 pm on February 11, 2014, this video was recorded. I do not claim to be a ship, but it is a unidentified flying object. First time I record something. Discuss please.


Glowing Orb Entity Caught On Security Cam In China, Jan 30, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 30, 2014
Time: 18:56:33
Location of sighting: Qihe County, Shandong, China

My opinion is that it's an entity caught on infrared cam. IR is well known to catch these orbs, which are not visible most the time with the human eye. These entities get caught often, especially on wildlife forest cams. SCW

Guys this is a rough translation by me SCW:
In China a person caught a glowing orb moving in a jerking fashion toward their doorway and then was seen coming out. The Glowing orb headed toward their pig pens and wasn't seen again. The family saw the orb on the security screen and went outside to check, but saw nothing. 

Later they tried to test a flag, shiny kids jacket and a laser on a rifle to see if it caused this unknown phenomenon. The closest they came was a laser, but it was not as exact and round as the orb was on the security cam. Although they live on a farm with no neighbors nearby, they could not decide for sure what it was. 

The family was highly agitates since 8 days earlier the grandmother died in their home and they were worried that the orb was her returning spirit or some other that took her. SCW


Happy Valentines Day Everyone, Heart Shaped Crater On Mars Found By NASA, UFO Sighting News.

Misson: Mars Global Surveyor
Date of image: June 17, 1999

Even NASA notices strange shapes on Mars. This heart is for all those lonely souls in the universe and it has stood the test of time, proving a heart can last forever. I hope all of you have a good one. SCW

NASA States: 
The heart-shaped pit is about 2.3 kilometers (1.4 miles) at its widest. The image was targeted by the MOC team in order to examine the relationship between a lava flow (margins indicated by white arrows, above right) and the graben and pits that disrupted and cut across the flow. The graben, pit, and lava flow are located on the east flank of the Alba Patera volcano in northern Tharsis. The MOC images are illuminated from the left.

Thousands of UFO Believers Gather To Meet At UFO Conference To Hear Eyewitnesses Lectures, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Feb 2014
Location of UFO conference: Fountain Hills, Arizona, USA
Date of conference: February 26 until March 3, 2014
Where: Fort McDowell Resort and Casino in Fountain Hills, AZ 

About 2,500 people will attend this conference which is the 23rd one to take place. Lots of academics and a former scientist from NASA (Richard Hoover) who discovered alien life in meteorites will be there. SCW

News States: 
It's the largest UFO convention in the country, hundreds gather at the international UFO congress in Fountain Hills this week. There's a spectrum of believers at the conference from those who are curious about the possibility of aliens and UFO's to those that believe they themselves are aliens. FOX 10 asked attendees, what do aliens look like and we got a galaxy of possibilities.

Also ABC News Source: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/02/those-glowing-lights-in-arizona-are-ufo-conference/


Glowing Red UFOs Over Bedfordshire, England On Jan 27, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: A5120, Toddington, Bedfordshire
Date of sighting: January 27, 2014
Source: http://www.uk-ufo.co.uk/page/3/

Eyewitness states: 
I was travelling from Houghton Regis towards Toddington along a dark road and I saw 2 red lights in the sky, they were moving eratically, sort of dancing and appeared to be moving together, and then apart. They appeared to be very high, almost illuminating the clouds. I have 2 images taken from my camera phone which i wanted to share. No idea what they could have been!

Triangle UFO Seen With Night Vision Over Mexico, Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 10, 2014
Location of sighting: Atizapan, Mexico

Eyewitness states: (translated from Spanish)
A triangular UFO crosses the sky quickly the February 10, 2014 at 20:26 hrs. This video is filmed with Yukon Ranger night vision system, and doing surveillance is when the passage of this object is captured with a triangle on the town Atizapán of Zaragoza, Edo. of Mexico. This recording is excellent, because we had not seen a single object of these conditions so far. It is a clearly TRIANGULAR UFO.