
UFO Fleet Over Supermarket In South Carolina, Feb 22, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 22, 2014
Location of sighting: Greenville, South Carolina, USA

These glowing UFOs were seen over a supermarket this week. These glowing balls of light are being seen all over the world. Every week we get a new report of them in a new location. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Recording at 9pm near Bi-Lo market.


Minister Louis Farrakhan calls on President Barack Obama to “open up Area 51", Feb 15, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Last week Minister Louis Farrakhan made a video in which he called on President Barack Obama to “open up Area 51 and states, “President Barack Obama, call the scientists. Open up Area 51 to the scientists to the world, because you America are the leader that Allah God has raised and made you powerful that he might make himself known through you,” Farrakhan said. “And if America calls the scientists of the earth to such place, they will respond.”

How will Obama react to such a forthright request? Farrakhans view is messing with millions of US citizens at the moment, all of which waiting to see how the President responds. Will Obama be true to his promise of transparency, or will he ignore the request from the public, something we have come to expect lately from Obama. SCW

Diamond UFO Caught Over Guadalajara, Mexico On Feb 14, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 14, 2014
Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico

A diamond like UFO was caught in Mexico last week and it looks a lot like a past sighting, except this is not spinning. Back in Oct 28, 1979 a similar UFO appeared but it had a friend with it. It appeared over a football game while being broadcasted live on TV. Some announcer noticed it and told the camera man to zoom in on it and he did...this is what it looks like. Click here to see the 1979 UFOs over the Dallas Cowboys game. 


Glowing UFO Fleet Over Fresno, California On Feb 21, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 21, 2014
Location of sighting: Fresno, California, USA
Source: MUFON.com

Eyewitness states:
We were outside McDonalds saying our goodnights, noticed three orange pulsating lights flying in an elongated V formation, then four following in a straight line formation, then another 7 in groups of 3 and four, when they were almost overhead they hovered and changed direction from SE to SW accelerated away and faded out. This lasted for about 10 minutes, there were about a dozen people looking up and watching the objects, the local police helicopter flew over head and was headed towards the NW, there were several small planes in sky (strobe lights) these objects were above them.

UFO Sightings in Pucallpa, Peru February 2014

Date of sighting: February 2014
Location of sighting: Pucallpa, Peru

This is from a TV News broadcast in Peru this week. UFO appeared over a community in Pucallpa where concerned residence talked about their sighting.