
Ring UFO Appears Over Warwickshire, England, Many Witnesses, April 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2014
Location of sighting:  Warwickshire, England
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/leamington-spa-schoolgirl-takes-picture-3414787

According to the Daily Mirror, 16-year-old Georgina was playing tennis with her mom when she saw the UFO moving past. The pair saw a clearly defined black circle which looked like a giant smoke ring. The UFO hovered for three minutes before it disappeared. Georgina stated that she looked up at the object in the sky and thought "what the hell. It was just floating there like a cloud and then it disappeared. It wasn't birds either. There were about ten of us who stopped what we were doing and watched. It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen." 

The video below of the UFO shows the object over a tree, but end before the UFO disappears, which would have been helpful to see to determine if its a smoke ring or UFO cloaking. SCW

A similar UFO was recorded by some US solders in Sept 1957 at Fort Belvior, Virginia. Private Stone remembered his Kodak Brownie camera which was in his car. He ran over to the car, which was parked nearby, grabbed the camera and took six pictures in fairly rapid sequence. After the second picture was taken, the strange ring started to develop a mist around itself. The mist thickened rapidly until it was more like a small cloud and within 30 to 60 seconds the Black ring was completely enveloped within a small compact cloud of its own.


Mysterious Light Shows Up In Another Mars Photo, VIDEO, April 13, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 13, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars surface

This light recorded on the Mars surface was found by Streetcap1, the same person that found the first light. It seems to be the same source of light as before, but viewed from a different angle and further away than before. 

What's the use of having a 2 billion dollar rover if these anomalies in the Mars photos are never explored? The UFO researchers are finding daily and for free. The public cried out when the Mars squirrel was found in a rover photos, but did NASA care? No...they ignored the cries of the public and drove away just as they did with all the other discoveries. Remember the Mars donut? Did they analyse it with the onboard tech and show us the results? No! Did they flip it over or give the public close up HD photos of it? %@#$ no! And NASA wonders why UFO researchers don't trust them. SCW

Streetcap1 of Youtube states: 
I am on holiday just now and was browsing through earlier Nasa Curiosity images when I found this. It is from a much earlier part of the mission. To my knowledge it has not been published before.

Pipe-like Structure Found On Mars By Rover, April 13, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 13, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars 

This unusual anomaly on Mars was discovered by "UFOsightings Hotspot" of Youtube. I watched his video and had to have a look at this one. This object he discovered is pipe-like in appearance. Its near the edge of a rock and very well may be a carving in  its side. Not far away from this pipe object, I found a broken face. It looks like it broke off of the full statue when all the destruction hit the Mars surface long ago. I love how its nose stands out so perfectly. Awesome evidence of ancient intelligent life, I just hope they are still around. SCW


Underwater Alien Cities in the Andes of Peru, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 23, 2007
Location of discovery: Andes Mountains, Peru
Source: Ceatorsdream of Youtube 

1st lake: 14°43'16.02”S 69°21'43.32”W
2nd lake: 14°37'33.29”S 69°22'39.12”W 
3rd lake: 14°38'27.09”S 69°21'53.46”W
4th lake: 14°38'25.70”S 69°25'13.88"W

Many of us have seen these circuit board like lakes all around the world, but they seem common in the Peru and Lima. They show a structures below the surface of the lake which reveal not an ancient civilization, but an advanced civilization...far beyond our own. These structures are just the surface...they are the entrances to their cities 4-6km below the Earths surface. Sure this was recorded in 2007, but today most these lakes appear the same...unchanged and circuit board in appearance which tells me that this is not pixilation  because the 2007 Google photos and the 2014 show the same under water structures. They are there! SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I have run across some very interesting anomalies in lakes throughout the Andes Mountains in Peru. The images come from Google Earth and can be seen by anyone using this wonderful application. I came across these "Unidentified Underwater Anomalies - UWA's" while researching various places in the mountain region of Peru. As you probably know, there are quite a number of ancient ruins such as Machu Picchu that have been inhabited by the Inca and civilizations much older than the Inca. The other location which I found UWA's is in the northern central andes about 200 miles north-east of Lima. 


Alien Figure With Writing In Moon Crater, Also Ship and Building. April 12, 2014, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: April 12, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo source: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_lroc/LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0/M1141779533LE

I found a figure in a crater and above the figure was the letter W, but of course it has a different meaning that what we know it as. This looks like a greeting or sign for aliens to view and feel comfortable about where they are. Sure they don't need signs, but they do need assurances that they are welcomed. Humans have signs everywhere, even though we don't need most of them. Same thing. Just a greeting of some sort. W=welcome...probably not, but would be cool if it did. SCW 

Glowing UFO Over Duck Keys, Florida On March 27, 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News, Email Report.

Date of sighting: March 27 - 28,  2014
Location of sighting: Duck Keys, Florda, USA
Source: Email Report

This was in the mail this morning. A person in Florida caught a glowing orb. Its a bit hard to see it, but if you watch in full screen mode, it helps. These glowing orbs often are seen in fleets, but sometimes individuals are caught on video. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
WOW!!!!!! We were out on the boat dock at Hawks / Duck Key's FL, on 27 Mar 2014. I have NEVER seen anything like this before!! I have about 6 videos that I would love an explanation. FYI. I am a vet with the US Army.


Australian Spots UFOs Over Adelade, Australia, TV News, April 11, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of newscast: April 2014
Location of sightings: Adelade, Australia
Date of sightings: Still happening

A woman in Adelade, Australia has recorded many hours of UFOs near her home. Her home videos have been made into a documentary. She says that not even die hard skeptics can ignore her footage. She is not the only one in Adelade who has recorded UFOs. There are actually a large number of UFO videos coming out of the small town and I will post a few of them below. If you want to see a UFO, you really have to put the time into recording the sky. Then go back over your footage and see if you caught one. Digital cameras and computers are making disclosure of the truth very close. SCW